wintered / dotfiles

MIT License
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======== dotfiles

Status of automatic dotfiles installation via

|Build Status|

This is a collection of my dotfiles together with ansible-based automatic installation facilities to allow transferring my setup quickly and painlessly to new machines.

.. |Build Status| image:: :target:


Installation of tools is done using ansible <>_.

First, we need to install ansible which we can do easily using pip:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install ansible

An installation of all most commonly used targets can then be done using:

.. code-block:: bash

ansible-playbook -i dotfiles_installation/localhost_inventory.yml dotfiles_installation/install/install.yml

To install only a single target with its configuration, e.g. vim, simply do:

.. code-block:: bash

ansible-playbook -i dotfiles_installation/localhost_inventory.yml dotfiles_installation/install/install.yml --tags="vim"

To list all possible targets do:

.. code-block:: bash

ansible-playbook --list-tags dotfiles_installation/install/install.yml

Uninstalling a dotfile target with associated packages is also supported:

.. code-block:: bash

ansible-playbook -i dotfiles_installation/localhost_inventory.yml dotfiles_installation/uninstall/uninstall.yml --tags="vim"