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inconsistent GPML between classic and this repo #60

Open egonw opened 1 month ago

egonw commented 1 month ago

I double checked and this seems to be happening, and I'm using WP1075 as the running example. The 'classic' GPML has a mim-modification arrow head:

  <Interaction GraphId="bc3ed">
    <Graphics ConnectorType="Elbow" ZOrder="12288" LineThickness="1.0">
      <Point X="2112.2458333333334" Y="1188.0" GraphRef="f5e5d" RelX="0.0" RelY="1.0"/>
      <Point X="1818.1145833333333" Y="1201.0"/>
      <Point X="1523.9833333333333" Y="1122.5" GraphRef="aa691" RelX="0.5" RelY="1.0" ArrowHead="mim-modification"/>
    <Xref Database="" ID=""/>

Or, what is looked like on classic (left) and this repo (right) on Friday:


I looked at an unrelated edit triggering an (intended) update in this database:



But it is not clear to me why it only changed now, as the mim-modification was there for much longer, and at least 2019:



So, for now the issue is solved. And maybe we should just reimport all GPMLs from the classic website at some point.