wyguo / ThreeDRNAseq

A pipeline for differential expression and differential alternative splicing analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] 3D App crashes when running Isoform switch analysis #3

Open PeterVenhuizen opened 4 years ago

PeterVenhuizen commented 4 years ago

The isokTSP analysis crashes, I think because there is only a single gene in the analysis. Here is the output from R:

IS analysis of contrast group: rs31.1.u.dark-Col.0.u.dark Summarising input information ... Input genes: 1 Genes with more than 2 isoforms: 1 Average isoforms per gene for switch analysis: 2 Step 1: Search for intersection points with Mean expression... Searching ... |===========================================================================| 100% Warning: Error in rep: invalid 'times' argument 75: data.frame [R/iso.switch.R#671] 74: iso.switch.pairwise [R/iso.switch.R#671] 73: observeEventHandler [source/server/server_tsis.R#121] 2: shiny::runApp 1: run3DApp [R/run3DApp.R#16]

wyguo commented 4 years ago

Hi, Many thanks for the feedback. It seems that the single gene has no isoform switch and the code stop with error. I will look into my code and fix the bug. Best regards