Currently, formats have hardcoded data loading from external sources via URLs which limits the uses of the library. Instead, the raw URL (as it is in the file and/or sent by the user) should be sent back to a loader of some sort which might default to XHR but can be overrided, and essentially provides a load(src) -> Promise<ArrayBuffer|string> function for loading data from any source, including zips, custom buffers, etc.
Currently, formats have hardcoded data loading from external sources via URLs which limits the uses of the library. Instead, the raw URL (as it is in the file and/or sent by the user) should be sent back to a loader of some sort which might default to XHR but can be overrided, and essentially provides a load(src) -> Promise<ArrayBuffer|string> function for loading data from any source, including zips, custom buffers, etc.