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Connectivity to macmini using visual studio 2019 16.7.5 error #9742

Closed developer9969 closed 2 years ago

developer9969 commented 4 years ago

Hi We cannot longer connect to our mac mini and we get the following error image

We use Visual Studio to do all the xamarin forms development connecting to the macmini using the following software

Any suggestions on why is this happening? it was working before the upgrade to the latest visual studio.

We had to install xCode 12 as Visual studio was not happy about it.

At times when trying to add the mac I get same issue as https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/185273/cannot-pair-vs-to-mac-access-a-socket-in-a-way-forbidden


thanks for any input

VS bug #1223858

mauroa commented 4 years ago

Hi. Thanks for your feedback. I need to get more details about the SSH configuration issue that is preventing the connection to succeed. Could you please start VS with the /log argument (devenv.exe /log), try to connect again and then attach the VS log (Ide.log)? You can get the log by doing Help > Xamarin > Zip Logs.... Thanks.

developer9969 commented 4 years ago

Hi there, I have the logs but not sure where to email it to, I would rather not attach. Below is an extract. Wondering if this gives you any clue?

System.Net.Mqtt.Sdk.ClientPacketListener|Information|0|Client vs16180xx- Dispatching PublishAck message to flow PublishSenderFlow Xamarin.Messaging.Integration.State.ServerStateContext|Information|0|Server State transition from DisconnectingState to DisconnectedState on xxxx(xxx) Xamarin.Messaging.Integration.State.ServerStateContext|Information|0|Starting disconnection from xxxx... Xamarin.Messaging.Integration.State.ServerStateContext|Information|0|The connection to 'XXXX has been finished Xamarin.Messaging.Integration.State.ServerStateContext|Error|0|An unexpected error occurred while checking the SSH configuration of 'xxxx System.ArgumentException: username at Renci.SshNet.AuthenticationMethod..ctor(String username) at Xamarin.Messaging.Integration.State.ConfiguringState.d16.MoveNext() in C:\A\1\62\s\External\messaging\src\Xamarin.Messaging.Integration\State\ConfiguringState.cs:line 218 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task) at Xamarin.Messaging.Integration.State.ConfiguringState.d15.MoveNext() in C:\A\1\62\s\External\messaging\src\Xamarin.Messaging.Integration\State\ConfiguringState.cs:line 150 Xamarin.VisualStudio.Android.Setup.AndroidSdkSetup|Information|0|androidsdksetup: verify error: System.Net.Mqtt.Sdk.ClientPacketListener|Information|0|Client vs16180xxx - Dispatching Publish message to flow PublishReceiverFlow and topic vs16180xxx/response/xma/ping/Broker167000452

mauroa commented 4 years ago

Thanks @developer9969, Looks like something is wrong with the SSH credentials and key used to authenticate to the Mac. I would suggest you to let VS re-create and register them into the Mac, so we can discard any noise with your keys and your Mac. To do so, please remove the following files from %LOCALAPPDATA%\Xamarin\MonoTouch: id_rsa, id_rsa.pub and passphrase.key. Please ensure to close VS first and then after deleting the files open VS and try again.

In case you still have issues please email me the Ide.log at maagno@microsoft.com and we can follow up in there. Thanks for your help.

developer9969 commented 4 years ago

Hi there thanks for your reply I have removed those files but the issue still persist. I have even reinstalled visual studio but nothing. I have sent you the ide.log at the address provided. Very grateful if you could have a look. Any other file I can delete?

developer9969 commented 4 years ago

Hi there, I still cannot use the macmini on my laptop. any suggestions or to reset it if you like? Do I have to format my laptop to factory settings? Pretty drastic but not sure what todo