woolstrand / RealRuins

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Medium ruins (caravan incident) throwing errors; no enemies #49

Open lilwhitemouse opened 4 years ago

lilwhitemouse commented 4 years ago

Since the last major RW update (1.2.?) every ruin a caravan has randomly stumbled across has had no enemies, and I am getting this error message:

Verse.Log:Warning(String, Boolean)
RealRuins.GenStep_ScatterMediumRealRuins:Generate(Map, GenStepParams)
Verse.MapGenerator:GenerateContentsIntoMap(IEnumerable`1, Map, Int32)
Verse.MapGenerator:GenerateMap(IntVec3, MapParent, MapGeneratorDef, IEnumerable`1, Action`1)
Verse.GetOrGenerateMapUtility:GetOrGenerateMap(Int32, IntVec3, WorldObjectDef)
Skullywag commented 3 years ago

Its missing this rule def in the 1.1 version: https://github.com/dieworld/RealRuins/blob/master/Defs/MapGeneratorDefs/Rules.xml Ive tried just copying it back in, will post back if it works or not.

lilwhitemouse commented 3 years ago

I am still getting errors: SymbolResolver_RuinsScatterer does not appear in the code anywhere, and no enemies are spawning... I still get the warning

Could not find any RuleDef for symbol "scatterRuins" with any resolver that could resolve rect=(0,0,119,119), faction=Ancients, custom=1, pawnGroupMakerParams=null, [...]