wireservice / csvkit

A suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats.
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Surprised by type inference: csvjoin removing underscores in columns containg values like: 1_100 #1246

Open joeweaver opened 1 month ago

joeweaver commented 1 month ago


I've spent a while figuring out why underscores were getting removed in what I believe is a fairly simple use-case. I'm using csvjoin 2.0.0

Here's a minimal example:

file1.csv contents:


file2.csv contents:


Running csvjoin -c Name file1.csv file2.csv produces the following:

Name,Type ,ID

The underscores in the ID field are getting dropped. I've tracked this down to type inference. Running csvjoin with the --no-inference option produces the desired behaviour.

I was a bit surprised by this, as it seems a bit aggressive of a default inference on what I believe to be a very common text pattern. I've had my share of being bitten by type inference in the tidyverse and when using pandas, but these sort of fields were never an issue.

Finding a type inference method that handles all situations perfectly is a pipe dream, and I don't have an exact solution, but I'd like to point out that:

  1. This happens silently, I was lucky to catch the error while debugging my data pipeline.
  2. Figuring out the root cause was a bit of a time sink. My main reason for filing this issue is to ensure that even if there isn't a good way to fix the issue, this post may help others searching for 'missing/dropped/removed underscores'.
jpmckinney commented 1 month ago

We use Python's Decimal for parsing: https://github.com/wireservice/agate/blob/e6fc5beb65f444a84b02884e9c5e7b3e344599dd/agate/data_types/number.py#L95

For example:

>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> Decimal('1_1')

Decimal works this way because, in Python, the underscore can be used as a grouping character:

>>> 1_000_000
>>> 1_1_1_1

I'd be curious to know how tidyverse or pandas do this.

In terms of feedback to the user, we can hide it behind the -v (--verbose) flag, or we can figure out a way to keep the feedback minimal (e.g. only warn once, not every time).

joeweaver commented 1 month ago

I'll check to confirm my memory that it doesn't occur in pandas/tidyverse. I'm not super familiar with their underlying code, but I can take a quick look to figure out how they're handling it.

I generally lean towards cli tools being as quiet as possible, so in that respect I'm leaning towards the verbose option.

However, I also value no surprises - the root cause of surprise was that csvkit was doing any datatype inference at all. My mental model had it just treating everything as string, probably because while I use it a lot (thanks!), I don't do any real data analysis with it, just a bunch of joins, stacks, and greps. In that respect, a one-off warning might be better.