Closed wtbarnes closed 2 years ago
A quick mock-up of what this could look like:
The top-level simulation pipeline is responsible for coordinating each piece. The pipeline ingests three instances of the individual component pipelines and returns a detector image (or images).
class MockSiPipeline:
def __init__(self, physics, detector, operations):
self.physics = physics
self.detector = detector
self.operations = operations
def run(self):
spec_cube =
detector_image =
real_detector_image =
return real_detector_image
Each component pipeline is responsible for coordinating each of the modules. Each component pipeline ingests an instance for each module that comprises the pipeline.
class PhysicsPipeline:
def __init__(self, dem, spectra):
self.dem = dem
self. spectra = spectra
def run(self):
dem_cube =
spec_cube =
return spec_cube
The only requirement of the DEM module is that it produces a DEM cube. Very generally, this would look like the following:
class DemModule:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def run(self):
# Do some computation to return a DEM cube of dimensions (nT, nX, nY)
return dem_cube
In the case where we compute an inverted DEM from AIA and XRT, the subclass would look like the following
class InvertedDem(DemModule):
def __init__(self, date, dem_model_class): = date
self.dem_model_class = dem_model_class
def fetch_data(self):
# Use Fido to query the data
return list_of_maps
def build_collection(maps):
# Reproject all maps to same coordinate frame
# Place in a collection
return map_collection
def get_responses(map_collection):
# For each key in the map, get a wavelength response
# and put it in a dictionary
return response_dict
def compute_dem(map_collection, response_dict):
dem_model = self.dem_model_class(map_collection, response_dict)
def run(self):
maps = self.fetch_data()
map_collection = self.build_collection(maps)
responses = self.get_responses(map_collection)
dem_cube = self.compute_dem(map_collection, responses)
return dem_cube
class DetectorPipeline:
Whether the detector is for the pinhole or the dispersed image should depend on what is substituted for the wavelength response and projection modules.
This module will convert spectral cube from physical units (e.g. photon or erg) to detector units
Reproject the spectral cube into the detector frame
class OperationsPipeline:
will always produce a spectral cube, but they way in which we produce that may changeDEMModule
and SpectralModule
would be replaced by a more complicated physical model, but the interface with the other components remains the same.this has been added to a separate notes doc in the pipeline repo so closing here
Figure out some sort of system for running the simulation pipeline.
As a bonus, it would be nice to drop in a set of images and have it kick off the whole simulation pipeline. However, this should be completely abstracted away from the details of the pipeline.