wolfgang-noichl / magick-rotation

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Dell Venue 8 Pro not working (Ubuntu22.04.1 LTS) #3

Open elastufka opened 1 year ago

elastufka commented 1 year ago


I've been trying to get this to work on an old tablet recently converted to Lubuntu.

Here's what happens when following the instructions in installer.txt:

Then I get the message:

Magick is using a gtk.StatusIcon. Please install 62-magick.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d


ls /etc/udev/rules.d

shows that 62-magick.rules is present.

After some googling and reading of old forum threads, I added the try/except and print statements for have_appindicator. They all returned false. Trying 'import appindicator' in python3 showed that the module did not exist. However, it is not available via pip and I understand it has been deprecated since Ubuntu 13 or so.

Is there a solution that works on recent Ubuntu distros?

wolfgang-noichl commented 1 year ago

What kind of tablet are you using?

Is there a solution that works on recent Ubuntu distros?

Works here on a Fujitsu T901 / Xubuntu 22.04.

Your problem is unrelated to appindicator (which is entirely optional - it's specific to unity, and this works on xfce as well). Something is amiss with your udev rules. They create /dev/input/magick-rotation, which is read by magic-rotation to figure out the rotation of the screen. So as a test, you can do

cat /dev/input/magick-rotation

and look for output when the rotation changes. This file likely doesn't exist on your tablet. Eg for me, when I flip and close the screen. Not sure, but I think these sensors are implemented mostly for convertibles. The code doing this is named hinge.py after all.

I'm not sure whether magick-rotation works as-is if no supported "hinge" is found. If you want the rest of the features (ie an easy way to rotate both screen and pen input at the same time - yet not automatically), you could probably try to fake the device:

sudo ln -s /dev/zero /dev/input/magick-rotation

...and see if magic-rotation runs without errors then.

elastufka commented 1 year ago

It's a Dell Venue 8 Pro. I did some digging and it looks like the accelerometer is not detected (or at least its events are not put out to the sensor log). iio-sensor-proxy is also not present and https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/hadess/iio-sensor-proxy won't install due to some code error in ninja install (even though monitor-sensor seems to work okay for some reason, but it only sees the luminosity events).

I'm guessing that's the root of the problem, unfortunately will have to wait until I have time to look at it further. Thanks for the quick response though!