willfarrell / alfred-pkgman-workflow

Package Repo Search
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Java Maven Package URL malformed #135

Closed aruh closed 2 years ago

aruh commented 6 years ago

The URL that is opened in a browser when searching maven packages contains too many characters. For example, this is the url for the latest retrofit version: http://search.maven.org/%23artifactdetails%25%257Ccom.squareup.retrofit2%25%257Cretrofit%25%257C2.4.0%25%257Cjar

For comparison the correct url for the artifact: https://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Ccom.squareup.retrofit2%7Cretrofit%7C2.4.0%7Cjar

The search URL in the Maven.php file looks fine, but the file that is packaged into the workflow contains additional % characters:

$url = "{$this->url}/#artifactdetails%%7C{$pkg->g}%%7C{$pkg->a}%%7C{$pkg->latestVersion}%%7C{$pkg->p}";

Same thing goes for the search_url, opening the search for an unknown package also yields a malformed URL.

Alfred v3.6.2, Workflow 3.40

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

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