wking / rss2email

open-source tool for Windows, Mac OS and UNIX for getting news from RSS feeds in email
GNU General Public License v2.0
268 stars 48 forks source link

Move to an organization? #97

Closed jsbackus closed 6 years ago

jsbackus commented 7 years ago

Hi @wking, I know you're busy and this project seems to be a lower priority. If I were to create a GitHub organization, would you be willing to move this repository over there? That would transfer the issues and PRs, and allow multiple people to help maintain this.

While I don't have much time at the moment, I'm willing to help with maintenance and administration. The organization would be open to anyone who is interested in contributing.

I use rss2email pretty heavily and hate to see it languish. Thanks again for all of the work and effort you've put into rss2email!

RubenKelevra commented 7 years ago

Would be great! 👍

Lenbok commented 6 years ago

I think it's worth just going ahead and doing it -- if you look at the network graph for rss2email, there a whole bunch of people still adding their own commits, and it'd be great to pull them all together (send them an invite!)

RubenKelevra commented 6 years ago

@Lenbok go ahead and just do it, before this repo here suddenly disappear or similar :)

jsbackus commented 6 years ago

Hi @Lenbok, I agree - I've just been too swamped lately to do it.

Hi @RubenKelevra, no worries - I've made a clone of the repo. 😁

I'll work on creating the org, merging at least some of the forks, and sending invites over the next couple of weeks or so.

RubenKelevra commented 6 years ago

Yay! Make sure you first release a bugfixing release and then work on new features! I‘m keen to work on the new project to fix some bugs I‘ve discovered. :)

anarcat commented 6 years ago

any update here?

anarcat commented 6 years ago

one issue you may have if the original maintainer of pypi is missing is that you won't be able to reuse the namespace. this bit us when we forked the Linkchecker project: https://github.com/linkcheck/linkchecker/issues/4

it's rather unfortunate, but the pypi archive doesn't seem very responsive to those kind of requests.

jsbackus commented 6 years ago

Hi all, sorry for taking so long to respond. Not much progress, though I did have time to do a first pass analysis on all of the forks. I've reduced it to a handful of forks to evaluate and merge in. Once I've finished that, I'll create the org, push it up, and let you know.

@RubenKelevra Great! It'll be good to get those bugs addressed.

@anarcat Good point re: pypi. I was worried about that. Thanks for the link. You have a good suggestion, which I think will also make sense for us. We'll look into it once we have something to release.

jsbackus commented 6 years ago

So at long last, I am pleased to announce the creation of the rss2email organization! Anyone who would like to join up, please send me an e-mail with your user name and I'll add you.

The current master is @wking's master branch. I have also pushed up the master branches of @sr, @Yannik, and @AndreyMZ as branches under the names of the respective origins. These branches looked like they had useful changes that didn't break a lot. 😁 I have created a 'dev' branch that merges in these three branches. I did a quick check and things worked. Please feel free to try it and let me know if there are any problems.

I'll leave this issue open indefinitely, so that people can come find us.

anarcat commented 6 years ago


Thank you so much for the invitation. I think you are doing the right thing!

As for myself, I decided to experiment with writing my own rss reader. I know, I know, don't reinvent the wheel right? As a feed2imap user, i felt that r2e was interesting, but the lack of direct maildir support was a killer, and i felt that i didn't want to wait for this to settle down before getting things working on my end. Plus, i wanted extra features like the possibility of extending the tool to do primitive podcasting or downloading torrents from RSS feeds.

This is something that is coming to life as feed2exec. Performance is not quite on par with r2e at this point, on the main branch, but i've got a primitive "threads" branch that has comparable performance. The whole thing is plugins-based so it's easy to extend to do different thing. Right now i have a "html2text" filter and "maildir" output plugins, along with simple "null", "echo" plugins. Some nasty and untested "exec" plugin allows executing arbitrary commands and i'm looking at implementing a "transmission" and "twitter" plugins shortly.

At this point, i'm still using feed2imap and feed2exec in parallel while I iron out remaining issues but i'm hoping to switch fairly soon.

Sorry for taking up this soapbox here, but i figured it would be interesting to some people... I wish the best of luck to the organization and, who knows, maybe i'll ditch my prototype and use r2e eventually when things pick up again!


Yannik commented 6 years ago

Hi @jsbackus,

thanks alot for picking this up. Feel free to add me to the organization.

What is the current situation regaring pypi? Release under a rss2email2 name? Additionally, there is a rss2email debian package (https://packages.debian.org/stretch/rss2email). How will this transition be handled?

Yannik commented 6 years ago

I see you have already merged my commits into the dev branch. I would like to push for a release based on that branch soon. I can only speak for my commits, but those have been in production use for quite some time without any issues, in addition to being pretty straightforward. Maybe a few more people can test whether that branch works for them?

wking commented 6 years ago

What is the current situation regaring pypi?

I'll look up how to transfer the rss2email name to @jsbackus.

wking commented 6 years ago

I'll look up how to transfer the rss2email name to @jsbackus.

Done. Sorry this took me so long :/.

jsbackus commented 6 years ago

@anarcat no worries! That's the beauty of open source. Good luck!

@Yannik Agreed re: dev branch. More testing would be helpful, since I merged in three forks. Worked for me, but haven't had time to rigorously test.

@wking Thanks so much!