woocommerce / action-scheduler

A scalable, traceable job queue for background processing large queues of tasks in WordPress. Specifically designed for distribution in WordPress plugins (and themes) - no server access required.
GNU General Public License v3.0
627 stars 114 forks source link

Pending Payment Orders Automatically Move to Trash #525

Closed BonnieBeeman closed 4 years ago

BonnieBeeman commented 4 years ago

All of our existing "Pending Payment" orders automatically move to Trash when Scheduled Actions take place. Pending Orders must be manually "Restored"

This is tied to the new Woocommerce automated scheduled actions, which includes emails to customers who abandoned cart. There are now thousands of completed Scheduled Actions that must be manually deleted 10 at a time. You can see from the attached screen shot that with the introduction of Woocommerce 4.0.1 we now have 4,429 completed scheduled actions to delete manually, which is highly labor and time intensive.

The bug is that existing "Pending Payment" orders seem to be treated as abandoned carts, and are automatically moved to Trash.
Woocommerce deletes Pending Orders

juliaamosova commented 4 years ago

Hi @BonnieBeeman,

Thank you for reporting the issue. Action Scheduler is being developed in another repository: https://github.com/woocommerce/action-scheduler.

I am going to move your bug report there so that the right team could take a look further.

rrennick commented 4 years ago

@BonnieBeeman the hook being run is woocommerce_ac_send_email_action. Do you have an extension installed that sends emails on abandoned carts?

rrennick commented 4 years ago

You can see from the attached screen shot that with the introduction of Woocommerce 4.0.1 we now have 4,429 completed scheduled actions to delete manually, which is highly labor and time intensive.

These are purged automatically after 30 days.

BonnieBeeman commented 4 years ago

Yes, we are using the Woocommerce Abandoned Cart Lite that has a hook to send an email out to someone only if their email was captured.

rrennick commented 4 years ago

Yes, we are using the Woocommerce Abandoned Cart Lite that has a hook to send an email out to someone only if their email was captured.

@BonnieBeeman Deactivate it until you receive at least one order to see whether your orders are still moved to the trash.

BonnieBeeman commented 4 years ago

De-activating Woocommerce Abandoned Cart Lite did not solve the problem. Every day some trigger automatically moves all of my “Pending Payment” to “Trash” and I must manually recover them. Below is the system status config report from Woocommerce so you can test.


WordPress Environment

WordPress address (URL): https://redzonereceiver.tv

Site address (URL): https://redzonereceiver.tv

WC Version: 4.0.1

REST API Version: ✔ 1.0.7

WC Blocks Version: ✔ 2.5.14

Action Scheduler Version: ✔ 3.1.4

WC Admin Version: ✔ 1.0.3

Log Directory Writable: ✔

WP Version: 5.4

WP Multisite: –

WP Memory Limit: 256 MB

WP Debug Mode: –

WP Cron: ✔

Language: en_US

External object cache: –

Server Environment

Server Info: Apache

PHP Version: 7.3.14

PHP Post Max Size: 32 MB

PHP Time Limit: 30

PHP Max Input Vars: 1000

cURL Version: 7.62.0


SUHOSIN Installed: –

MySQL Version: 5.6.47-cll-lve

Max Upload Size: 32 MB

Default Timezone is UTC: ✔

fsockopen/cURL: ✔

SoapClient: ✔

DOMDocument: ✔

GZip: ✔

Multibyte String: ✔

Remote Post: ✔

Remote Get: ✔


WC Database Version: 4.0.1

WC Database Prefix: wp_

Total Database Size: 42.99MB

Database Data Size: 39.23MB

Database Index Size: 3.76MB

wp_woocommerce_sessions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB

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wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Data: 0.15MB + Index: 0.16MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB

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wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB

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wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB

wp_woocommerce_log: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB

wp_actionscheduler_actions: Data: 1.66MB + Index: 0.42MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_actionscheduler_claims: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_actionscheduler_groups: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.01MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_actionscheduler_logs: Data: 0.82MB + Index: 0.61MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_ac_abandoned_cart_history_lite: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_ac_email_templates_lite: Data: 0.01MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_ac_guest_abandoned_cart_history_lite: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_ac_sent_history_lite: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_adtribes_my_conversions: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_ahm_download_stats: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_ahm_emails: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_booking: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

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wp_db7_forms: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

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wp_formmaker: Data: 0.03MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

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wp_links: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

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wp_termmeta: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.01MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_terms: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.01MB + Engine MyISAM

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wp_users: Data: 0.03MB + Index: 0.04MB + Engine MyISAM

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wp_wc_category_lookup: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

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wp_wc_webhooks: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_wpgmza: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB

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wp_wpgmza_datasets: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB

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wp_wpgmza_polylines: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB

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wp_wplc_chat_msgs: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB

wp_wplc_chat_sessions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB

wp_wplc_offline_messages: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB

wp_wplc_webhooks: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB

wp_wpml_mails: Data: 0.54MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_wpmm_subscribers: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB

wp_xsg_sitemap_meta: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB

wp_yith_vendors_commissions: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_yith_vendors_commissions_notes: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_yith_vendors_payments: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_yith_vendors_payments_relathionship: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_yith_vendors_payments_relationship: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

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wp_yith_wccl_meta: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_yith_wcwl: Data: 0.07MB + Index: 0.04MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_yith_wcwl_lists: Data: 0.11MB + Index: 0.16MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_ywrr_email_blocklist: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

wp_ywrr_email_schedule: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM

Post Type Counts

accordions: 2

attachment: 491

channel: 1

contactform: 3

custom_css: 2

customize_changeset: 1

faq: 15

featurestab: 3

fmemailverification: 1

form-maker: 1

logo: 12

mailpoet_page: 1

mwd_optin_conf: 2

nav_menu_item: 27

nf_sub: 1

oembed_cache: 1

page: 70

portfolios: 18

post: 1

postman_sent_mail: 18

product: 8

revision: 1385

services: 3

shop_coupon: 4

shop_order: 209

sliders: 11

te_announcements: 2

testimonial: 4

wpdmpro: 1

yith-wcbm-badge: 9

ywar_reviews: 2

ywcm_message: 1


Secure connection (HTTPS): ✔

Hide errors from visitors: ✔

Active Plugins (36)

FS License Manager: by Firas Saidi – 4.1.2 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce

Classic Editor: by WordPress Contributors – 1.5

Facebook for WooCommerce: by Facebook – 1.10.2

Permalink Manager Pro: by Maciej Bis –

Slider Revolution Particles Effect: by ThemePunch – 2.0.0

Slider Revolution: by ThemePunch – 6.2.2

Simple Universal Google Analytics: by naa986 – 1.0.4

Tax Rate Upload: by Adam Bowen – 2.4.5 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce

WordPress Users & WooCommerce Customers Import Export(BASIC): by WebToffee – 1.4.1

ELEX Stamps.com WooCommerce Extension (USPS): by ELEX – 2.2.3

uSquare: by ShindiriStudio – 1.7

MailChimp by 10Web: by 10Web – 1.1.3

Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce: by Tyche Softwares – 5.7.2

WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: by WooCommerce – 4.3.3

WooCommerce: by Automattic – 4.0.1

WP Add Mime Types: by Kimiya Kitani – 2.5.4

WP Google Maps - Pro Add-on: by WP Google Maps – 6.41

WP Google Maps - Visitor Generated Markers: by WP Google Maps – 3.21

WP Google Maps: by WP Google Maps – 8.0.22

WP Last Login: by Konstantin Obenland – 3

WP Mail Logging: by MailPoet – 1.9.5

WP Super Cache: by Automattic – 1.7.1

YITH Essential Kit for WooCommerce #1: by YITH – 2.1.3

YITH Purchased Column for WooCommerce: by YITHEMES – 1.1.7 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter: by YITH – 3.9.0

YITH WooCommerce Badge Management: by YITH – 1.4.0

YITH WooCommerce Compare: by YITH – 2.3.20

YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice and Shipping List: by YITH – 1.2.17

YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons: by YITH – – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce

YITH WooCommerce Quick View: by YITH – 1.4.0

YITH WooCommerce Request A Quote Premium: by YITH – 2.3.2

YITH WooCommerce Review Reminder: by YITH – 1.6.4

YITH WooCommerce Tab Manager: by YITH – 1.2.20

YITH WooCommerce Waiting List: by YITH – 1.4.0

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist: by YITH – 3.0.9

YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier: by YITH – 1.3.16

Inactive Plugins (9)

Check Email: by Chris Taylor – 0.5.7

Data Tables Generator by Supsystic: by supsystic.com – 1.9.92

Data Tables Generator PRO by Supsystic: by supsystic.com – 1.5.9

Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades: by Chris Jean – 2.0.1

Lktags - Linkedin Insight Tags: by Pagup – 1.1.8

Sucuri Security - Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening: by Sucuri Inc. – 1.8.24

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search: by YITH – 1.7.6

YITH WooCommerce Cart Messages: by YITH – 1.5.1

YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking: by YITH – 1.2.15

Dropin Plugins (1)

advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php


API Enabled: ✔

Force SSL: ✔

Currency: USD ($)

Currency Position: left

Thousand Separator: ,

Decimal Separator: .

Number of Decimals: 2

Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)

grouped (grouped)

license_key (license_key)

simple (simple)

variable (variable)

yith_bundle (yith_bundle)

Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)

exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)

featured (featured)

outofstock (outofstock)

rated-1 (rated-1)

rated-2 (rated-2)

rated-3 (rated-3)

rated-4 (rated-4)

rated-5 (rated-5)

Connected to WooCommerce.com: ✔

WC Pages

Shop base: #388 - /shop

Cart: #389 - /cart

Checkout: #390 - /checkout

My account: #392 - /my-account

Terms and conditions: #2644 - /terms-conditions


Name: Bazar

Version: 3.8.0

Author URL: http://yithemes.com/

Child Theme: ❌ – If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme

WooCommerce Support: ✔


Overrides: bazar/woocommerce/cart/cart-shipping.php





bazar/woocommerce/cart/shipping-calculator.php version 3.5.0 is out of date. The core version is 4.0.0





























Outdated Templates: ❌

                                                                                            Learn how to update

Action Scheduler

Complete: 4,368

Oldest: 2020-03-22 11:04:05 -0700

Newest: 2020-04-22 10:43:48 -0700

Pending: 2

Oldest: 2020-04-22 10:58:48 -0700

Newest: 2020-04-22 10:58:48 -0700


From: Ron Rennick notifications@github.com Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 11:38 AM To: woocommerce/action-scheduler action-scheduler@noreply.github.com Cc: BonnieBeeman bonnie.beeman@comcast.net; Mention mention@noreply.github.com Subject: Re: [woocommerce/action-scheduler] Pending Payment Orders Automatically Move to Trash (#525)

Yes, we are using the Woocommerce Abandoned Cart Lite that has a hook to send an email out to someone only if their email was captured.

@BonnieBeeman https://github.com/BonnieBeeman Deactivate it until you receive at least one order to see whether your orders are still moved to the trash.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/woocommerce/action-scheduler/issues/525#issuecomment-617341375 , or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADGD2EBJVUUEWST5VYUGMH3RNXRXVANCNFSM4MM2NR4Q . https://github.com/notifications/beacon/ADGD2EG5BQ5SURSJUHJVTUTRNXRXVA5CNFSM4MM2NR42YY3PNVWWK3TUL52HS4DFVREXG43VMVBW63LNMVXHJKTDN5WW2ZLOORPWSZGOETF6DPY.gif

rrennick commented 4 years ago

@BonnieBeeman Github is for reporting issues/bugs vs providing customer support. If you are a WooCommerce.com customer please contact support at https://WooCommerce.com/contact-us/.

thenbrent commented 4 years ago

Every day some trigger automatically moves all of my “Pending Payment” to “Trash” and I must manually recover them.

@BonnieBeeman what you are describing sounds similar to the behaviour of WooCommerce's Hold Stock setting. Support can help confirm if that's the issue, but you might want to try disabling Hold Stock. Learn more here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/configuring-woocommerce-settings/#inventory-options

BonnieBeeman commented 4 years ago

I disabled WooCommerce Hold Stock setting, but the issue of all my Pending Payment orders being automatically moved to trash is still happening.

thenbrent commented 4 years ago

@BonnieBeeman sorry to hear that. If haven't already, please contact support to help with this via https://WooCommerce.com/contact-us/

It's not a confirmed bug, and is likely a plugin conflict or something like that which will need a lot of back-and-forth to reproduce. As Ron mentioned previously, GitHub is for error and bug reports, or reproducable issues.