wolfSSL / wolfMQTT

wolfMQTT is a small, fast, portable MQTT client implementation, including support for TLS 1.3.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Some errors occured by using STM32F103ZET6+W5500 #174

Closed moxigua closed 3 years ago

moxigua commented 3 years ago

Recently, I wanna to port the wolfMQTT library to my board which is compoent by STM32F103ZET6 + W5500. And my develop environment is MDKV5.31.0.0. Here is my debugging phenomenon. And the MQTT server is Iot Core In Baidu.

When I used the wolfMQTTV0.8, Everything is OK! The message from USART is : ` ip is : gw is : mac is : DHCP LEASED TIME : 7200 Sec. MQTT Net Init: Success (0) MQTT Init: Success (0)

1st DNS Reponsed Translated asyfdev.iot.gz.baidubce.com to MQTT Socket Connect: Success (0) MQTT Connect: Success (0) MQTT Connect Ack: Return Code 0, Session Present 0 MQTT Subscribe: Success (0) Topic $iot/ForBooks/user/temperature, Qos 0, Return Code 0 MQTT Waiting for message... MQTT Message: Topic $iot/ForBooks/user/temperature, Qos 0, Len 6
Payload (0 - 6): dasffd // I send the message by MQTT.fx MQTT Message: Done Ping....

When I used the wolfMQTTV0.9 to V0.11 with the same code. The timeout error will be occured when send keep alive : `=== W5500 NET CONF === ip is : gw is : mac is : DHCP LEASED TIME : 7200 Sec. MQTT Net Init: Success (0) MQTT Init: Success (0)

1st DNS Reponsed Translated asyfdev.iot.gz.baidubce.com to MQTT Socket Connect: Success (0) MQTT Connect: Success (0) MQTT Connect Ack: Return Code 0, Session Present 0 MQTT Subscribe: Success (0) Topic $iot/ForBooks/user/temperature, Qos 0, Return Code 0 MQTT Waiting for message... MQTT Message: Topic $iot/ForBooks/user/temperature, Qos 0, Len 6 Payload (0 - 6): dasffd MQTT Message: Done
MQTT Ping Keep Alive Error: Error (Timeout) (-7) // I can receive messag, by timeout error occured! `

When I used the wolfMQTTV0.12 to The lastest version with the same code. I can't communicat with MQTT.fx anymore. But From the debug message, we can see that stm32 can connect MQTT server OK, while it will be disconnected by some unkown errors. The debug message is: `=== W5500 NET CONF === ip is : gw is : mac is : DHCP LEASED TIME : 7200 Sec. MQTT Net Init: Success (0) MQTT Init: Success (0)

1st DNS Reponsed Translated asyfdev.iot.gz.baidubce.com to MQTT Socket Connect: Success (0) MQTT Connect: Success (0) MQTT Connect Ack: Return Code 0, Session Present 0 MQTT Subscribe: Success (0) Topic $iot/ForBooks/user/temperature, Qos 0, Return Code 0 MQTT Waiting for message... # in this place, we send message by MQTT.fx,but can’t be received. MQTT Message Wait: Error (Network) (-8) `

my test file is :


embhorn commented 3 years ago

Hello @moxigua

Thanks for your message. I am having difficulty with the archive you attached. Could you please try sending just the application source file?

The "timeout error" (-7) is expected. It is simply notification that the keep alive timer has expired due to inactivity and the ping message will be sent to the broker to keep the connection active.

The "network error (-8)" is not expected. It usually indicates that the broker has terminated the connection. Is it possible that another client with the same ID connected, which would cause the broker to disconnect the first client?

Thanks, Eric @ wolfSSL

moxigua commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

The "timeout error" (-7) is expected. <, I'll test whether it will affect the results and then reply to you.

The "network error (-8)"<In my experient, only one Client is used. So I don't think the error was caused by the same ID. By the way, Have the latest library functions been verified in Arduino?

Here is the major code for my projects (STM32+W5500),

/******************************** mqttnet.c*********************************/

#include "wolfmqtt/mqtt_client.h"  
#include "wolfmqtt/mqttnet.h"
#include "socket.h"    
#include "W5500_MQTT_functions.h"  
#include "stm32f10x.h"  
#include "W5500_functions.h"  // include DNS 

/* connect TCP */
static int NetConnect(void *context, const char* host, word16 port,
    int timeout_ms)
  uint8_t dns_socket = Default_SOCK_DNS,errorCount = 0;
    DNS(dns_socket,(char *)host,MQTT_Server_IP);   // DNS
        /* connect using MQTT*/
        switch(getSn_SR(MQTT_Client))       //  get status of W5500
            case SOCK_INIT:           
                if(connect(MQTT_Client, MQTT_Server_IP,port) != SOCK_OK)    
                    if(errorCount >3)
                        return -1;              
                    errorCount ++;
            case SOCK_ESTABLISHED:      
                if(getSn_IR(MQTT_Client) & Sn_IR_CON)   
                        setSn_IR(MQTT_Client, Sn_IR_CON);  //  clear flag
                return  0;                //  OK
            case SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT:               
            case SOCK_CLOSED:                   

static int NetWrite(void *context, const byte* buf, int buf_len,
    int timeout_ms)
  int ret; 
    uint32_t sentsize = 0;
    while(buf_len != sentsize)
        ret = send(MQTT_Client, (unsigned char *)buf+sentsize, buf_len-sentsize); 
        if(ret < 0) 
            return ret;
        sentsize += ret;
    return ret;

static int NetRead(void *context, byte* buf, int buf_len,
    int timeout_ms)
 int ret=0;
    int size = 0;
    //printf("need to read %d bytes data.\r\n", buf_len);
        if((size =getSn_RX_RSR(MQTT_Client)) > 0){
                if(size > buf_len) size = buf_len; 
                    ret = recv(MQTT_Client, buf, size); 
                if(ret < 0)
                    //printf("read error.\r\n");
                    return MQTT_CODE_ERROR_NETWORK;
                else if(ret == 0)
                    //printf("have read 0 bytes data.\r\n");
                    return MQTT_CODE_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
                //printf("have read %d bytes data.\r\n",ret);
                return ret;
        //return MQTT_CODE_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
//      printf("have read 0 bytes data.\r\n");
//      return 0;

/* disconnect */
static int NetDisconnect(void *context)
    return 0;

int MqttClientNet_Init(MqttNet* net)
    if (net) {
        XMEMSET(net, 0, sizeof(MqttNet));
        net->connect = NetConnect;
        net->read = NetRead;
        net->write = NetWrite;
        net->disconnect = NetDisconnect;
              net->context = NULL;
    return 0;

int MqttClientNet_DeInit(MqttNet* net)
    if (net){
        XMEMSET(net, 0, sizeof(MqttNet));

    return 0;

/************************************ MQTT Layer function ***********************************/

//!  MQTT  callback
static int mqttclient_message_cb(MqttClient *client, MqttMessage *msg,
    byte msg_new, byte msg_done)
    byte buf[PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE+1];
    word32 len;


if (msg_new) { 
        len = msg->topic_name_len;
        if (len > PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE) {
            len = PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE;
        XMEMCPY(buf, msg->topic_name, len);
        buf[len] = '\0';
        /*打印Topic主题信息 */
        printf("MQTT Message: Topic %s, Qos %d, Len %u\r\n",
            buf, msg->qos, msg->total_len);
    /* 打印Topic消息体 */
    len = msg->buffer_len;
    if (len > PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE) {
        len = PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE;
    XMEMCPY(buf, msg->buffer, len);
    buf[len] = '\0'; 
    printf("Payload (%d - %d): %s\r\n",
        msg->buffer_pos, msg->buffer_pos + len, buf);
    if (msg_done) {
        printf("MQTT Message: Done\r\n");
    /* Return negative to terminate publish processing */

//!  MQTT interface 

 * @ingroup MQTT config function
 * @brief   MQTT clinet init
 * @details 
 * @param void
int MQTTClient_Init(void)
    int rc;
    uint8_t memsize[2][8] = {{2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2},{2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}};  
    if(ctlwizchip(CW_INIT_WIZCHIP,(void*)memsize) == -1)
         printf("WIZCHIP Initialized fail.\r\n");
         return -1;
       setsockopt(MQTT_Client,SO_KEEPALIVEAUTO,(void *)2);  
    /* Initialize Network */
    rc = MqttClientNet_Init(&net);
#ifdef Debug
    printf("MQTT Net Init: %s (%d)\r\n",
            MqttClient_ReturnCodeToString(rc), rc);
    if (rc != MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
            goto exit;
    /* Initialize MqttClient structure */
    //tx_buf = (byte*)WOLFMQTT_MALLOC(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    //rx_buf = (byte*)WOLFMQTT_MALLOC(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    rc = MqttClient_Init(&client, &net, mqttclient_message_cb,
        tx_buf, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, rx_buf, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,
#ifdef Debug    
    printf("MQTT Init: %s (%d)\r\n",
        MqttClient_ReturnCodeToString(rc), rc);
    if (rc != MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
        goto exit;
        return 0;
        State = 0;
    /* Cleanup network */
    return -1;

 * @ingroup 
 * @brief   MQTT connecct
 * @details 
 * @param host->
int MQTTClient_Connect_With_Name(char *host, char * user, char * pwd)
    int rc;
    // some configs
    const char* topicName = DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC;
    const char* username = user;
    const char* password = pwd;
    MqttQoS qos = DEFAULT_MQTT_QOS;
  /* Define connect parameters */
    MqttConnect connect;
    MqttMessage lwt_msg;
    /* Connect to broker */
    rc = MqttClient_NetConnect(&client, host, MQTT_Server_Port,
        DEFAULT_CON_TIMEOUT_MS, use_tls, mqttclient_tls_cb);
#ifdef Debug        
    printf("MQTT Socket Connect: %s (%d)\r\n", MqttClient_ReturnCodeToString(rc), rc);
    if (rc != MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
        goto exit;
        if(rc == MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS)
            XMEMSET(&connect, 0, sizeof(MqttConnect));
                connect.keep_alive_sec = DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_SEC;
                connect.clean_session = clean_session;
                connect.client_id = client_id;
                /* Last will and testament sent by broker to subscribers
                        of topic when broker connection is lost */
                XMEMSET(&lwt_msg, 0, sizeof(lwt_msg));
                connect.lwt_msg = &lwt_msg;
                connect.enable_lwt = enable_lwt;
                if (enable_lwt) {
                        /* Send client id in LWT payload */
                        lwt_msg.qos = qos;
                        lwt_msg.retain = 0;
                        lwt_msg.topic_name = topicName;
                        lwt_msg.buffer = (byte*)client_id;
                        lwt_msg.total_len = (word16)XSTRLEN(client_id);
                /* Optional authentication */
                connect.username = username;
                connect.password = password;

                /* Send Connect and wait for Connect Ack */
                rc = MqttClient_Connect(&client, &connect);
#ifdef Debug                
                printf("MQTT Connect: %s (%d)\r\n",
                        MqttClient_ReturnCodeToString(rc), rc);
                if (rc == MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
                    State = 1;
/* Validate Connect Ack info */
#ifdef Debug                    
                    printf("MQTT Connect Ack: Return Code %u, Session Present %d\r\n",
                        (connect.ack.flags & MQTT_CONNECT_ACK_FLAG_SESSION_PRESENT) ?
                                1 : 0
                    return 0;

        State = 0;
    /* Cleanup network */
    return -1;

 * @ingroup
 * @brief   
 * @details 
 * @param topicName->
 * @param MqttQoS->  
                MQTT_QOS_0 = 0,  At most once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_1 = 1,  At least once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_2 = 2,  Exactly once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_3 = 3,  Reserved - must not be used 
 * @param message->  消息的内容
 * @param topicName->  消息的长度
int MQTTClient_Publish(char *topicName,MqttQoS  qos,char *message,uint32_t length)
        int rc;
        MqttPublish publish;

        /* Publish Topic */
        XMEMSET(&publish, 0, sizeof(MqttPublish));
    publish.retain = 0;       
        publish.qos = qos;
    publish.duplicate = 0;     
        publish.topic_name = topicName;
        publish.packet_id = mqttclient_get_packetid();
        publish.buffer = (byte*)message;
        //publish.total_len = (word16)XSTRLEN(TEST_MESSAGE);
        publish.total_len = length;
#ifdef Lock
        rc = MqttClient_Publish(&client, &publish);
#ifdef Lock
#ifdef Debug
        printf("MQTT Publish: Topic %s, %s (%d)\r\n",
                publish.topic_name, MqttClient_ReturnCodeToString(rc), rc);
        if (rc != MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
                goto exit;
        return 0;
        State = 0;
    /* Cleanup network */
    return -1;          

 * @ingroup MQTT使用函数
 * @brief   MQTT客户端消息的订阅
 * @details 
 * @param topicName->  订阅消息的 topic
 * @param MqttQoS->  消息发布服务质量
                MQTT_QOS_0 = 0,  At most once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_1 = 1,  At least once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_2 = 2,  Exactly once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_3 = 3,  Reserved - must not be used 
int MQTTclient_Subscribe(char *topicName,MqttQoS    qos)
        int rc;
        int i ;
        MqttSubscribe subscribe;
        MqttTopic topics[1], *topic;
        /* Build list of topics */
        topics[0].topic_filter = topicName;
        topics[0].qos = qos;
        /* Subscribe Topic */
        XMEMSET(&subscribe, 0, sizeof(MqttSubscribe));
        subscribe.packet_id = mqttclient_get_packetid();
        subscribe.topic_count = sizeof(topics)/sizeof(MqttTopic);
        subscribe.topics = topics;
#ifdef Lock
        rc = MqttClient_Subscribe(&client, &subscribe);
#ifdef Lock
        printf("MQTT Subscribe: %s (%d)\r\n",
                MqttClient_ReturnCodeToString(rc), rc);
        if (rc != MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
                goto exit;
        for (i = 0; i < subscribe.topic_count; i++) {
                topic = &subscribe.topics[i];
                printf("  Topic %s, Qos %u, Return Code %u\r\n",
                        topic->topic_filter, topic->qos, topic->return_code);
        return 0;
        State = 0;
    /* Cleanup network */
    return -1;                  

 * @ingroup MQTT使用函数
 * @brief   MQTT客户端消息的取消订阅
 * @details 
 * @param topicName->  取消订阅消息的 topic
 * @param MqttQoS->  消息发布服务质量
                MQTT_QOS_0 = 0,  At most once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_1 = 1,  At least once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_2 = 2,  Exactly once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_3 = 3,  Reserved - must not be used 
int MQTTclient_Unsubscribe_Topics(char *topicName,MqttQoS   qos)
        int rc;
        MqttUnsubscribe unsubscribe;
        MqttTopic topics[1];
        /* Build list of topics */
        topics[0].topic_filter = topicName;
        topics[0].qos = qos;
        /* Unsubscribe Topics */
        XMEMSET(&unsubscribe, 0, sizeof(MqttUnsubscribe));
        unsubscribe.packet_id = mqttclient_get_packetid();
        unsubscribe.topic_count = sizeof(topics)/sizeof(MqttTopic);
        unsubscribe.topics = topics;
#ifdef Lock
        rc = MqttClient_Unsubscribe(&client, &unsubscribe);
#ifdef Lock
        printf("MQTT Unsubscribe: %s (%d)\r\n",
                MqttClient_ReturnCodeToString(rc), rc);
        if (rc != MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
                goto exit;
        return 0;
        State = 0;
    /* Cleanup network */
    return -1;                  

 * @ingroup MQTT使用函数
 * @brief   MQTT读取消息的Loop
 * @details 
 * @param topicName->  需要的去的那个Topic的消息
 * @param MqttQoS->  消息服务质量
                MQTT_QOS_0 = 0,  At most once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_1 = 1,  At least once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_2 = 2,  Exactly once delivery 
                    MQTT_QOS_3 = 3,  Reserved - must not be used 
int MQTTclient_ReadLoop(void)
        int rc;
      uint8_t readCount = 0 ,temp =1;
        /* Read Loop */
#ifdef Debug
        printf("MQTT Waiting for message...\r\n");
        while (IsConnnected) {
                /* Try and read packet */
                IsReadingMessage = 1;   
                    rc = MqttClient_WaitMessage(&client, cmd_timeout_ms);               
                IsReadingMessage = 0;
                if (rc == MQTT_CODE_ERROR_TIMEOUT) {
                    readCount ++;
                    temp = 1;
                          temp =  cmd_timeout_ms/1000;
                    if(readCount > DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_SEC/2/temp)
                        readCount = 0;
#ifdef Lock
                        rc = MqttClient_Ping(&client);
#ifdef Lock
                        if (rc != MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
#ifdef Debug                                    
                                printf("MQTT Ping Keep Alive Error: %s (%d)\r\n",
                                        MqttClient_ReturnCodeToString(rc), rc);
#ifdef Debug
                else if (rc != MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
                        /* There was an error */
                        printf("MQTT Message Wait: %s (%d)\r\n",
                                MqttClient_ReturnCodeToString(rc), rc);
        /* Check for error */
        if (rc != MQTT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
                goto exit;
        return 0;
    /* Cleanup network */
        IsConnnected = false;
    return -1;                  
 * @ingroup MQTT使用函数
 * @brief   MQTT客户端断开链接
 * @details 
 * @param void
 int MQTTclient_Disconnect(void)
        int rc;
        State = 0;

        /* Disconnect */
#ifdef Lock
        rc = MqttClient_Disconnect(&client);
        printf("MQTT Disconnect: %s (%d)\r\n",
                MqttClient_ReturnCodeToString(rc), rc);
#ifdef Lock
        /* Cleanup network */
    return 0;                   


in the Main.c file, I just for the net  initialization, and call MQTTclient_ReadLoop:
int main(void)
    /*  I omitted the initialization section. I think this part is OK.  */

        IsConnnected = 1;
        IsConnnected = 0;

moxigua commented 3 years ago

For "timeout error" (-7), I think it is also no expected. I have done the experiment and the debug message is:

embhorn commented 3 years ago

Hi @moxigua

Since this is unencrypted, a packet capture will be able to show you if a malformed packet is causing the broker to disconnect. Could you please attach a packet trace using wireshark?

If you would prefer to continue this discussion in a more private environment, please feel free to open a support ticket by sending an email to support@wolfssl.com

Thanks, @embhorn

embhorn commented 3 years ago

Hi @moxigua

I am closing this issue since it has been inactive for quite some time. Please feel free to reopen with further comments.