wodby / docker4drupal

Docker-based Drupal stack
MIT License
1.23k stars 535 forks source link

500 error on starting Mink for functional tests #491

Open superromeo opened 2 years ago

superromeo commented 2 years ago

Codebase Built-in vanilla Drupal

Describe your issue When I run functional JS test I have:

The test wasn't able to connect to your webdriver instance. For more information read core/tests/README.md.

The original message while starting Mink: Could not open connection: Curl error thrown for http POST to http://chrome:9515/session with params: {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"chrome","name":"Behat Test","goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-gpu","--headless"]}}}

The requested URL returned error: 500


Output of cat /tmp/chromedriver.log on lom_chrome

[1628671404.704][INFO]: Starting ChromeDriver 92.0.4515.107 (87a818b10553a07434ea9e2b6dccf3cbe7895134-refs/branch-heads/4515@{#1634}) on port 9515
[1628671404.706][INFO]: Please see https://chromedriver.chromium.org/security-considerations for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
[1628671555.329][SEVERE]: Unable find match for host: chrome:9515

And after another single try I have new:

[xxx][SEVERE]: Unable find match for host: chrome:9515


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- TODO set checkForUnintentionallyCoveredCode="true" once https://www.drupal.org/node/2626832 is resolved. -->
<!-- PHPUnit expects functional tests to be run with either a privileged user
 or your current system user. See core/tests/README.md and
 https://www.drupal.org/node/2116263 for details.
<phpunit bootstrap="../../core/tests/bootstrap.php" colors="true"
    <!-- Set error reporting to E_ALL. -->
    <ini name="error_reporting" value="32767"/>
    <!-- Do not limit the amount of memory tests take to run. -->
    <ini name="memory_limit" value="-1"/>
    <!-- Example SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL value: http://localhost -->
    <env name="SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL" value="http://nginx"/>
    <!-- Example SIMPLETEST_DB value: mysql://username:password@localhost/databasename#table_prefix -->
    <env name="SIMPLETEST_DB" value="mysql://xxxxxx:xxxxxx@mysql/xxxxxx#ts_"/>
    <!-- Example BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY value: /path/to/webroot/sites/simpletest/browser_output -->
    <env name="BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY" value="sites/simpletest"/>
    <!-- To have browsertest output use an alternative base URL. For example if
     SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL is an internal DDEV URL, you can set this to the
     external DDev URL so you can follow the links directly.
    <env name="BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_BASE_URL" value=""/>
    <!-- To disable deprecation testing completely uncomment the next line. -->
    <!-- <env name="SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER" value="disabled"/> -->
    <!-- Example for changing the driver class for mink tests MINK_DRIVER_CLASS value: 'Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\DrupalSelenium2Driver' -->
    <env name="MINK_DRIVER_CLASS" value="Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\DrupalSelenium2Driver"/>
    <!-- Example for changing the driver args to mink tests MINK_DRIVER_ARGS value: '[""]' -->
    <env name="MINK_DRIVER_ARGS" value='["chrome", null, "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"]'/>
    <!-- Example for changing the driver args to webdriver tests MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER value: '["chrome", { "chromeOptions": { "w3c": false } }, "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"]' For using the Firefox browser, replace "chrome" with "firefox" -->
    <env name="MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER" value='["chrome", {"browserName":"chrome","goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-gpu","--headless"]}}, "http://chrome:9515"]'/>
    <env name="PHP_IDE_CONFIG" value="serverName=lom.localhost"/>
    <env name="XDEBUG_CONFIG" value="idekey=PhpStorm"/>
    <testsuite name="unit">
    <testsuite name="kernel">
    <testsuite name="functional">
    <testsuite name="functional-javascript">
    <testsuite name="build">
    <listener class="\Drupal\Tests\Listeners\DrupalListener">
  <!-- Filter for coverage reports. -->
      <!-- Extensions can have their own test directories, so exclude those. -->

Output of docker info

 Context:    default
 Debug Mode: false
  buildx: Build with BuildKit (Docker Inc., v0.5.1-docker)
  compose: Docker Compose (Docker Inc., v2.0.0-beta.6)
  scan: Docker Scan (Docker Inc., v0.8.0)
WARNING: Plugin "/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-app" is not valid: failed to fetch metadata: fork/exec /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-app: no such file or directory

 Containers: 28
  Running: 9
  Paused: 0
  Stopped: 19
 Images: 160
 Server Version: 20.10.7
 Storage Driver: overlay2
  Backing Filesystem: extfs
  Supports d_type: true
  Native Overlay Diff: true
  userxattr: false
 Logging Driver: json-file
 Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Cgroup Version: 1
  Volume: local
  Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
  Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
 Swarm: inactive
 Runtimes: io.containerd.runc.v2 io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux runc
 Default Runtime: runc
 Init Binary: docker-init
 containerd version: d71fcd7d8303cbf684402823e425e9dd2e99285d
 runc version: b9ee9c6314599f1b4a7f497e1f1f856fe433d3b7
 init version: de40ad0
 Security Options:
   Profile: default
 Kernel Version: 4.19.84-microsoft-standard
 Operating System: Docker Desktop
 OSType: linux
 Architecture: x86_64
 CPUs: 12
 Total Memory: 31.33GiB
 Name: docker-desktop
 Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
 Debug Mode: true
  File Descriptors: 120
  Goroutines: 114
  System Time: 2021-08-11T08:50:12.953198Z
  EventsListeners: 6
 Registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/
 Experimental: true
 Insecure Registries:
 Live Restore Enabled: false

WARNING: No blkio throttle.read_bps_device support
WARNING: No blkio throttle.write_bps_device support
WARNING: No blkio throttle.read_iops_device support
WARNING: No blkio throttle.write_iops_device support
WARNING: bridge-nf-call-iptables is disabled
WARNING: bridge-nf-call-ip6tables is disabled

Contents of your docker-compose.yml

version: "3.7"

    image: mysql:$RG_MYSQL_TAG
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_mysql"
    stop_grace_period: 30s
      - '42333:3306'

    image: wodby/drupal-php:$PHP_TAG
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_php"
      PHP_SENDMAIL_PATH: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -S mailhog:1025
      PHP_FPM_USER: wodby
      PHP_FPM_GROUP: wodby
      COLUMNS: 80 # Set 80 columns for docker exec -it.
## Read instructions at https://wodby.com/docs/stacks/php/local/#xdebug
      #PHP_XDEBUG: 1
      PHP_XDEBUG_MODE: debug
      PHP_IDE_CONFIG: serverName=${SERVER_NAME}
      PHP_XDEBUG_IDEKEY: "PhpStorm"
      PHP_XDEBUG_CLIENT_HOST: host.docker.internal # Docker 18.03+ Mac/Win
#      PHP_XDEBUG_CLIENT_HOST: # Windows, Docker < 18.03
#      PHP_XDEBUG_LOG: /tmp/php-xdebug.log
#      # PHPUnit Drupal testing configurations
#      SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL: "http://nginx"
#      MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER: '["chrome", {"browserName":"chrome","goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-gpu","--headless"]}}, "http://chrome:9515"]'

      - ../:/var/www/lom:cached
      - ../../rg_common:/var/www/rg_common:cached

    image: wodby/drupal-php:$PHP_TAG
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_crond"
      CRONTAB: "0 * * * * drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron"
    command: sudo -E LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/preloadable_libiconv.so crond -f -d 0
      - ../:/var/www/lom:cached
      - ../../rg_common:/var/www/rg_common:cached

    image: wodby/nginx:$NGINX_TAG
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_nginx"
      - php
      NGINX_SERVER_ROOT: /var/www/lom/web
#      NGINX_DRUPAL_FILE_PROXY_URL: http://example.com
      - ../:/var/www/lom:cached
      - ../../rg_common:/var/www/rg_common:cached
## Alternative for macOS users: Mutagen https://wodby.com/docs/stacks/drupal/local#docker-for-mac
#    - mutagen:/var/www/html

      - "traefik.http.routers.${PROJECT_NAME}_nginx.rule=Host(`${PROJECT_BASE_URL}`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.router0.rule=Host(`lom.localhost`, `ru.lom.localhost`, `ua.lom.localhost`, `us.lom.localhost`)"

    image: mailhog/mailhog
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_mailhog"
      - "traefik.http.services.${PROJECT_NAME}_mailhog.loadbalancer.server.port=8025"
      - "traefik.http.routers.${PROJECT_NAME}_mailhog.rule=Host(`mailhog.${PROJECT_BASE_URL}`)"

    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_redis"
    image: wodby/redis:$REDIS_TAG

    image: selenium/standalone-chrome:$SELENIUM_CHROME_TAG
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_chrome"
      - /dev/shm:/dev/shm
      - chromedriver
      - "--no-sandbox"
      - "--disable-dev-shm-usage"
      - "--log-path=/tmp/chromedriver.log"
      - "--verbose"
      - "--whitelisted-ips="

    image: portainer/portainer
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_portainer"
    command: --no-auth -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - "traefik.http.routers.${PROJECT_NAME}_portainer.rule=Host(`portainer.${PROJECT_BASE_URL}`)"

Contents of your .env



# RG

### --- MARIADB ----


### --- VANILLA DRUPAL ----


### --- PHP ----

# Linux (uid 1000 gid 1000)


### --- NGINX ----



### --- SOLR ---





### --- KIBANA ---


### --- REDIS ---


### --- NODE ---


### --- VARNISH ---


### --- POSTGRESQL ----




Logs output docker-compose logs

Attaching to lom_php, lom_chrome, lom_nginx, lom_crond, lom_mysql, lom_redis, lom_portainer, lom_mailhog
chrome_1     | Starting ChromeDriver 92.0.4515.107 (87a818b10553a07434ea9e2b6dccf3cbe7895134-refs/branch-heads/4515@{#1634}) on port 9515
chrome_1     | All remote connections are allowed. Use an allowlist instead!
chrome_1     | Please see https://chromedriver.chromium.org/security-considerations for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
chrome_1     | ChromeDriver was started successfully.
chrome_1     | Starting ChromeDriver 92.0.4515.107 (87a818b10553a07434ea9e2b6dccf3cbe7895134-refs/branch-heads/4515@{#1634}) on port 9515
chrome_1     | All remote connections are allowed. Use an allowlist instead!
chrome_1     | Please see https://chromedriver.chromium.org/security-considerations for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
chrome_1     | ChromeDriver was started successfully.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10 09:10:00+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script for MySQL Server 8.0.26-1debian10 started.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10 09:10:01+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Switching to dedicated user 'mysql'
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10 09:10:01+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script for MySQL Server 8.0.26-1debian10 started.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:01.639929Z 0 [System] [MY-010116] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 8.0.26) starting as process 1
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:01.663826Z 1 [System] [MY-013576] [InnoDB] InnoDB initialization has started.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:02.164849Z 1 [System] [MY-013577] [InnoDB] InnoDB initialization has ended.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:02.177646Z 1 [System] [MY-011090] [Server] Data dictionary upgrading from version '80017' to '80023'.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:05.188637Z 1 [System] [MY-013413] [Server] Data dictionary upgrade from version '80017' to '80023' completed.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:07.433705Z 4 [System] [MY-013381] [Server] Server upgrade from '80020' to '80026' started.
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:15.675536Z 4 [System] [MY-013381] [Server] Server upgrade from '80020' to '80026' completed.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:15.964158Z 0 [Warning] [MY-013746] [Server] A deprecated TLS version TLSv1 is enabled for channel mysql_main
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:15.964372Z 0 [Warning] [MY-013746] [Server] A deprecated TLS version TLSv1.1 is enabled for channel mysql_main
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:15.965642Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010068] [Server] CA certificate ca.pem is self signed.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:15.965942Z 0 [System] [MY-013602] [Server] Channel mysql_main configured to support TLS. Encrypted connections are now supported for this channel.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:15.969606Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011810] [Server] Insecure configuration for --pid-file: Location '/var/run/mysqld' in the path is accessible to all OS users. Consider choosing a different directory.
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:15.983467Z 0 [System] [MY-011323] [Server] X Plugin ready for connections. Bind-address: '::' port: 33060, socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqlx.sock
mysql_1      | 2021-08-10T09:10:15.983650Z 0 [System] [MY-010931] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '8.0.26'  socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server - GPL.
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: using the "epoll" event method
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: nginx/1.20.1
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: built by gcc 10.2.1 20201203 (Alpine 10.2.1_pre1)
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: OS: Linux 4.19.84-microsoft-standard
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 1048576:1048576
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker processes
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 45
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 46
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 47
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 48
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 49
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 50
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 51
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 52
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 53
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 54
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 55
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 11:35:54 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 56
nginx_1      | - - [10/Aug/2021:16:45:48 +0000] "GET /sites/sday_lom_rf/themes/custom/rg_barrio/css/style.scss HTTP/1.1" 200 3997 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 17:07:58 [error] 45#45: *4 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Xdebug: [Log Files] File '/proc/self/fd/2' could not be opened" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: default, request: "GET /admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "ru.lom.localhost"
nginx_1      | - - [10/Aug/2021:17:07:58 +0000] "GET /admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify HTTP/1.1" 200 53316 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 17:08:06 [error] 46#46: *7 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Xdebug: [Log Files] File '/proc/self/fd/2' could not be opened" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: default, request: "GET /admin/coffee/get-data HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "ru.lom.localhost", referrer: "http://ru.lom.localhost/admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify"
nginx_1      | - - [10/Aug/2021:17:08:06 +0000] "GET /admin/coffee/get-data HTTP/1.1" 200 10904 "http://ru.lom.localhost/admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 17:08:15 [error] 46#46: *7 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Xdebug: [Log Files] File '/proc/self/fd/2' could not be opened" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: default, request: "POST /admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "ru.lom.localhost", referrer: "http://ru.lom.localhost/admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify"
nginx_1      | - - [10/Aug/2021:17:08:15 +0000] "POST /admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify HTTP/1.1" 303 570 "http://ru.lom.localhost/admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 17:08:26 [error] 46#46: *7 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Xdebug: [Log Files] File '/proc/self/fd/2' could not be opened" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: default, request: "GET /admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "ru.lom.localhost", referrer: "http://ru.lom.localhost/admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify"
nginx_1      | - - [10/Aug/2021:17:08:26 +0000] "GET /admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify HTTP/1.1" 200 53456 "http://ru.lom.localhost/admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | 2021/08/10 17:08:34 [error] 46#46: *7 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Xdebug: [Log Files] File '/proc/self/fd/2' could not be opened" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: default, request: "GET /admin/coffee/get-data HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "ru.lom.localhost", referrer: "http://ru.lom.localhost/admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify"
nginx_1      | - - [10/Aug/2021:17:08:34 +0000] "GET /admin/coffee/get-data HTTP/1.1" 200 11060 "http://ru.lom.localhost/admin/config/development/performance/advagg/css-minify" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:21:48 +0000] "GET /office/ooo-sagamet-139255 HTTP/1.1" 200 37128 "http://ru.lom.localhost/moskva/priem-metalloloma" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 06:22:48 [info] 47#47: *20 client timed out (110: Operation timed out) while waiting for request, client:, server:
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:24:14 +0000] "GET /office/ooo-sagamet-139255 HTTP/1.1" 200 208413 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:24:15 +0000] "GET /sites/sday_lom_rf/themes/custom/rg_barrio/css/style.scss HTTP/1.1" 200 3997 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:24:16 +0000] "POST /contextual/render HTTP/1.1" 200 1483 "http://ru.lom.localhost/office/ooo-sagamet-139255" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:24:16 +0000] "POST /history/139255/read HTTP/1.1" 200 29 "http://ru.lom.localhost/office/ooo-sagamet-139255" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:24:17 +0000] "GET /admin/coffee/get-data HTTP/1.1" 200 10900 "http://ru.lom.localhost/office/ooo-sagamet-139255" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:24:40 +0000] "GET /office/ooo-sagamet-139255 HTTP/1.1" 200 200769 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:24:42 +0000] "POST /contextual/render HTTP/1.1" 200 884 "http://ru.lom.localhost/office/ooo-sagamet-139255" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:24:42 +0000] "POST /history/139255/read HTTP/1.1" 200 29 "http://ru.lom.localhost/office/ooo-sagamet-139255" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:24:43 +0000] "GET /admin/coffee/get-data HTTP/1.1" 200 10900 "http://ru.lom.localhost/office/ooo-sagamet-139255" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:26:07 +0000] "GET /office/ooo-sagamet-139255 HTTP/1.1" 200 897313 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:26:11 +0000] "GET /admin/coffee/get-data HTTP/1.1" 200 11060 "http://ru.lom.localhost/office/ooo-sagamet-139255" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:26:11 +0000] "POST /history/139255/read HTTP/1.1" 200 29 "http://ru.lom.localhost/office/ooo-sagamet-139255" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36"
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 06:27:11 [info] 46#46: *46 client timed out (110: Operation timed out) while waiting for request, client:, server:
nginx_1      | - - [11/Aug/2021:06:30:34 +0000] "GET /office/ooo-sagamet-139255 HTTP/1.1" 200 37131 "http://ru.lom.localhost/moskva/priem-metalloloma" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: using the "epoll" event method
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: nginx/1.20.1
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: built by gcc 10.2.1 20201203 (Alpine 10.2.1_pre1)
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: OS: Linux 4.19.84-microsoft-standard
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 1048576:1048576
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker processes
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 48
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 49
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 50
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 51
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 52
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 53
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 54
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 55
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 56
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 57
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 58
nginx_1      | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 59
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/02 12:13:02 Using in-memory storage
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/02 12:13:02 [SMTP] Binding to address:
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/02 12:13:02 Serving under
mailhog_1    | [HTTP] Binding to address:
mailhog_1    | Creating API v1 with WebPath:
mailhog_1    | Creating API v2 with WebPath:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/02 12:24:59 Using in-memory storage
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/02 12:24:59 [SMTP] Binding to address:
mailhog_1    | [HTTP] Binding to address:
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/02 12:24:59 Serving under
mailhog_1    | Creating API v1 with WebPath:
mailhog_1    | Creating API v2 with WebPath:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/jim
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/messages
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/websocket
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/messages
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/jim
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/websocket
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: crond (busybox 1.32.1) started, log level 0
crond_1      | crond: user:www-data entry:0 * * * * drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
crond_1      | 111111111111111111111111
crond_1      | 11111111111111111111111111111111
crond_1      | 111111111111
crond_1      | 1111111
crond_1      | crond: user:www-data entry:0 * * * * drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
crond_1      | 111111111111111111111111
crond_1      | 11111111111111111111111111111111
crond_1      | 111111111111
crond_1      | 1111111
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=51
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=70
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=3659
crond_1      | crond: time disparity of 60 minutes detected
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=51
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=897
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=3
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:13:03 Warning: the --no-auth flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of Portainer.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:13:03 Warning: the --template-file flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of Portainer.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:13:04 [ERROR] [http,client] [message: unexpected status code] [status_code: 403]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:13:04 [WARN] [exec,extensions] [message: unable to retrieve extensions manifest via Internet. Extensions will be retrieved from local cache and might not be up to date] [err: Invalid response status (expecting 200)]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:13:04 server: Reverse tunnelling enabled
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:13:04 server: Fingerprint 14:dc:fb:2e:08:45:56:c7:2f:65:6a:79:a4:0d:0e:d5
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:13:04 server: Listening on
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:13:04 Starting Portainer 1.24.2 on :9000
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:13:04 [DEBUG] [chisel, monitoring] [check_interval_seconds: 10.000000] [message: starting tunnel management process]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:24:59 Warning: the --no-auth flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of Portainer.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:24:59 Warning: the --template-file flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of Portainer.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:25:00 [ERROR] [http,client] [message: unexpected status code] [status_code: 403]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:25:00 [WARN] [exec,extensions] [message: unable to retrieve extensions manifest via Internet. Extensions will be retrieved from local cache and might not be up to date] [err: Invalid response status (expecting 200)]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:25:00 Templates already registered inside the database. Skipping template import.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:25:00 Instance already has defined endpoints. Skipping the endpoint defined via CLI.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:25:00 server: Reverse tunnelling enabled
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:25:00 server: Fingerprint 14:dc:fb:2e:08:45:56:c7:2f:65:6a:79:a4:0d:0e:d5
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:25:00 server: Listening on
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:25:00 Starting Portainer 1.24.2 on :9000
portainer_1  | 2021/08/02 12:25:00 [DEBUG] [chisel, monitoring] [check_interval_seconds: 10.000000] [message: starting tunnel management process]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:19 Warning: the --no-auth flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of Portainer.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:19 Warning: the --template-file flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of Portainer.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:21 [ERROR] [http,client] [message: unexpected status code] [status_code: 403]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:21 [WARN] [exec,extensions] [message: unable to retrieve extensions manifest via Internet. Extensions will be retrieved from local cache and might not be up to date] [err: Invalid response status (expecting 200)]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:21 Templates already registered inside the database. Skipping template import.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:21 Instance already has defined endpoints. Skipping the endpoint defined via CLI.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:21 server: Reverse tunnelling enabled
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:21 server: Fingerprint 14:dc:fb:2e:08:45:56:c7:2f:65:6a:79:a4:0d:0e:d5
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:21 server: Listening on
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:21 Starting Portainer 1.24.2 on :9000
portainer_1  | 2021/08/05 07:40:21 [DEBUG] [chisel, monitoring] [check_interval_seconds: 10.000000] [message: starting tunnel management process]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:16 Warning: the --no-auth flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of Portainer.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:16 Warning: the --template-file flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of Portainer.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:17 [ERROR] [http,client] [message: unexpected status code] [status_code: 403]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:17 [WARN] [exec,extensions] [message: unable to retrieve extensions manifest via Internet. Extensions will be retrieved from local cache and might not be up to date] [err: Invalid response status (expecting 200)]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:17 Templates already registered inside the database. Skipping template import.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:17 Instance already has defined endpoints. Skipping the endpoint defined via CLI.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:17 server: Reverse tunnelling enabled
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:17 server: Fingerprint 14:dc:fb:2e:08:45:56:c7:2f:65:6a:79:a4:0d:0e:d5
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:17 server: Listening on
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:17 Starting Portainer 1.24.2 on :9000
portainer_1  | 2021/08/06 11:43:17 [DEBUG] [chisel, monitoring] [check_interval_seconds: 10.000000] [message: starting tunnel management process]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:24 Warning: the --no-auth flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of Portainer.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:24 Warning: the --template-file flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of Portainer.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [ERROR] [http,client] [message: unexpected status code] [status_code: 403]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [WARN] [exec,extensions] [message: unable to retrieve extensions manifest via Internet. Extensions will be retrieved from local cache and might not be up to date] [err: Invalid response status (expecting 200)]
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 Templates already registered inside the database. Skipping template import.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 Instance already has defined endpoints. Skipping the endpoint defined via CLI.
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 server: Reverse tunnelling enabled
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 server: Fingerprint 14:dc:fb:2e:08:45:56:c7:2f:65:6a:79:a4:0d:0e:d5
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 server: Listening on
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 Starting Portainer 1.24.2 on :9000
portainer_1  | 2021/08/11 08:43:25 [DEBUG] [chisel, monitoring] [check_interval_seconds: 10.000000] [message: starting tunnel management process]
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond:  job: 0 drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: child running /bin/ash
crond_1      | crond: USER www-data pid 148 cmd drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      |
crond_1      |
crond_1      |   Command cron was not found. Drush was unable to query the database. As a re
crond_1      |   sult, many commands are unavailable. Re-run your command with --debug to se
crond_1      |   e relevant log messages.
crond_1      |
crond_1      |
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=10
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=50
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | [10-Aug-2021 17:09:01] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 1
redis_1      | 1:C 10 Aug 2021 09:09:59.958 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | [10-Aug-2021 17:09:01] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
redis_1      | 1:C 10 Aug 2021 09:09:59.958 # Redis version=6.2.5, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:21:43 +0000 "GET /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:C 10 Aug 2021 09:09:59.958 # Configuration loaded
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:24:09 +0000 "GET /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:09:59.959 * monotonic clock: POSIX clock_gettime
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:24:15 +0000 "POST /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:09:59.960 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379.
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:24:16 +0000 "POST /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:09:59.960 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:24:15 +0000 "GET /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:09:59.960 # Server initialized
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:24:36 +0000 "GET /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:09:59.960 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:24:41 +0000 "POST /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:09:59.960 * Ready to accept connections
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:24:42 +0000 "POST /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:11:00.038 * 10000 changes in 60 seconds. Saving...
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:24:41 +0000 "GET /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:11:00.039 * Background saving started by pid 22
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:26:02 +0000 "GET /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 22:C 10 Aug 2021 09:11:00.092 * DB saved on disk
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:26:09 +0000 "GET /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 22:C 10 Aug 2021 09:11:00.092 * RDB: 5 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:26:11 +0000 "POST /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:11:00.139 * Background saving terminated with success
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | -  11/Aug/2021:06:30:33 +0000 "GET /index.php" 200
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:12:01.031 * 10000 changes in 60 seconds. Saving...
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | [11-Aug-2021 08:43:25] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 1
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:12:01.032 * Background saving started by pid 23
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
php_1        | [11-Aug-2021 08:43:25] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
redis_1      | 23:C 10 Aug 2021 09:12:01.240 * DB saved on disk
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 23:C 10 Aug 2021 09:12:01.241 * RDB: 2 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 09:12:01.333 * Background saving terminated with success
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 17:07:43.979 * 1 changes in 3600 seconds. Saving...
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 17:07:43.980 * Background saving started by pid 24
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 24:C 10 Aug 2021 17:07:44.226 * DB saved on disk
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 24:C 10 Aug 2021 17:07:44.227 * RDB: 2 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 10 Aug 2021 17:07:44.282 * Background saving terminated with success
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 06:15:37.181 * 1 changes in 3600 seconds. Saving...
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 06:15:37.182 * Background saving started by pid 25
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 25:C 11 Aug 2021 06:15:37.980 * DB saved on disk
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 25:C 11 Aug 2021 06:15:37.981 * RDB: 1 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 06:15:37.986 * Background saving terminated with success
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 06:21:44.540 * 100 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 06:21:44.541 * Background saving started by pid 26
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 26:C 11 Aug 2021 06:21:44.763 * DB saved on disk
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 26:C 11 Aug 2021 06:21:44.763 * RDB: 1 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 06:21:44.845 * Background saving terminated with success
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 06:26:45.090 * 100 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 06:26:45.091 * Background saving started by pid 27
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 27:C 11 Aug 2021 06:26:45.309 * DB saved on disk
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 27:C 11 Aug 2021 06:26:45.310 * RDB: 1 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: user:www-data entry:0 * * * * drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 06:26:45.392 * Background saving terminated with success
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:C 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.036 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | 111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:C 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.036 # Redis version=6.2.5, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | 11111111111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:C 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.036 # Configuration loaded
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | 111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.037 * monotonic clock: POSIX clock_gettime
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | 1111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.038 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379.
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.038 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.038 # Server initialized
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.038 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.039 * Loading RDB produced by version 6.2.5
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.039 * RDB age 8199 seconds
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.039 * RDB memory usage when created 48.29 Mb
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.246 * DB loaded from disk: 0.207 seconds
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
redis_1      | 1:M 11 Aug 2021 08:43:24.246 * Ready to accept connections
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  job: 0 drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: child running /bin/ash
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: USER www-data pid 164 cmd drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      |   Command cron was not found. Drush was unable to query the database. As a re
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      |   sult, many commands are unavailable. Re-run your command with --debug to se
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      |   e relevant log messages.
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=10
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=50
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: user:www-data entry:0 * * * * drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | 111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | 11111111111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | 111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | 1111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | mbind: Operation not permitted
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11 08:43:24+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script for MySQL Server 8.0.26-1debian10 started.
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11 08:43:24+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Switching to dedicated user 'mysql'
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11 08:43:24+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script for MySQL Server 8.0.26-1debian10 started.
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:24.654935Z 0 [System] [MY-010116] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 8.0.26) starting as process 1
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:24.673924Z 1 [System] [MY-013576] [InnoDB] InnoDB initialization has started.
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:26.392030Z 1 [System] [MY-013577] [InnoDB] InnoDB initialization has ended.
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:29.534093Z 0 [System] [MY-010229] [Server] Starting XA crash recovery...
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:29.540726Z 0 [System] [MY-010232] [Server] XA crash recovery finished.
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:30.221480Z 0 [Warning] [MY-013746] [Server] A deprecated TLS version TLSv1 is enabled for channel mysql_main
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:30.221675Z 0 [Warning] [MY-013746] [Server] A deprecated TLS version TLSv1.1 is enabled for channel mysql_main
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:30.224730Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010068] [Server] CA certificate ca.pem is self signed.
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:30.224961Z 0 [System] [MY-013602] [Server] Channel mysql_main configured to support TLS. Encrypted connections are now supported for this channel.
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:30.229901Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011810] [Server] Insecure configuration for --pid-file: Location '/var/run/mysqld' in the path is accessible to all OS users. Consider choosing a different directory.
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:30.260279Z 0 [System] [MY-011323] [Server] X Plugin ready for connections. Bind-address: '::' port: 33060, socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqlx.sock
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mysql_1      | 2021-08-11T08:43:30.260454Z 0 [System] [MY-010931] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '8.0.26'  socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server - GPL.
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  job: 0 drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: child running /bin/ash
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: USER www-data pid 180 cmd drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |   Command cron was not found. Drush was unable to query the database. As a re
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |   sult, many commands are unavailable. Re-run your command with --debug to se
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |   e relevant log messages.
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=10
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=50
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: user:www-data entry:0 * * * * drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 11111111111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 1111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=11689
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: time disparity of 194 minutes detected
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=11
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=1062
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  job: 0 drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: child running /bin/ash
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: USER www-data pid 196 cmd drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |   Command cron was not found. Drush was unable to query the database. As a re
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |   sult, many commands are unavailable. Re-run your command with --debug to se
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |   e relevant log messages.
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=8
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=10
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=71
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=47055
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: time disparity of 784 minutes detected
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=34
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: user:www-data entry:0 * * * * drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 11111111111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 1111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  job: 0 drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: child running /bin/ash
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: USER www-data pid 212 cmd drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |   Command cron was not found. Drush was unable to query the database. As a re
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |   sult, many commands are unavailable. Re-run your command with --debug to se
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |   e relevant log messages.
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      |
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=10
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=50
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: crond (busybox 1.32.1) started, log level 0
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: user:www-data entry:0 * * * * drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 11111111111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 1111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: user:www-data entry:0 * * * * drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 11111111111111111111111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 111111111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | 1111111
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=35
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: wakeup dt=60
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond: file www-data:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
crond_1      | crond:  line drush -r /var/www/lom/web cron
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
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mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
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mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
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mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
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mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
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mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
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mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
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mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
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mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
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mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
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mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/05 07:40:18 Using in-memory storage
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/05 07:40:18 [SMTP] Binding to address:
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/05 07:40:18 Serving under
mailhog_1    | [HTTP] Binding to address:
mailhog_1    | Creating API v1 with WebPath:
mailhog_1    | Creating API v2 with WebPath:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/06 11:43:16 Using in-memory storage
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/06 11:43:16 [SMTP] Binding to address:
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/06 11:43:16 Serving under
mailhog_1    | [HTTP] Binding to address:
mailhog_1    | Creating API v1 with WebPath:
mailhog_1    | Creating API v2 with WebPath:
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/jim
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/messages
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/websocket
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/jim
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/messages
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/websocket
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/jim
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/messages
mailhog_1    | [APIv2] GET /api/v2/websocket
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/11 08:43:23 Using in-memory storage
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/11 08:43:23 [SMTP] Binding to address:
mailhog_1    | [HTTP] Binding to address:
mailhog_1    | 2021/08/11 08:43:23 Serving under
mailhog_1    | Creating API v1 with WebPath:
mailhog_1    | Creating API v2 with WebPath:
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
mailhog_1    | [APIv1] KEEPALIVE /api/v1/events
superromeo commented 2 years ago

I replace container definition to this https://www.drupal.org/docs/automated-testing/phpunit-in-drupal/running-phpunit-javascript-tests#docker-compose And all works again!

superromeo commented 2 years ago

New fix: See https://groups.google.com/g/chromedriver-users/c/3B1zixDQNSQ/m/_l0A3Ee4BgAJ

Add this:

    - "--allowed-origins=*"

And alter to this: SELENIUM_CHROME_TAG=99.0

elaman commented 2 years ago

Neither of previous solutions worked.

Niklan commented 1 year ago
    image: selenium/standalone-chrome:$SELENIUM_CHROME_TAG
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_chrome"
    - /dev/shm:/dev/shm
    - chromedriver
    - "--no-sandbox"
    - "--disable-dev-shm-usage"
    - "--log-path=/tmp/chromedriver.log"
    - "--verbose"
    - "--whitelisted-ips="
    - "--allowed-origins=*"

with SELENIUM_CHROME_TAG=103.0 works for me. It's important that --allowed-origins=* without ''. Wrong: --allowed-origins='*'.

SirTadpole commented 1 month ago

Hi !

Working on a new drupal4docker project,

with :


I'm trying to run phpunit functionnal test using chrome.

On my compose.yml :

    image: wodby/drupal-php:$PHP_TAG
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_php"
      # By default xdebug extension also disabled.
      PHP_EXTENSIONS_DISABLE: xhprof,spx
      # Mailhog:
      MSMTP_HOST: mailhog
      MSMTP_PORT: 1025
      PHP_FPM_USER: wodby
      PHP_FPM_GROUP: wodby
      PHP_XDEBUG_MODE: debug
      SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL: "http://nginx"
      MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER: '["chrome", {"browserName":"chrome","goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-gpu","--headless"]}}, "http://chrome:9515"]'
    - ./:/var/www/html:cached

    image: wodby/nginx:$NGINX_TAG
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_nginx"
    - php
      NGINX_SERVER_ROOT: /var/www/html/web
    #      NGINX_DRUPAL_FILE_PROXY_URL: http://example.com
    - ./:/var/www/html:cached
    - "traefik.http.routers.${PROJECT_NAME}_nginx.rule=Host(`${PROJECT_BASE_URL}`)"

    image: selenium/standalone-chromium:latest
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_chrome"
      - SE_OPTS="--log-level FINE"
    - /dev/shm:/dev/shm
      - 5900
      - 4444
    - chromedriver
    - "--no-sandbox"
    - "--disable-dev-shm-usage"
    - "--log-path=/tmp/chromedriver.log"
    - "--verbose"
    - "--whitelisted-ips="
    - "--allowed-origins=*"

When i'm on my php container and i'm trying to run a phpunit

wodby@php.container:/var/www/html $ vendor/bin/phpunit -v tests/ExampleJavascriptTest.php

I got the following error :

PHPUnit 9.6.18 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.3.7
Configuration: /var/www/html/phpunit.xml

Testing Drupal\Tests\ExampleJavascriptTest
S                                                                   1 / 1 (100%)string(263) "Could not open connection: Curl error thrown for http POST to http://chrome:9515/session with params: {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"chrome","name":"Behat Test","goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-gpu","--headless"]}}}

Could not resolve host: chrome"

Time: 00:13.385, Memory: 10.00 MB

There was 1 skipped test:

1) Drupal\Tests\ExampleJavascriptTest::testAjaxOnAddPage
The test wasn't able to connect to your webdriver instance. For more information read core/tests/README.md.

The original message while starting Mink: Could not open connection: Curl error thrown for http POST to http://chrome:9515/session with params: {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"chrome","name":"Behat Test","goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-gpu","--headless"]}}}

Could not resolve host: chrome


OK, but incomplete, skipped, or risky tests!
Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Skipped: 1.

I don't understand why php container is not able to resolve "chrome", while all containers are under the same network...

If i ping chrome on php container, it works !

wodby@php.container:/var/www/html $ ping chrome
PING chrome ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=42 time=0.295 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=42 time=0.160 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=42 time=0.162 ms

If someone have an idea ? appreciate it

Niklan commented 1 month ago

Please try to open port 9515, as it is being used. I also had some problems with Chrome connections, but that was more than a year ago. Since then, I have been using this configuration, and it still works fine.

    image: drupalci/webdriver-chromedriver:production
    container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_chrome"
        soft: -1
        hard: -1
      - "4444:4444"
      - "9515:9515"
      - chromedriver
      - "--log-path=/tmp/chromedriver.log"
      - "--verbose"
      - "--whitelisted-ips="
SirTadpole commented 1 month ago

Thanks @Niklan,

Port 9515 had to be opened for this to work ! I'm able to launch my functional tests, with the image selenium/standalone-chromium:latest

Another little mistery, I don't understand why I don't get any display in noVNC on port 7900.

Tests are running - but no display on NoVNC

If anyone has an idea ;)