Open hpelitebook745G2 opened 5 years ago
I want the PieChart to look like this. Is it possible to:
adjust the radius of each slice?
put the text outside the slice if it's too thin for the value to fit in? (In this case 1%, 2%, and 3%)
change text color value for some slices
apply shadow for each slice
customizable fontFamily
Here's the actual graph.
There's no radius for each slice
I have 3 values, and the other 2 values are too small to be seen.
1 text color for all slices
no shadow
fontFamily not applied
<PieChart touchEnabled={false} style={styles.chart} logEnabled={true} legend={{ enabled: false }} chartDescription={{ text: "" }} holeRadius={60} usePercentValues={true} transparentCircleRadius={0} drawEntryLabels={false} entryLabelColor={processColor("white")} entryLabelTextSize={9} data={{ dataSets: [ { values, label: "test", config: { colors: graphColors, sliceSpace: 5, drawValues: true, valueTextSize: 18, valueTextColor: processColor("white"), valueFormatter: "#.##'%'", fontFamily: "Bariol-Italic", borderRadius: 10 } } ] }} />
@hpelitebook745G2 Did you find any solution for the customization?
Expected Behavior
I want the PieChart to look like this. Is it possible to:
adjust the radius of each slice?
put the text outside the slice if it's too thin for the value to fit in? (In this case 1%, 2%, and 3%)
change text color value for some slices
apply shadow for each slice
customizable fontFamily
Actual Behavior
Here's the actual graph.
There's no radius for each slice
I have 3 values, and the other 2 values are too small to be seen.
1 text color for all slices
no shadow
fontFamily not applied
Data and config