wshanks / Zutilo

Zotero plugin providing some additional editing features
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Enhancement: Copy select collection links #91

Closed zuphilip closed 5 years ago

zuphilip commented 6 years ago

The zotero://select protocols in Zotero now also supports collections, see and . It was asked in that thread to implement support in the Zutilo menu(s) and I also think this could be useful.

bjohas commented 5 years ago

@willsALMANJ - would you accept a PR on this? Specifically,

Let me know!

wshanks commented 5 years ago

Yes, that would be great!

bjohas commented 5 years ago

@retorquere - I've linked this issue from this card: Do you want to look at this, and see how complex it might be?

retorquere commented 5 years ago

Does Zutilo already add things to the collection context menu like it does for items?

wshanks commented 5 years ago

So far, Zutilo does not add anything to the collection context menu.

wshanks commented 5 years ago

Closed by #103