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XML schema and Schematron for aviation weather data exchange
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Develop Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation (VONA) by State Volcano Observatories (SVO) #305

Closed amilan17 closed 2 months ago

amilan17 commented 1 year ago

Initial request

Recommendation 7/1 — VONA Introduction, VAA and Aerodrome Warning Template Improvements That the METP; b) request the WMO to develop appropriate headers and priorities for VONA in both TAC and IWXXM format, noting the request by the WG-MOG/IAVW work stream for the highest priority to be assigned; c) task WG-MIE to develop the IWXXM schema necessary for digital dissemination of the VONA; [source METP_5.Final Report.pdf, 2021 June]

See the extracted Template for Volcano Observatory Notice to Aviation (VONA) from the proposed text in working paper METP/5-WP/4102.

Other requirements mentioned in METP/5-WP/4102 include:

(PANS-MET/Para. 6.1.6) VONA shall be in abbreviated plain language, using approved ICAO abbreviations and numerical values of self-explanatory nature, and shall be in accordance with the template shown in Appendix 7, Table A7-1. When no approved ICAO abbreviations are available, English plain language text, kept to a minimum, shall be used to describe elements for which the template allows the use of free text.

(PANS-MET/Para 6.1.8) Only the following aviation colour codes shall be reported in the VONA:

Note.— The aviation colour code applies only to current volcanic activity associated with a volcano and does not apply to re-suspended volcanic ash

(PANS-MET/Para. 6.1.9) ... Further information on VONA is included in the Handbook on the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW) - Operational Procedures and Contact List (Doc 9766).

See Example A7-1.

Amendment details



No response


ICAO METP/5 for Amendment 81(?)


Enter list of stakeholder(s).


Example: Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306), Volume I.3

Expected impact of change

No response


No response


No response


No response

mgoberfield commented 1 year ago

New products and changes to existing schemas should originate in the iwxxm-modelling repository, yes?

amilan17 commented 1 year ago

Are you suggesting that I move this type of issue to the modelling repo?

mgoberfield commented 1 year ago

Hi @amilan17! Yes. Or at least, open a new issue in the iwxxm-modelling branch paralleling this one since its a new product. Prior instances of a new IWXXM product, the UML model is developed first and the resulting schema originates from EA.

blchoy commented 9 months ago

Summary of changes:

  1. Creation of a new WxObject "Volcano"
    • In view of possible future reuse (e.g. QVA) it is grouped under the Meteorological Feature Package. It is, however, not suitable to replace metce:Volcano because of the additional metadata characterizing a WxObject.
    • The following are definitiions of the WxObject:
      • iwxxm:issueTime: Issue time of the WxObject
      • iwxxm:originatingCentre: Type aixm:Unit is used to represent the identification of the centre publishing the WxObject
      • iwxxm:phenomenonBaseTime: Shall not exist
      • iwxxm:phenomenonCategory: Proposed new entry in WMOCategoryCode - volcanicObservations
      • iwxxm:phenomenonTime: Time when the phenomenon is observed
      • iwxxm:phenomenon: https://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANO
      • iwxxm:phenomenonGeometry: Type gml:Point is used to represent the location of the volcano
      • iwxxm:phenomenonProperty: Type iwxxm:Volcano is used to represent the properties of the volcano, including:
        • iwxxm:name: Name of the volcano
        • iwxxm:IAVCEINumber: IAVCEI number of the volcano
        • iwxxm:sourceElevation: Elevation of the vent of the volcano from MSL
        • iwxxm:activityStatus: Current activity status of the volcano
        • iwxxm:lastVolcanicAshEmission: Time of last volcanic ash emission
        • iwxxm:onsetTime: Time of onset of eruptive activity
  2. Creation of a new WxObject "ResuspendedVolcanicAsh"
    • Created under the Volcano Observatory Notice For Aviation Package
    • The following are definitions of the WxObject:
      • iwxxm:issueTime: Issue time of the WxObject
      • iwxxm:originatingCentre: Type aixm:Unit is used to represent the identification of the centre publishing the WxObject
      • iwxxm:phenomenonBaseTime: Shall not exist
      • iwxxm:phenomenonCategory: Proposed new entry in WMOCategoryCode - volcanicObservations
      • iwxxm:phenomenonTime: Time when the phenomenon is observed
      • iwxxm:phenomenon: Proposed new entry in code list - https://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANIC_ASH
      • iwxxm:phenomenonGeometry: Type gml:LinearRing is used to represent the location of the re-suspended ash
      • iwxxm:phenomenonProperty: Type iwxxm:ResuspendedVolcanicAsh is used to represent the properties of the re-suspended volcanic ash, including:
        • iwxxm:height: Average height of re-suspended volcanic ash field
  3. Creation of a new WxObject "VolcanicAshCloudVerticalExtent"
    • Created under the Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation Package
    • The following are definitions of the WxObject:
      • iwxxm:issueTime: Issue time of the WxObject
      • iwxxm:originatingCentre: Type aixm:Unit is used to represent the identification of the centre publishing the WxObject
      • iwxxm:phenomenonBaseTime: Shall not exist
      • iwxxm:phenomenonCategory: Proposed new entry in WMOCategoryCode - volcanicObservations
      • iwxxm:phenomenonTime: Time when the phenomenon is observed
      • iwxxm:phenomenon: Proposed new entry in code list - https://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANIC_ASH
      • iwxxm:phenomenonGeometry: Type iwxxm:ElevatedLevel is used to represent the height of the volcanic ash cloud
      • iwxxm:phenomenonProperty: Type iwxxm:VolcanicAshCloudVerticalExtent is used to represent the properties of the volcanic ash cloud, including:
        • iwxxm:heightSource: Source of height data
        • iwxxm:movement: Direction of movement of the observed cloud
          1. Creation of a new WxObject collection "VolcanoObservatoryNoticeForAviation"
    • The following are definitions of the WxObject collection:
      • iwxxm:boundingPeriod: Shall be the same as iwxxm:PhenomenonTime
      • iwxxm:boundingVolume: TBD
      • iwxxm:phenomenaList: Shall be https://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANO and https://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANIC_ASH
      • iwxxm:issueTime: Issue time of the WxObject collection
      • iwxxm:originatingCentre: Type aixm:Unit is used to represent the identification of the SVO publishing the WxObject collection on VONA
      • iwxxm:phenomenonCategory: Proposed new entry in WMOCategoryCode - volcanicObservations
      • iwxxm:phenomenonBaseTime: Shall not exist
      • iwxxm:phenomenonTime: Time when the phenomenon is observed
      • iwxxm:feature:
        • Shall include either one of Volcano or Re-suspended Volcanic Ash WxObject as the source term
        • Shall include one of Volcanic Ash Cloud Vertical Extent WxObject as the resulting ash cloud term
      • iwxxm:stateOrRegion: State or region involved
      • iwxxm:noticeNumber: VONA Notice Number
      • iwxxm:currentColourCode: Current aviation colour code
      • iwxxm:previousColourCode: Previous aviation colour code
      • iwxxm:contacts: SVO contact details
      • iwxxm:remarks: Remarks
      • iwxxm:nextNotice: Indication of the issuance of next VONA
blchoy commented 9 months ago

The instance will look something like (with an erupting volcano as source):

<iwxxm:VolcanoObservatoryNoticeForAviation ...>
    <gml:identifier .../>
    <iwxxm:boundingPeriod .../>
    <iwxxm:boundingVolume .../>
    <iwxxm:phenomenaList xlink:href="http://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANO"/>
    <iwxxm:phenomenaList xlink:href="http://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANIC_ASH"/>
    <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
        <aixm:Unit .../>
    <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
        <iwxxm:MeteorologicalFeature .../>
            <gml:identifier .../>
            <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
                <aixm:Unit .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenon xlink:href="https://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANO"/>
                <gml:Point .../>
                    <iwxxm:name .../>
                    <iwxxm:IAVCEINumber .../>
                    <iwxxm:sourceElevation .../>
                    <iwxxm:activityStatus .../>
                    <iwxxm:lastVolcanicAshEmission .../>
                    <iwxxm:onsetTime .../>
        <iwxxm:MeteorologicalFeature .../>
            <gml:identifier .../>
            <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
                <aixm:Unit .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenon xlink:href="https://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANIC_ASH"/>
                <iwxxm:ElevatedLevel .../>
                    <iwxxm:heightSource .../>
                    <iwxxm:movement .../>
    <iwxxm:starteOrRegion .../>
    <iwxxm:noticeNumber .../>
    <iwxxm:currentColourCode .../>
    <iwxxm:previousColourCode .../>
    <iwxxm:contacts .../>
    <iwxxm:remarks .../>
    <iwxxm:nextNotice .../>

The instance will look something like (with re-suspended volcanic ash as source):

<iwxxm:VolcanoObservatoryNoticeForAviation ...>
    <gml:identifier .../>
    <iwxxm:boundingPeriod .../>
    <iwxxm:boundingVolume .../>
    <iwxxm:phenomenaList xlink:href="http://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANO"/>
    <iwxxm:phenomenaList xlink:href="http://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANIC_ASH"/>
    <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
        <aixm:Unit .../>
    <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
        <iwxxm:MeteorologicalFeature .../>
            <gml:identifier .../>
            <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
                <aixm:Unit .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenon xlink:href="https://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANIC_ASH"/>
                <gml:LinearRing .../>
                    <iwxxm:height .../>
        <iwxxm:MeteorologicalFeature .../>
            <gml:identifier .../>
            <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
                <aixm:Unit .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenon xlink:href="https://codes.wmo.int/49-2/MeteorologicalFeature/VOLCANIC_ASH"/>
                <iwxxm:ElevatedLevel .../>
                    <iwxxm:heightSource .../>
                    <iwxxm:movement .../>
    <iwxxm:starteOrRegion .../>
    <iwxxm:noticeNumber .../>
    <iwxxm:currentColourCode .../>
    <iwxxm:previousColourCode .../>
    <iwxxm:contacts .../>
    <iwxxm:remarks .../>
    <iwxxm:nextNotice .../>
blchoy commented 2 months ago

Included in IWXXM 2025-2RC1.