Doc its say to skip 1-3 steps for new product versions but when it comes to step 4 it wont match for IS v5.8.0. as the TOTP authenticator config section is already there in v5.8.0. But with different values.
Field explanation table content should sort to match configuration code block
Should explain why we need to comment out <module ref="addressing"/> line
Should elaborate more about the sample app path
E.g. After following sample app build guide you can find the .war file in the path: product-is\modules\samples\sso\sso-agent-sample\target\ and can be deployed it in the tomcat server as instructed in the previous step.
Cannot find option to enable/disable SaaS Application as guide. That option comes only after you click register
Whats there in the doc
Whats there in v5.8.0
Steps to reproduce