Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago
I've seen that before, but it usually happens once... something to do with the
initial gclient sync
I suspect the gclient sync, which calls gclient runhooks, expects set
GYP_DEFINES=target_arch=ia32 to be set before the gclient sync?
will use your installed version of Visual Studio.
Original comment by
on 19 May 2015 at 11:16
My first attempt to reproduce the issue built successfully? I followed your
steps of creating 1 - 6. I'll try again with no environment variables at all.
On step 4 - gclient sync
did it complete successfully?
from trunk folder, try doing it a second time and/or call gclient runhooks
and see if it does anything.
Original comment by
on 20 May 2015 at 5:41
With a regular command prompt, you will get an error for gclient sync
On Windows, you now need to have administrator privileges for the shell running
trunk/ (or `gclient sync|runhooks`).
Please start another command prompt as Administrator and try again.
Error: Command c:\bin\depot_tools\python276_bin\python.exe trunk/
returned non-zero exit status 1 in C:\vs\libs\libyuv
If you ignore that, the next step will fail with
C:\vs\libs\libyuv\trunk>if not exist out\Release\ timex call python
gyp_libyuv -fninja -Gconfig=Release -Gmsvs_version=2013 libyuv_test.gyp
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gyp_libyuv", line 22, in <module>
import gyp_chromium
ImportError: No module named gyp_chromium
TIMEX 308.00 ms, call python gyp_libyuv -fninja -Gconfig=Release
-Gmsvs_version=2013 libyuv_test.gyp, returncode 1
Is that the issue? Open your command prompt with right click -> Run as
Once you have the initial gclient sync, you should be able to build with a
regular shell.
Original comment by
on 20 May 2015 at 10:51
No. Everything I've done with the command prompt I made with admin rights
Original comment by
on 21 May 2015 at 7:29
I had a "gclient hooks" to run to get a folder "out".
For the first time I have got it at <checkout_root>\Chromium\src\out.
And when I've run 2 times ("gclient hooks"), I got it created under
But that's no matter now. I've already compiled.
The only thing what bother me -> I have no option
found for static linking. This is the option that a flag /Mt or /MTd
corresponds in VS. This means that I have linking problems when using the
Original comment by
on 21 May 2015 at 7:55
I'm still not able to reproduce your issue.
Using admin shell with C:\vs\libs\libyuv folder, the gclient sync worked and it
calls runhooks. Seems like your initial issue is something in glient sync
and/or runhooks failing the first time.
Sounds like you got past it anyway?
I've updated Getting Started to mention the admin shell, since I did see your
issue when I used a regular command prompt.
These initial steps of getting the code will change soon, to follow what
chromium is moving to. The best documentation is often chromium and/or webrtc
build instructions, since libyuv is using chromium depot tools.
The MT/MTd issue has no great solution that I'm aware of; Those are the only
build option as far as I know. ML and MD are not supported.
If you change 'type': 'static_library', to 'shared_library' the library will be
built as a dynamic library and your app can use the import library and dll.
Or you could use a different build system - a sln or makefile. Simply include
the source into your project.
Original comment by
on 21 May 2015 at 6:05
Looks like you could modify the libyuv.gyp to use /MD
Original comment by
on 21 May 2015 at 6:07
Original issue reported on by
on 19 May 2015 at 9:10