wshanks / Zutilo

Zotero plugin providing some additional editing features
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Add shortcuts for actions related to display of tags #99

Closed ngirard closed 4 years ago

ngirard commented 5 years ago


after adopting an organization scheme based prominently on tags rather than collections, one has to constantly switch on and off the display of automatic tags and local vs global tags ; and the checkboxes triggering these actions are not easily accessible.

It would be very helpful to be able to give shortcuts to them -- I'd even suggest attributing default values for their shortcuts.

The names & labels for these actions are:

Thanks in advance !

wshanks commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure when I can look at it, but I think these should be easy shortcuts to add.

stefanct commented 4 years ago

Deselecting all tags would also be great. This can be found in the same submenu in the tags widget but I did not look at the code.

Additionally, it would also be nice to be able to focus the tag search/filter textbox.

ngirard commented 4 years ago

@willsALMANJ, since you implemented some additional shorcuts very recently, and the matter is still fresh in your mind, would you please consider adding the shorcuts requested in this thread ?

I'm not rushing, I can very well understand that your time is limited ; I'm just suggesting it might be the right time now because the cognitive overhead would be minimal.


wshanks commented 4 years ago

@ngirard Don't worry -- there is no overhead for me related to the mechanics of adding shortcuts. It is just a matter of finding the time to find and test the appropriate functions and go through the motions of adding them. I think I have somewhat been going in last in first out order with recent feature requests, so these have been sitting for a while. I will try to prioritize them over later ones the next time I have time for Zutilo.

wshanks commented 4 years ago

Everything mentioned here should be closed by 7da521e81ab5dccb60105d948335b31d0f297872

ngirard commented 4 years ago

@willsALMANJ , thank you very much ! This deserves a release on its own, IMHO. It's a game changer.