williamboman / nvim-lsp-installer

Further development has moved to https://github.com/williamboman/mason.nvim!
Apache License 2.0
2k stars 123 forks source link

sumneko_lua failing to install in macos #615

Closed kassio closed 2 years ago

kassio commented 2 years ago

Problem description

     sumneko_lua (failed)
        Fetching latest release version from GitHub API...
        ...r/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/core/managers/github/client.lua:54: Failed to find latest release.
        ...art/nvim-lsp-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/server.lua:247: Installation failed.

Neovim version (>= 0.6)

$ nvim --version
NVIM v0.8.0-dev+1473-ga391cd517
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compiled by kassioborges@Kassios-MacBook-Pro.local

Features: +acl +iconv +tui
See ":help feature-compile"

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/Cellar/neovim/HEAD-a391cd5/share/nvim"

Run :checkhealth for more info

Operating system/version

Darwin Kassios-MacBook-Pro.local 21.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.4.0: Fri Mar 18 00:45:05 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.101.4~15/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

I've recently downloaded the latest plugin version of both nvim-lsp-installer and nvim-lspconfig

Affected language servers


Actual behavior

     sumneko_lua (failed)
        Fetching latest release version from GitHub API...
        ...r/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/core/managers/github/client.lua:54: Failed to find latest release.
        ...art/nvim-lsp-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/server.lua:247: Installation failed.

Expected behavior

to be installed.

LspInstallInfo output

No response

Installation log

[INFO  Wed Apr 20 18:23:07 2022] ...-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/ui/status-win/init.lua:682: Starting install server_name="sumneko_lua", requested_version=""
[INFO  Wed Apr 20 18:23:07 2022] ...r/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/core/managers/github/client.lua:53: Failed to find latest release. repo="sumneko/vscode-lua", opts={}
[ERROR Wed Apr 20 18:23:07 2022] ...art/nvim-lsp-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/server.lua:267: Server installation failed, server_name="sumneko_lua", error="...art/nvim-lsp-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/server.lua:247: Installation failed."
[INFO  Wed Apr 20 18:23:07 2022] ...-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/ui/status-win/init.lua:701: Installation completed server_name="sumneko_lua", success=false

### Healthcheck

null-ls: require("null-ls.health").check()
  - INFO: gitsigns: cannot verify if the command is an executable.
  - OK: markdownlint: the command "markdownlint" is executable.
  - OK: shellcheck: the command "shellcheck" is executable.
  - OK: rubocop: the command "rubocop" is executable.
  - OK: stylua: the command "stylua" is executable.

nvim: health#nvim#check
## Configuration
  - OK: no issues found

## Performance
  - OK: Build type: Release

## Remote Plugins
  - OK: Up to date

## terminal
  - INFO: key_backspace (kbs) terminfo entry: key_backspace=^H
  - INFO: key_dc (kdch1) terminfo entry: key_dc=\E[3~
  - INFO: $TERM_PROGRAM='iTerm.app'
  - INFO: $COLORTERM='truecolor'

nvim-lsp-installer: require("nvim-lsp-installer.health").check()
## nvim-lsp-installer report
  - OK: neovim version >= 0.6.0
  - WARNING: **cargo**: not available
  - WARNING: **Composer**: not available
  - WARNING: **PHP**: not available
  - WARNING: **julia**: not available
  - OK: **gzip**: `Apple gzip 353.100.22`
  - OK: **python3**: `Python 3.9.12`
  - OK: **tar**: `bsdtar 3.5.1 - libarchive 3.5.1 zlib/1.2.11 liblzma/5.0.5 bz2lib/1.0.8 `
  - OK: **bash**: `GNU bash, version 5.1.16(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin21.1.0)`
  - OK: **Go**: `go version go1.18.1 darwin/amd64`
  - OK: **wget**: `GNU Wget 1.21.3 built on darwin21.3.0.`
  - OK: **sh**: `Ok`
  - WARNING: **java**: not available
  - WARNING: **javac**: not available
  - OK: **node**: `v17.9.0`
  - OK: **curl**: `curl 7.79.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin21.0) libcurl/7.79.1 (SecureTransport) LibreSSL/3.3.5 zlib/1.2.11 nghttp2/1.45.1`
  - OK: **Ruby**: `ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x86_64-darwin21]`
  - OK: **npm**: `8.5.5`
  - OK: **RubyGem**: `3.3.11`
  - OK: **pip3**: `pip 22.0.4 from /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pip (python 3.9)`

nvim-treesitter: require("nvim-treesitter.health").check()
## Installation
  - OK: `tree-sitter` found 0.20.6 (parser generator, only needed for :TSInstallFromGrammar)
  - OK: `node` found v17.9.0 (only needed for :TSInstallFromGrammar)
  - OK: `git` executable found.
  - OK: `cc` executable found. Selected from { vim.NIL, "cc", "gcc", "clang", "cl", "zig" }
    Version: Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316.
  - OK: Neovim was compiled with tree-sitter runtime ABI version 14 (required >=13). Parsers must be compatible with runtime ABI.

## Parser/Features H L F I J
  - erlang         . . . . . 
  - astro          ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - hcl            ✓ . ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - elixir         ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - c              ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - verilog        ✓ ✓ ✓ . ✓ 
  - gleam          ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - dockerfile     ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - java           ✓ ✓ . ✓ ✓ 
  - json5          ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - ocaml          ✓ ✓ ✓ . ✓ 
  - scheme         ✓ . ✓ . ✓ 
  - scss           ✓ . . ✓ . 
  - ocaml_interface✓ ✓ ✓ . ✓ 
  - ocamllex       ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - make           ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - llvm           ✓ . . . . 
  - c_sharp        ✓ ✓ ✓ . ✓ 
  - rego           ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - http           ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - todotxt        ✓ . . . . 
  - prisma         ✓ . . . . 
  - clojure        ✓ ✓ ✓ . ✓ 
  - ruby           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - commonlisp     ✓ ✓ ✓ . . 
  - query          ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - supercollider  ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - svelte         ✓ . ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - cuda           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - slint          ✓ . . ✓ . 
  - markdown       ✓ . ✓ . ✓ 
  - r              ✓ ✓ . ✓ ✓ 
  - haskell        ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - glsl           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - elm            ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - tlaplus        ✓ ✓ ✓ . ✓ 
  - dot            ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - nix            ✓ ✓ ✓ . ✓ 
  - rust           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - fusion         ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ . 
  - comment        ✓ . . . . 
  - toml           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - pug            ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - css            ✓ . ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - wgsl           ✓ . ✓ . . 
  - glimmer        ✓ . . . . 
  - typescript     ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - jsonc          ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - solidity       ✓ . . . . 
  - tsx            ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - lalrpop        ✓ ✓ . . . 
  - vala           ✓ . . . . 
  - fish           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - norg           . . . . . 
  - hack           ✓ . . . . 
  - ninja          ✓ . ✓ ✓ . 
  - json           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ . 
  - vim            ✓ ✓ . . ✓ 
  - vue            ✓ . ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - foam           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - rasi           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ . 
  - php            ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - rst            ✓ ✓ . . ✓ 
  - hocon          ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - fennel         ✓ ✓ . . ✓ 
  - hjson          ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - teal           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - pioasm         ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - help           ✓ . . . . 
  - ql             ✓ ✓ . ✓ ✓ 
  - go             ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - cmake          ✓ . ✓ . . 
  - lua            ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - cpp            ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - pascal         ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - fortran        ✓ . ✓ ✓ . 
  - zig            ✓ . ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - phpdoc         ✓ . . . . 
  - bibtex         ✓ . ✓ ✓ . 
  - latex          ✓ . ✓ . ✓ 
  - gomod          ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - yaml           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - gowork         ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - scala          ✓ . ✓ . ✓ 
  - surface        ✓ . ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - graphql        ✓ . . ✓ ✓ 
  - sparql         ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - bash           ✓ ✓ ✓ . ✓ 
  - regex          ✓ . . . . 
  - gdscript       ✓ ✓ . ✓ ✓ 
  - perl           ✓ . ✓ . . 
  - jsdoc          ✓ . . . . 
  - d              ✓ . ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - godot_resource ✓ ✓ ✓ . . 
  - python         ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - yang           ✓ . ✓ . . 
  - heex           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - eex            ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - turtle         ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - ledger         ✓ . ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - devicetree     ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - dart           ✓ ✓ . ✓ ✓ 
  - kotlin         ✓ ✓ ✓ . ✓ 
  - julia          ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - swift          ✓ ✓ . . . 
  - cooklang       ✓ . . . . 
  - javascript     ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
  - beancount      ✓ . ✓ . . 
  - elvish         ✓ . . . ✓ 
  - html           ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 

  Legend: H[ighlight], L[ocals], F[olds], I[ndents], In[j]ections
         +) multiple parsers found, only one will be used
         x) errors found in the query, try to run :TSUpdate {lang}

provider: health#provider#check
## Clipboard (optional)
  - OK: Clipboard tool found: pbcopy

## Python 3 provider (optional)
  - INFO: `g:python3_host_prog` is not set.  Searching for python3 in the environment.
  - INFO: Multiple python3 executables found.  Set `g:python3_host_prog` to avoid surprises.
  - INFO: Executable: /usr/local/opt/python@3.9/bin/python3
  - INFO: Other python executable: /usr/local/bin/python3
  - INFO: Other python executable: /usr/bin/python3
  - INFO: Python version: 3.9.12
  - INFO: pynvim version: 0.4.3
  - OK: Latest pynvim is installed.

## Python virtualenv

## Ruby provider (optional)
  - INFO: Ruby: ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x86_64-darwin21]
  - INFO: Host: /Users/kassioborges/.asdf/shims/neovim-ruby-host
  - OK: Latest "neovim" gem is installed: 0.9.0

## Node.js provider (optional)
  - INFO: Node.js: v17.9.0
  - WARNING: Missing "neovim" npm (or yarn) package.
    - ADVICE:
      - Run in shell: npm install -g neovim
      - Run in shell (if you use yarn): yarn global add neovim
      - You may disable this provider (and warning) by adding `let g:loaded_node_provider = 0` to your init.vim

## Perl provider (optional)
  - WARNING: "Neovim::Ext" cpan module is not installed
    - ADVICE:
      - See :help |provider-perl| for more information.
      - You may disable this provider (and warning) by adding `let g:loaded_perl_provider = 0` to your init.vim

targets: health#targets#check
  - OK: No conflicting mappings found

telescope: require("telescope.health").check()
## Checking for required plugins
  - OK: plenary installed.
  - OK: nvim-treesitter installed.

## Checking external dependencies
  - OK: rg: found ripgrep 13.0.0
  - OK: fd: found fd 8.3.2

## ===== Installed extensions =====

## Telescope Extension: `fzf`
  - INFO: No healthcheck provided

vim.lsp: require("vim.lsp.health").check()
  - INFO: LSP log level : WARN
  - INFO: Log path: /Users/kassioborges/.cache/nvim/lsp.log
  - INFO: Log size: 12858 KB

vim.treesitter: require("vim.treesitter.health").check()
  - INFO: Runtime ABI version : 14
  - OK: Loaded parser for astro: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for bash: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for beancount: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for bibtex: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for c: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for clojure: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for cmake: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for comment: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for commonlisp: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for cooklang: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for cpp: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for css: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for cuda: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for c_sharp: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for d: ABI version 14
  - OK: Loaded parser for dart: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for devicetree: ABI version 14
  - OK: Loaded parser for dockerfile: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for dot: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for eex: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for elixir: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for elm: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for elvish: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for erlang: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for fennel: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for fish: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for foam: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for fortran: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for fusion: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for gdscript: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for gleam: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for glimmer: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for glsl: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for go: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for godot_resource: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for gomod: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for gowork: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for graphql: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for hack: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for haskell: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for hcl: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for heex: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for help: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for hjson: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for hocon: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for html: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for http: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for java: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for javascript: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for jsdoc: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for json: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for json5: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for jsonc: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for julia: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for kotlin: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for lalrpop: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for latex: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for ledger: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for llvm: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for lua: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for make: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for markdown: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for ninja: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for nix: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for norg: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for ocaml: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for ocamllex: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for ocaml_interface: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for pascal: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for perl: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for php: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for phpdoc: ABI version 14
  - OK: Loaded parser for pioasm: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for prisma: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for pug: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for python: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for ql: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for query: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for r: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for rasi: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for regex: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for rego: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for rst: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for ruby: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for rust: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for scala: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for scheme: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for scss: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for slint: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for solidity: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for sparql: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for supercollider: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for surface: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for svelte: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for swift: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for teal: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for tlaplus: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for todotxt: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for toml: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for tsx: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for turtle: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for typescript: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for vala: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for verilog: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for vim: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for vue: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for wgsl: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for yaml: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for yang: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for zig: ABI version 13

### Screenshots

_No response_
williamboman commented 2 years ago

Hello! This is likely due to your IP being ratelimited by GitHub's API. Reasons for this could be that you're using a shared public IP. What you can do is either of the following:

baiyeming commented 2 years ago

您好,因为本人是新手,通过文章中的介绍,使用了nvim-lsp-installer插件,但是我很困惑,在安装sumneko_lua的时候失败了,经检查是如下原因:在请求github库的时候出现404。 https://github.com/sumneko/vscode-lua/releases/download/tag/v3.2.0 尝试删除地址中的download可以找到,我无法知道原因,请求作者大大解惑 https://github.com/sumneko/vscode-lua/releases/tag/v3.2.0

kassio commented 2 years ago

Doing specifying a version to install, for example :LspInstall sumneko_lua@v3.1.0 and then re-installing without the version worked. Thanks for the help.

williamboman commented 2 years ago


I'm not sure what could be the error. If you'd like, could you please create a new GitHub Issue and provide the information that is requested so that I can better help you?

translated via Google Translate

我不确定可能是什么错误。 如果您愿意,您能否创建一个新的 GitHub 问题并提供所需的信息,以便我可以更好地帮助您?

kassio commented 2 years ago


This error still happening for some reason. I tried to install the latest sumneko_lua version and got:

:LspInstall sumneko_lua@3.2.2 (release: https://github.com/sumneko/lua-language-server/releases/tag/3.2.2)

[INFO  Tue May  3 09:47:24 2022] ...-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/ui/status-win/init.lua:682: Starting install server_name="sumneko_lua", requested_version="3.2.2"
[ERROR Tue May  3 09:47:25 2022] ...installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/core/installer/init.lua:79: Installation failed, name="sumneko_lua", error='...taller/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/core/managers/std/init.lua:61: Failed to download file "https://github.com/sumneko/vscode-lua/releases/download/3.2.2/vscode-lua-3.2.2-darwin-x64.vsix".\nspawn: curl failed with exit code 22. curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404\n'
[INFO  Tue May  3 09:47:25 2022] ...-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/ui/status-win/init.lua:701: Installation completed server_name="sumneko_lua", success=false

I think something changed in the sumneko_lua package, since the version 3.1.0 is installed successfully.

williamboman commented 2 years ago

I think you're missing the v: :LspInstall sumneko_lua@v3.2.2 (it needs to be the same as the tag names themselves)

Screenshot 2022-05-03 at 14 55 15
kassio commented 2 years ago

Ohh my bad! You're right!

williamboman commented 2 years ago

Hopefully https://github.com/williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer/issues/644 will make this error easier to avoid :)