wollio / angular2_photoswipe

An angular2 PhotoSwipe component
MIT License
31 stars 14 forks source link
angular angular2 angular6 gallery lightbox photoswipe

PhotoSwipe for Angular 2+

Codacy Badge npm version

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.2.4.

This is a library with components and services for PhotoSwipe. The official PhotoSwipe JS file is still needed.

This library supports SSR. (Tested with Angular Universal Starter)


Install NPM packages
npm install --save photoswipe
npm install --save angular2_photoswipe
Add assets in your angular.json
"projects": {
  "your-app-name": {
    "architect": {
      "build": {
        "assets": [
          // add this from here
            "glob": "**/*.@(svg|png|gif)", 
            "input": "./node_modules/photoswipe/src/css/default-skin", 
            "output": "/assets/media" 
          // to here        
Include the Angular2PhotoswipeModule.
import {Angular2PhotoswipeModule} from 'angular2_photoswipe';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {

Place the npg-lightbox somewhere in your layout.


Add the ngp-gallery and the ngp-gallery-item in your component html.

<a2p-gallery [galleryId]="sampleId">
  <ngp-gallery-item [image]="image1"></ngp-gallery-item>
  <ngp-gallery-item [image]="image2"></ngp-gallery-item>
Load images in component
import { Image } from 'angular2_photoswipe';

// instantiate images like this
this.image1 = new Image();
this.image1.largeUrl = 'https://picsum.photos/4934/3296/?image=1';
this.image1.height = 3296;
this.image1.width = 4934;
this.image1.id = 0;
this.image1.size = `${this.image1.width}x${this.image1.height}`;
this.image1.thumbUrl = 'https://picsum.photos/300/200/?image=1'; 
Custom Options Adapter
import {Angular2PhotoswipeModule, LightboxAdapter} from 'angular2_photoswipe';

  imports: [
  //Custom LightboxAdapter
  providers: [
    {provide : LightboxAdapter, useClass : CustomLightboxAdapter}
export class AppModule {
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { LightboxAdapter } from 'angular2_photoswipe';

export class CustomLightboxAdapter extends LightboxAdapter {
    allowPanToNext = true;
    spacing = 0.12;
    bgOpacity = 0.4;
    mouseUsed = false;
    loop = true;
    pinchToClose = true;
    closeOnScroll = true;
    closeOnVerticalDrag = true;
    hideAnimationDuration = 333;
    showAnimationDuration = 333;
    showHideOpacity = false;
    escKey = true;
    arrowKeys = true;
    getPageURLForShare = function(shareButtonData) {
        return window.location.href;
Bootstrap 4 support
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { LightboxAdapter } from 'angular2_photoswipe';

export class CustomLightboxAdapter extends LightboxAdapter {
       enableBootstrap4 = true;
configure card count
.card-columns {
  @include media-breakpoint-only(lg) {
    column-count: 4;
  @include media-breakpoint-only(xl) {
    column-count: 5;
autofill: stretch smaller images to fill the screen

By default photoswipe does not stretch images to fill the screen. When working with smaller images this can be undesirable. Use [autoFill]="true" to stretch smaller images.

<a2p-gallery [galleryId]="sampleId" [autoFill]="true">
  <ngp-gallery-item [image]="image1"></ngp-gallery-item>
  <ngp-gallery-item [image]="image2"></ngp-gallery-item>


This repository contains a demo app. the source is located in: src/

Run ng serve to start the dev server for the demo. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


The library was created with the angular cli using ng generate library.

!!! The project's name is 'angular2-photoswipe' (with a dash) because an underline is not supported.

build library

To build the library run npm run build_lib.