From design review 6kkCwI9VOEYcidp6UT5bln-fi-1108_27535
Needs testing, since we also have editable rows in the bottom drawer, so might not be possible have both full-tappable and be able to tap specific rows.
Comment on rounded corners: it's probably a safe area insets thing, due to the OrderForm being wrapped in a two-pane layout here.
From design review 6kkCwI9VOEYcidp6UT5bln-fi-1108_27535
Needs testing, since we also have editable rows in the bottom drawer, so might not be possible have both full-tappable and be able to tap specific rows.
Comment on rounded corners: it's probably a safe area insets thing, due to the OrderForm being wrapped in a two-pane layout here.