willyvmm / mouSTer

mouSTer - universal USB HID class device to db9 adapter.
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Speedlink Competition Pro Extra USB not recognized/working on C64 #6

Closed zeegerman1 closed 1 year ago

zeegerman1 commented 2 years ago

I use the latest firmware from 2021-11-18 (via mouSTer.fw.3.16.2600.zip).

Interestingly, the DBG file indicates that the Competition Pro joysticks are identified differently by mouSTer (see attached DBG file, which looks like the ID of a "Sony DualShock 3 / Sixaxis" controller) than on my Macbook Pro, the latter of which identifies them as:

Product ID: 0x2217
Vendor ID:  0x0738  (Mad Catz, Inc.)
Version:    1.09
Speed:  Up to 12 Mb/s
Manufacturer:   MY-POWER CO.,LTD.
Location ID:    0x14140000 / 3
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA):  100
Extra Operating Current (mA):   0

My current INI and DBG files are included below. (Ultimate goal is to have the two main buttons function as "fire button 1", and two of the others a POTX, POTY, respectively - with the attached INI file this works for my Xbox controller, but not for the Competition Pro.)


willyvmm commented 2 years ago

This issue has been reported a few times through different channels. Seems like I need the real hardware to debug this issue.

zeegerman1 commented 2 years ago

I've been able to re-confirm this issue with another C64 and a third Competition Pro USB joystick in the meantime.

Are there any news on this?

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

Please try the latest Pre-Release Firmware: https://github.com/willyvmm/mouSTer/releases/tag/3.17.3309

zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

Tried the latest firmware 3.17.3309 with both my Competition Pro USB joysticks and both of my mouSTers on my C64, but seeing the following issue: With the attached INI, only the fourth button is recognized, and incorreclty as "fire 1" rather than as "paddleB".

Attaching INI and DBG files as usual. DBG_and_INI.zip

zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

@willyvmm I also just tried the very latest firmware release 3.17.3470, but it has the same exact issue as the one described in my previous comment: With the ini settings identical to the ones in that comment, it recognizes only the fourth button, and incorrectly so as "fire 1" rather than as "paddleB".

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

@zeegerman1 This joystick is a kind of Chameleon device. Some other Programmers call it BROKEN DEVICE.

Depending on ... I have no idea what ... it presents itself as a:

SPEEDLINK COMPETITION PRO / Mad Catz (mostly windows) Game Controller for Android (Saw that on Linux) Sixaxis/Playstation DS3 (Linux and mouSTer)

This device is already BLACKLISTED fx in. SDL, HWInfo, VirtualBox.

Because it's recognized as a DS3, buttons are remapped to easily support the TRUE SixAxis/DS3 controller. I can add a config flag to force remapping buttons for that device. That should not be a big problem. And I am willing to do that only because this is one of the best Pseudo Digital USB Joysticks on the market.

zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

@willyvmm I see - very odd they chose to build it that way. If you could add a flag for the device, that would be great.

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

Speedlink Competition Pro Extra with mouSTer.

Everything seems to be working as expected. It has been already fixed. Fw. [3.17.3475 - Pre-Release 3]

The firmware has been upgraded to 3.17.3475, and then I uploaded your config.

This is the label on the bottom side of my Speedlink JoyStick:


zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

@willyvmm very odd! I tried again with the newest 3.17.3475 firmware, but still the same issue.

Looking at the label at the bottom, I see your says "V3" after the article number - mine doesn't have that version indicator (see photo below). What could they have changed between versions that could make the V3 work, but (presumably older ones) not, and is there anything that can be done besides buying a newer joystick version?


willyvmm commented 1 year ago

Let's verify if you have the proper config active. Put an empty Pendrive into the mouSTer, and attach the generated INI file. (from mouSTer dir)

zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

@willyvmm here you go: MOUSTER.INI.zip

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

Everything is ok with the config.

Try step-by-step debugging.

Keep the revpotlines=true

Map all buttons to fire:

gbutton01=fire gbutton02=fire gbutton03=fire gbutton04=fire gbutton05=fire gbutton06=fire gbutton07=fire gbutton08=fire gbutton09=fire gbutton10=fire gbutton11=fire gbutton12=fire gbutton13=fire gbutton14=fire gbutton15=fire gbutton16=fire

And verify if all buttons are responding. If yes, then find what is the correct mapping.

You may also try to map ALL the buttons to paddleA and then to paddleB to verify the correct reading by your Hardware. In all 3 cases, you should see activity on button 1 for fire, 2 for paddleA, and 3 for paddle B respectively.

I use joyride for tests. https://csdb.dk/release/?id=219494

zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

@willyvmm when I set all gbutton values to "fire", I see button 1 reacting for all joystick buttons in Joyride.

When I use the following, then buttons 1, 2, and 3 remain without response in Joyride, regardless of which button I press:

gbutton01=paddleA gbutton02=paddleA gbutton03=paddleA gbutton04=paddleA gbutton05=paddleA gbutton06=paddleA gbutton07=paddleA gbutton08=paddleA gbutton09=paddleA gbutton10=paddleA gbutton11=paddleA gbutton12=paddleA gbutton13=paddleA gbutton14=paddleA gbutton15=paddleA gbutton16=paddleA

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

So. The 1st test tells us, the joystick is OK, and all buttons are reported. The 2nd - something is wrong. That may be broken SID or mouSTer.

What happened when you set all buttons as paddleB?

radius75 commented 1 year ago

Check if you set up in the [GamePad] section reversepotlines = true

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

@radius75 the revpotlines setting has been already verified here:

@willyvmm here you go: MOUSTER.INI.zip

zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

@willyvmm interesting - it looks like one of my mouSTers is indeed broken.

I just attempted with my second mouSTer, updating to 3.17.3475, and the following gbutton config, and the two large buttons now read as "fire", with the two smaller triangular buttons reading as paddleA and paddleB:

gbutton01=paddleB gbutton02=paddleA gbutton03=fire gbutton04=fire gbutton05=none gbutton06=none gbutton07=none gbutton08=none gbutton09=none gbutton10=none gbutton11=none gbutton12=none gbutton13=none gbutton14=none gbutton15=none gbutton16=none

zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

@willyvmm yes that seems to have been the problem. Tested further with my second mouSTer, and it definitely works now.

Could the other mouSTer have been part of a faulty batch?

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

Can you remember when have you bought it?

zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

@willyvmm one of them I got on April 7, 2021, and one on December 29, 2021. I remember we also swapped one of them because it seemed to have an issue (though I don’t remember which of the two it was (probably the first one), or which of them appears to not work at the moment).

willyvmm commented 1 year ago

Yes. I have received one faulty mouSTer but can't figure out who send it to me! Please drop me an email, so we can find out how to proceed. If you don't have my email you can guess it, by concatenating my nick with the "at sign" and the name of the free email service provided by the biggest search provider.

zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

@willyvmm email sent!

zeegerman1 commented 1 year ago

Marking this as closed / resolved, as the latest firmware 3.17.3475 did indeed fix the problem, at least on my working mouSTer.