writewithwrabit / server

🐇 GraphQL server for the Wrabit writing platform
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wrabit Server

Getting Started


For now the following are required:

I will do my best to work on removing these requirements in dev but I don't know if/how/when that will happen.


// Sets your environment to dev which turns off some handy things
// like the Sqreen agent. It also turns on the GraphQL playground

// The username to login to postgres wth

// The password for the postgres user

// For local dev this is the name of the Docker DB container (the host)

// Database to connect to

// Client secret used to connect with Firebase

// Used to interact with the Stripe platform

// Used to send email through mailgun

// Used to encrypt user data


  1. Create required accounts (see above)
  2. Copy .env.example to .dev.env and fill out the fields
  3. Modify last line of wrabit.sql to have a user for testing (or manually create an account)
  4. Run docker-compose up

Generate GraphQL Schema

  1. Make changes to schema.graphql
  2. Run go generate ./... from the root directory

Managing SQL Schema

The schema is currently managed by one SQL file (wrabit.sql). Once the database becomes larger, we will be forced to solve the schema management problem. Until then...

Connect to GCP SQL

  1. Run the gcloud SQL connect command (this will whitelist your IP for 5 minutes)

    gcloud sql connect wrabit-postgres
  2. Enter password for database (check .prod.env file)

  3. Switch to the wrabit database

    \c wrabit

Encrypting Secrets

Secrets are currently stored in a local .stage.env/.prod.env file. In order to get them onto the CI/CD pipeline, we need to use Travis' encrypt tool.

make update-secrets