xbmc / repo-skins

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[skin.copacetic] 1.1.27 #435

Closed realcopacetic closed 5 months ago

realcopacetic commented 5 months ago













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realcopacetic commented 5 months ago

Hi @ronie @Hitcher - after I removed those two files, the addon checker ran last night. It failed again, but this time I could see it was because the execute permissions were incorrectly set on all my files (because I had created them on Windows originally). So I fixed that and decided to make a clean PR - but it's failing again with the original complaint about incorrect format for 'skin.copacetic' before the addon checker is even run, which is confusing because last night it did run after those two files with the unsupported characters were removed.

ronie commented 5 months ago

i have no idea about the addon checker script, but this time it seems to be failing on these files: "skin.copacetic/media/flags/studios/ARP S\303\251lection.png" "skin.copacetic/media/flags/studios/B\303\263rd Scann\303\241n na H\303\251ireann.png" "skin.copacetic/media/flags/studios/Cin\303\251art.png" "skin.copacetic/media/flags/studios/Path\303\251.png"

ronie commented 5 months ago

since everything looks ok to me, i'm going to merge this regardless of the addon checker error.

realcopacetic commented 5 months ago

since everything looks ok to me, i'm going to merge this regardless of the addon checker error.

Thanks @ronie what do you use to check? I'll go through all the flag memes to check for illegal characters before next time

Hitcher commented 5 months ago

I guess ronie either uses Skin XML Converter + Formatter or SublimeText3 plugin.

ronie commented 5 months ago

yup, i'm using the sublime plugin. though as it's very old and unmaintained, it's not that useful anymore.

as for the addon checker error, i noticed it was failing on this command:

echo "addon=$(git diff --diff-filter=d --name-only HEAD~ | grep / | cut -d / -f1 | sort | uniq)"

so i ran that command (and a few variations of it) locally on your PR to figure out the issue.

realcopacetic commented 5 months ago

Thanks @ronie , I've not been able to get very far with SublimeText3 plugin unfortunately. I deleted those files, so hopefully next time it won't fail!

The reason I had them with the accents was because they were here so I thought that meant it was ok: https://github.com/XBMC-Addons/resource.images.studios.white/blob/master/resources/B%C3%B3rd%20Scann%C3%A1n%20na%20h%C3%89ireann.png https://github.com/XBMC-Addons/resource.images.studios.white/blob/master/resources/Pathe%CC%81.png

ronie commented 5 months ago

it could be that the addon-checker script just can't handle those filesnames, i'm not sure.

as a recommendation from my end, you can also remove the studio flags from your skin and instead depend on the resource.images.studios.white addon to provide those images.