wit-ai / wit

Natural Language Interface for apps and devices
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None of the trained phrases is recognized #1387

Closed rusell closed 5 years ago

rusell commented 5 years ago

Do you want to request a feature, report a bug, or ask a question about wit? Report a bug

What is the current behavior? Once new training occurs, NLP does not recognize any of the trained phrases. A problem started aprox. at 17:00 18/03/2019 CET.

If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem. Just ad a new expression, wait for training to happen and then none of the previously trained phrases is recognized.

What is the expected behavior? Phrases are trained and added to the previous data set. Once posted to wit.ai, assigned value (intent) is returned.

What is the App ID where you are experiencing this issue (if applicable)? Few of them at the moment, here is one - 5c5370fef168560f6267f2c4

91ns commented 5 years ago

Same here app id : 2084463711607674

ssitbiz commented 5 years ago

yup Having the same issue app id: 1927013864087802

vnalex commented 5 years ago

Same here.. need help. app id: 2096249480457187

mjain1990 commented 5 years ago

We are also experiencing the same problem past few hours.

b-tix commented 5 years ago

app id: 2115985458480186 Since yesterday we realize a different response behavior. Some phrases that have been trained before are not recognized anymore. e. g. "finanzierung" should bring up ..._vgv and ..._risiko. It seems that marked entities are still recognized but not the intents of the whole phrase.

MutatedBread commented 5 years ago

app id: 2108187609262747 Just added a new phase to an entity. What was previously recognized is no longer now.

serdalbayram commented 5 years ago

the same problem in my apps

bartklin commented 5 years ago

same here, app id: 2462683460472465

asfyra commented 5 years ago

same here app id: 5b1e505b-0e5f-484a-9e44-20d7c4ee12d1

GaganTM commented 5 years ago

Same problem in my app app id : 2341059599251771

lynnfachetaet commented 5 years ago

Having the same problem too. App ID's 5b2c4f04-eb80-46c2-8ed9-b693736bbcad 5b350cc2-f26d-4c7b-8f7b-706090b17c9c

jlariza commented 5 years ago

Same here:

App ID: 1813892522042357

We have been working with the model for several months now and it was working fine; and suddenly it stopped working yesterday; it does not recognize the phrases and the intents are not identified.


serdalbayram commented 5 years ago

Any progress or feedback about this issue ?

ChrisMacAET commented 5 years ago

Also experiencing this issue: App ID: 2056647174448351.

RobSederCVSH commented 5 years ago

Same issue for this one too:

App ID: 2439958889411567

Has anyone heard back? We've been down since yesterday!

timgreynolds commented 5 years ago

I am seeing the same issue.

AppId: 5b6073ae-6bc1-4dea-bff4-c64790ea1141

ram-botworxai commented 5 years ago

I have a bunch of wit apps -> they all seem to be unable to recognize non-builtins and if I try to train they get stuck in training. I guess you are well aware of this based on the stream of 'same here's above.

jennygrahamjones commented 5 years ago

App ID: 2037325916356319

None of my 'intent' values are returning. I can see them tagged to historical samples and inputs, but new inputs don't register the 'intent' that they previously would have.

femioladeji commented 5 years ago

Experiencing the same issue here, appid is 2050679248326545

patapizza commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting, looking into it.

redoyh7 commented 5 years ago

Sending an audio sample from unity but nothing showing inside the expression or inbox tab. Clicking "train some more" also not working. This is happening to me right now. I send audio from Unity but in "Validate Audio" never appears. What should I do? Please help...

patapizza commented 5 years ago

This is now fixed. I'm manually retraining all app ids above. Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll make sure this won't happen again.

patapizza commented 5 years ago

For the remaining apps, please validate one sample to kick start a new training. Thanks.

jennygrahamjones commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the quick fix @patapizza :)

lynnfachetaet commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much for your help @patapizza !

GaganTM commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the fixing issue @patapizza :)

asfyra commented 5 years ago

Thank you @patapizza

vnalex commented 5 years ago

Thankss @patapizza