workshopper / list

A central catalog of existing, planned and requested workshoppers
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Add existing workshoppers #17

Closed linclark closed 7 years ago

linclark commented 9 years ago

I went through NPM to find things tagged with workshop or which depended on workshopper/adventure. These ones all seemed reasonably complete.

I haven't tested them, so wanted to see whether anyone has quality concerns about any of them before I merge the changes in.

rvagg commented 9 years ago

I'd like to see planet-proto go onto, @sporto needs to do a PR for that.

I think @braz might also have additional Mongo material that could go on this list list of workshoppers but afaik they are not in a complete state yet.

/cc @tableflip @toolness @asbjornenge

sporto commented 9 years ago

Ok, I will put some time aside to fix some things and make a PR

asbjornenge commented 9 years ago

@linclark @rvagg I recently ran the thinking-in-react workshopper at a local JS meetup here on the west coast of Norway :surfer: People got throught it, but it isn't steamlined yet. No bugs, but we have a few flow issues to shake out. I'm going to work on it some more the coming weeks and we'll run it again with some more folks sometime in september (I hope).

Feel free to add it, but might make sense to wait a few weeks so I can make the flow a bit more approachable. I'll get back to you :+1:

toolness commented 9 years ago

Hey, I'm not sure if this has already been discussed as I've been a bit absent lately (apologies for that!) but back in February, @brianloveswords and I were thinking it might be nice to have a "labs" section on nodeschool where workshoppers-in-progress could live, so they could get feedback. Is that something that might be useful?

I'm also thinking about just dividing my security adventure workshopper up into multiple smaller ones, since it's hard to teach all of web security in one workshopper (not just for me to create the lessons, but also for the learners to work through). Let me know if you have any thoughts on that!

asbjornenge commented 9 years ago

@toolness I think a labs section would be a great idea. I would love to get some feedback on my workshopper even before it's "complete". Would also be a good place to check what other people are working on before starting a new one :+1:

finnp commented 9 years ago

How about we add a label status:labs for the issues, that can be used to get feedback on the workshoppers? In the Readme we can then add a link to those issues, so people can play around with them.

And the maybe also add a third section to the homepage called labs?

asbjornenge commented 9 years ago

So I finally found some time and did a major overhaul of the thinking-in-react workshopper. I think it is in a pretty good state now. I just ran a workshop with a good mix of people that all got through it. No crazy bugs or major issues. Even works on windows :tada:

So if you want to add it, fine with me!

/cc @linclark @rvagg

martinheidegger commented 7 years ago

I merged this PR, because late is better than never.