wordplaydev / wordplay

An accessible, language-inclusive programming language and IDE for creating interactive typography on the web.
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Project chat #604

Open amyjko opened 1 day ago

amyjko commented 1 day ago

What are you trying to do that you can't?

After a conversation with one of our partner teachers, a clear requirement emerged: when students are collaborating with each other, or a teacher is trying to provide feedback, there needs to be some way of having conversations about the project, both to coordinate and discuss ideas asynchronously, and for teachers to provide feedback. The key requirements are:

This must be available before February 1st in order to meet the teacher's teaching requirements.

What is your idea?

The simplest idea that would meet these requirements would be a simple chat mechanism.

An optional feature, but one that would be very nice to have, would be referring to a specific node in the program (code anaphora), but this requires the ability to have a version history of programs as well, so we can indicate not only the path, but the specific code version from the past. If we implement that version history, then we could add this feature. If this isn't, create a new issue for this request.

amyjko commented 1 day ago

Because this is time sensitive and we're approaching a break, I'm going to assign myself. If anyone wants to help with this, I'm happy to collaborate. I'll likely work on it during winter break.