wizmer / syncorg

An implementation of MobileOrg for the Android platform
GNU General Public License v3.0
174 stars 23 forks source link

Exclude completed entries in from agenda #3

Open colonelpanic8 opened 7 years ago

colonelpanic8 commented 7 years ago

This brings up the question of how what a completed state IS is determined (Filed #4).

Emacs uses org-todo-keywords to determine this. I think its great that syncorg has removed mobileorgs tight coupling with emacs, but it seems like some mechanism to incorperate user specific settings is needed. Perhaps a small melpa package that can output a configuration file that is parsable by mobileorg would be a solution?

wizmer commented 7 years ago

I like your idea of just letting the user select the files he wants. This way, the app does not make judgement about what should and should not be in the agenda. The melpa package seems a bit overkill for me and it involves creating a new parser which is some work. Actually it depends how many settings does SyncOrg has. If it is just a few, let's let the user select his settings from his phone.