Releasing an app with OpenCvSharp on Ubuntu is failing. Thus, the performance on this very system is way worse compared to Windows...
Additionally, tweaking any camera capture parameters is not supported by this nugget.
It should be tested whether EmguCV can provide better performance and build without any problems on all platforms.
Potential support for Android would also be appreciated.
From my experience, can't be easily launched on Ubuntu 20.04 (which is our target linux system i think)
as Emgu.CV targets GLIBC >2.32 (while GLIBC installed on Ubuntu 20.04 is 2.31)
Needs attention from @wisniax
Releasing an app with OpenCvSharp on Ubuntu is failing. Thus, the performance on this very system is way worse compared to Windows... Additionally, tweaking any camera capture parameters is not supported by this nugget.
It should be tested whether EmguCV can provide better performance and build without any problems on all platforms. Potential support for Android would also be appreciated.