Frequency: 315MHz US, 433.92 Europe
Modulation: OOK/ASK, standard Manchester encoding
Symbol size: 250us per each 01/10 Manchester bit.
Data Layout:
Preamble: 5 bytes, all zero.
Flags: 4 bytes. Full purpose still unknown even to the rtl_433 devs.
Tire ID: 3 bytes.
Pressure: 1 byte. 1 bit per 25 millibars, or 2.5 kPa. e.g. 0x50=200kPa.
Temperature: 1 byte. No math, just integer Fahrenheit.
Checksum: 1 byte. Modulo 256 of bytes from flags to temperature.
Frequency: 315MHz US, 433.92 Europe Modulation: OOK/ASK, standard Manchester encoding Symbol size: 250us per each 01/10 Manchester bit.
Data Layout:
Preamble: 5 bytes, all zero. Flags: 4 bytes. Full purpose still unknown even to the rtl_433 devs. Tire ID: 3 bytes. Pressure: 1 byte. 1 bit per 25 millibars, or 2.5 kPa. e.g. 0x50=200kPa. Temperature: 1 byte. No math, just integer Fahrenheit. Checksum: 1 byte. Modulo 256 of bytes from flags to temperature.
Sample file and specs:
6x pulses, with 110ms gaps, containing preamble, sync, and the following data:
TPMS Left Rear High Pressure.txt