williambl / bigbuckets

🏺 A Minecraft mod which adds upgradable buckets.
MIT License
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[Request] Add better recipe handling or disable recipe option #13

Open Explode007 opened 1 year ago

Explode007 commented 1 year ago

Situation: As a pack maker, I want to make use of Big Buckets but seeming as you can make a bucket of 1000 Buckets then it defeats the purpose of making tanks since you can carry anything in the giga bucket.

All im asking for it a way to remove the recipe because from what it seems is that the craft isn't actually craft, if not just an increase in size to the item. I tried removing it with crafttweaker, it seems it can't find the recipe. For the purpose of being able to limit the max size of how big you can make the bucket, or to remove the crafting recipe so that one may create their own recipe for the big bucket with a cap. For example, I would like to make my recipe be the same as a bucket recipe but with iron blocks, and the player receives a bucket of max capacity 16 buckets which I think is fair enough, which I can do right now, but the other recipe still exists meaning that you can turn the bucket bigger via the old recipe of big bucket + buckets