xfangfang / PPPwn_cpp

C++ rewrite of PPPwn (PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE)
GNU General Public License v3.0
352 stars 49 forks source link

MacOS Guide to hopefully help others #10

Open Doyle4 opened 1 month ago

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

Mac user here, took me a little bit to figure out what was needed etc, and also changing a few things got it working.


Scroll down until you see ‘Nightly Builds’ and press on the Nightly Link

Download the required version for your machine, I used x86_64-macos-none as I use a Intel MacBook Pro.

Create a folder named PPPwn, place downloaded pppwn folder inside.

You also need Stage1.bin and Stage2.bin, I used the files from the RaspberryPi PPPwn. Link: https://github.com/stooged/PI-Pwn

There are two sets of Stage Files, one for 9.00 (Stage1_900 & Stage2_900) and a set for 11.00 (Stage1_1100 & Stage2_11.00) Use the set for your firmware. Rename them Stage1.bin and Stage2.bin and put them in the PPPwn folder with pppwn, You should now have 3 files in PPPwn - pppwn/Stage1.bin/Stage2.bin

Make sure you have goldhen.bin on the root of a USB stick and is inserted into the PS4, goldhen.bin is included in the RaspberryPi PPPwn download. USB Stick should be formatted to either Fat32 or Exfat, make sure if formatting the USB stick, change the partition to Windows and not GUID which is default on a Mac or the the PS4 wont detect the USB stick.

On the PS4, goto Settings - Network - Setup Internet Connection - Use a LAN Cable - Custom - PPPoE, create any user name and password, all other settings set to Automatic.

Run sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine <drag pppwn here, DO NOT DRAG PPPwn folder> press enter, enter password, press enter again. This sort of worked for me, to get around it I had to use Sudo in the Terminal code, so Im making the guide based on my experience and what’s working for me. Try without Sudo, if you get permission denied, Sudo is needed at start of Terminal Code to give permission.

You also must have _SIP enabled_**, if unsure, google how to check, make sure its enabled, if not, follow a guide how to re-enable it, if unsure how to disable it, you most likely have it enabled. If using Little Snitch ot any other network monitoring service, either Allow all connections or disable the program blocking network connection or the exploit will not work.

Install Wireshark and then follow the prompts to install ChmodBPF: Link: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChBuildInstallOSXInstall.html This will give bpf root access.

To run the exploit for 11.00, copy the following to Terminal: sudo <Drag pppwn here - NOT THE FOLDER> --interface en0 --fw 1100 --stage1 “Drag Stage1.bin here” --stage2 “Drag Stage2.bin here” --auto-retry Press enter, enter password, press Enter, Select ‘Test Connection’ on PS4. Make sure you are using Stage1 and Stage2 for 11.00

Example: sudo /Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en0 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2 "/Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry

To run the exploit for 9.00, copy the following to Terminal: sudo <Drag pppwn here - NOT THE FOLDER> --interface en0 --fw 900 --stage1 “Drag Stage1.bin here” --stage2 “Drag Stage2.bin here” --auto-retry Press enter, enter password, press Enter, Select ‘Test Connection’ on PS4. Make sure you are using Stage1 and Stage2 for 9.00

Example: sudo /Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en0 --fw 900 --stage1 "/Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2 "/Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry

Other Notes: If using a Ethernet Adapter you will need to change interface en0 to interface enX - Replace X with number Ethernet Adapter is using, to check use WireShark.

Update 14/5/24: Removed Alternative for ChmodBPF, ChmodBPF is much easier.

Update 28/5/24: "bin not found" issue? @serista "Works great on Mac Mini M1 and my PS4 12xx fat model. Tried it 3 times and it worked after 2nd attempt each time judging by the Terminal output.

You actually don't need to "Test internet connection". You just run the command on Mac, and then start your PS4 and wait.

Also the quotes around the bin files in the instruction aren't needed. They will only lead to the "...bin not found" message and the command won't work."

Dakshpro commented 1 month ago

I followed all the steps of yours. I have Macbook M1. I downloaded my pppwn accordingly (aarch64-macos-none.zip) from nightly builds. I downloaded stage1 and stage2 files from https://github.com/stooged/PI-Pwn. I am getting error

@-MacBook-Air ~ % sudo /Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en0 --fw 1100 --stage1 “/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage1.bin” --stage2 “/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage2.bin” --auto-retry [+] PPPwn++ - PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE by theflow [+] args: interface=en0 fw=1100 stage1=“/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage1.bin” stage2=“/Users/*****/Desktop/PPPwn/stage2.bin” auto-retry=on [-] Cannot open: “/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage1.bin”

Here is file permission: -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 kiaara staff 898456 May 12 18:20 pppwn -rw-rw-rw- 1 kiaara staff 500 May 12 03:08 stage1.bin -rw-rw-rw- 1 kiaara staff 2603 May 12 03:08 stage2.bin

I tried running sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine for stage1 and stage2 but still same issue. Any idea?

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

"[-] Cannot open: “/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage1.bin”"

It can not find the path to the stage1.bin, make sure the path to the file is correct.

I just realised you are also using an M Series mac, Im guessing you are using an adapter for ethernet. It could be --interface en0 needs changing, im not 100%, i'll see what I can find.

Dakshpro commented 1 month ago

It's exactly in the same folder as pppwn file. you can see the path of pppwn file. I guess it is something related to permissions. I tried doing chmod 755 also but same issue.

xfangfang commented 1 month ago

@Doyle4 Just find a new intel mac and test from beginning. By default, it indeed lacks bpf permissions. Good catch !

The relevant step should change to: Install ChmodBPF. More information can be found at: https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/wireshark-chmodbpf

Alternatively, you could directly install Wireshark and then follow the prompts to install ChmodBPF: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChBuildInstallOSXInstall.html

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Full disk access > drag pppwn into there.

See if giving pppwn full disk access helps, your error is the stage file can't be located.

xfangfang commented 1 month ago

@Dakshpro maybe you need to remove the around stage.bin path ?

I think what you use is , is not a "

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

@Dakshpro maybe you need to remove the around stage.bin path ?

I think what you use is , is not a "

I never spotted that, also good catch!

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

@xfangfang Thanks for the WireShark tip! this has made the process much better, if it failed before ChmodBPF was installed, the retry would loop and the Mac would need resetting. I made the process fail and on 2nd retry it worked fine, thank you.

I think WireShark/ChmodBPF is worth installing, will add to the guide im making for MacOS.

Dakshpro commented 1 month ago

@Dakshpro maybe you need to remove the around stage.bin path ?

I think what you use is , is not a "

Great.. this solution. worked. But it's stuck at sudo /Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en0 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2 "/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry Password: [+] PPPwn++ - PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE by theflow [+] args: interface=en0 fw=1100 stage1=/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage1.bin stage2=/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage2.bin auto-retry=on

[+] STAGE 0: Initialization [*] Waiting for PADI...

I am using ethernet adapter to USB-C with ethernet cable to PS4. Tried sharing internet but not working

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

Reboot your Mac, Reboot PS4 Once rebooted, On the PS4 go to Settings, Network, Create LAN, Custom - PPPoE, Enter any username and password, use Automatic for the rest. Don't press "Test Network" yet.

On mac, Run the pppwn, enter password, once pressed enter after password, on the PS4 press "Test Connection".

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

@Dakshpro maybe you need to remove the around stage.bin path ? I think what you use is , is not a "

Great.. this solution. worked. But it's stuck at sudo /Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en0 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2 "/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry Password: [+] PPPwn++ - PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE by theflow [+] args: interface=en0 fw=1100 stage1=/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage1.bin stage2=/Users/kiaara/Desktop/PPPwn/stage2.bin auto-retry=on

[+] STAGE 0: Initialization [*] Waiting for PADI...

I am using ethernet adapter to USB-C with ethernet cable to PS4. Tried sharing internet but not working

If you haven't already, Install WireShark and also install ChmodBPF.pkg, where it says Ethernet, it should say en0, if it doesn't, take note of what it says and change en0 from the command line needed to run pppwn and replace with the name WireShark shows next to Ethernet.

Dakshpro commented 1 month ago

Reboot your Mac, Reboot PS4 Once rebooted, On the PS4 go to Settings, Network, Create LAN, Custom - PPPoE, Enter any username and password, use Automatic for the rest. Don't press "Test Network" yet.

On mac, Run the pppwn, enter password, once pressed enter after password, on the PS4 press "Test Connection".

Not working. Ps4 fails to obtain IP.

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 07 14 55

This is what WireShark shows for me and shows Ethernet as en0.

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

I have to get sleep as its now almost 7:30am here, any issues I'll get back to you asap. I dont own a M Series Mac, but my Macbook Pro 2017 also needs an adapter for Ethernet, when im awake I'll have a test using an adapter and see how it is for myself.

xfangfang commented 1 month ago

@Dakshpro if you are using USB adapter, then it cannot be en0, check wireshark and find something like: “USB 10/100 LAN: en*”

if you are using a mac mini, then en0 would be the one in the mac mini back, no idea for macbook.

or just simply try from en1 to en20

Dakshpro commented 1 month ago
Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 7 00 15 PM

This is what I have. Which one should I use? I have Macbook Air M1 which has 2 usb C port. I have used one port out of it.

xfangfang commented 1 month ago

@Dakshpro You can turn on the PS4 and see which curve suddenly shows up (meaning data has been received) that's the one you want. Otherwise something wrong must happened.

serista commented 1 month ago

It's great and all, thanks for the instructions, but it would be very nice if someone could make a more streamlined solution for macOS, I mean GUI like PPPwnGo etc for Win, without needing to download and install supplementing utils.

Dakshpro commented 1 month ago

@Dakshpro You can turn on the PS4 and see which curve suddenly shows up (meaning data has been received) that's the one you want. Otherwise something wrong must happened.

It finally showed en5. Thanks for the hint. It's working now. But it always fails at "scanning for corrupted object". I took stage1.bin and stage2.bin from mentioned sources (https://github.com/stooged/PI-Pwn). Also tried changing these with https://github.com/PSGO/PPPwnGo and https://github.com/PSGO/PPPwn-Lite but still same issue. I have PS4 Pro.

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

@Dakshpro You can turn on the PS4 and see which curve suddenly shows up (meaning data has been received) that's the one you want. Otherwise something wrong must happened.

It finally showed en5. Thanks for the hint. It's working now. But it always fails at "scanning for corrupted object". I took stage1.bin and stage2.bin from mentioned sources (https://github.com/stooged/PI-Pwn). Also tried changing these with https://github.com/PSGO/PPPwnGo and https://github.com/PSGO/PPPwn-Lite but still same issue. I have PS4 Pro.

Make sure you are using the set for your Firmware, so if you are on 11.00 you need the 11.00 Stage files and renamed to exactly the same as what the Terminal code is looking for.

EDIT: Spotted you said it was en5... Looking at your screen grab, its either en3 or en4 as thats your Ethernet adapter. Try with en3, if fails, try with en4.

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

It's great and all, thanks for the instructions, but it would be very nice if someone could make a more streamlined solution for macOS, I mean GUI like PPPwnGo etc for Win, without needing to download and install supplementing utils.

It will happen, no point just yet as there a few issues and harder to resolve with not many users using Mac. Once all bugs etc have been cleared one will most likely be made.

Dakshpro commented 1 month ago

@Dakshpro You can turn on the PS4 and see which curve suddenly shows up (meaning data has been received) that's the one you want. Otherwise something wrong must happened.

It finally showed en5. Thanks for the hint. It's working now. But it always fails at "scanning for corrupted object". I took stage1.bin and stage2.bin from mentioned sources (https://github.com/stooged/PI-Pwn). Also tried changing these with https://github.com/PSGO/PPPwnGo and https://github.com/PSGO/PPPwn-Lite but still same issue. I have PS4 Pro.

Make sure you are using the set for your Firmware, so if you are on 11.00 you need the 11.00 Stage files and renamed to exactly the same as what the Terminal code is looking for.

EDIT: Spotted you said it was en5... Looking at your screen grab, its either en3 or en4 as thats your Ethernet adapter. Try with en3, if fails, try with en4.

Using exactly the right stage1 and stage2 files for v11.0 but still the issue. Screenshot it old. It properly shows en5 now and PS4 also obtains IP.

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

Its difficult as I have no access to an M Series Mac, I only own Intel. Hopefully someone can help who has a M series.

Akshayraiker11 commented 1 month ago

for finding correct port you can do this

1.Press and hold Option 2.Select the Apple menu 3.Select System Information 4.Select Network 5.Select Network Interface (Ethernet or Wi-Fi) 6.Find BSD Device Name under the details section(for eg ethernet en5, wifi en0)

Dakshpro commented 1 month ago

for finding correct port you can do one thing hold option on keyboard while holding option click on the apple logo on top left select system information , scroll down to network it will show your device name and the BSD Device Name is your active post

I found the correct port but the issue is, process fails exactly at "scanning for corrupted object".

Akshayraiker11 commented 1 month ago

i am also a m1 mac user i am. running it through VMware fusion ubuntu i have got a pre compiled file which you have run through docker i got it from someone, now i just open the terminal and run it is working for me max it took is 2 attempts

xfangfang commented 1 month ago

@Akshayraiker11 Just update the code, the command pppwn list will list the interface information.

$ pppwn list
[+] PPPwn++ - PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE by theflow
[+] interfaces: 
    en0 Ethernet
    en6 USB 10/100 LAN
    en4 Ethernet Adapter (en4)
    en5 Ethernet Adapter (en5)
    en10 USB 10/100/1000 LAN
    bridge0 Thunderbolt Bridge
    en1 Wi-Fi
    en2 Thunderbolt 1
    en3 Thunderbolt 2

@Dakshpro If your system version is at or below 11.0, I can only recommend repeated attempts (reboot the ps4). Just bad luck : )

Akshayraiker11 commented 1 month ago

can someone over here make a complete guild m series mac user to run it properly even youtube doesnt have a single video on it @xfangfang @Doyle4

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

can someone over here make a complete guild m series mac user to run it properly even youtube doesnt have a single video on it @xfangfang @Doyle4

I would if I had access to a M series Mac, without one I can't give advice, my guide is basic Mac and for mainly Intel Macs as thats all I have at hand.

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

@Dakshpro try with latest PPPwnPi files, https://github.com/stooged/PI-Pwn Its been worked on in the last few hours.

ThAn0uSin commented 1 month ago

Mac user here, took me a little bit to figure out what was needed etc, and also changing a few things got it working.


Scroll down until you see ‘Nightly Builds’ and press on the Nightly Link

Download the required version for your machine, I used x86_64-macos-none as I use a Intel MacBook Pro.

Create a folder named PPPwn, place pppwn inside.

You also need Stage1.bin and Stage2.bin, I used the files from the RaspberryPi PPPwn, there are two sets, one for 9.00 Stage1_900 & Stage2_900) and a set for 11.00 (Stage1_1100 & Stage2_100) use the set for your firmware. Rename them Stage1.bin and Stage2.bin and put them in the PPPwn folder with pppwn. Link: https://github.com/stooged/PI-Pwn

Make sure you have golden.bin on the root of a USB stick and is inserted into the PS4, I used the golden.bin which is included in the RaspberryPi PPPwn download.

On the PS4, goto Settings - Network - Setup Internet Connection - Use a LAN Cable - Custom - PPPoE, create any user name and password, all other settings set to Automatic.

For macOS users, you need to run sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine <drag pppwn here, DO NOT DRAG PPPwn folder> press enter, enter password, press enter again. This sort of worked for me, to get around it I had to use Sudo in the Terminal code, so Im making the guide based on my experience and what’s working for me.

You also must have SIP enabled, if unsure, google how to check and make sure its enabled, if not, follow a guide how to re-enable it, if unsure how to disable it, you most likely have it enabled. If using Little Snitch, either Allow all connections or disable Little Snitch or the exploit will not work.

Install Wireshark and then follow the prompts to install ChmodBPF: Link: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChBuildInstallOSXInstall.html This will give bpf root access.

Alternative WireShark recommended Make sure /dev/bpf0 is set to ‘staff’ and NOT ‘Wheel’, to check enter ls -l /dev/bpf* in terminal, below is an example if its set to ‘Wheel’.

crw-rw---- 1 root wheel 0x17000000 Sep 9 14:24 /dev/bpf0 crw-rw---- 1 root wheel 0x17000001 Sep 9 14:25 /dev/bpf1

If it is set to ‘Wheel’ to change it to ‘Staff’ enter: sudo chgrp staff /dev/bpf press enter, enter password and press enter again. Check to see if it has changed by entering ls -l /dev/bpf again, below is an example of bpf0 changed to ‘Staff’.

crw-rw---- 1 root staff 0x17000000 Sep 9 14:24 /dev/bpf0 crw-rw---- 1 root staff 0x17000001 Sep 9 14:25 /dev/bpf1

To run the exploit for 11.00, copy the following to Terminal: sudo <Drag pppwn here - NOT THE FOLDER> --interface en0 --fw 1100 --stage1 “Drag Stage1.bin here” --stage2 “Drag Stage2.bin here” --auto-retry Press enter, enter password, press Enter, Select ‘Test Connection’ on PS4. Make sure you are using Stage1 and Stage2 for 11.00

Example: sudo /Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en0 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2 "/Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry

To run the exploit for 9.00, copy the following to Terminal: sudo <Drag pppwn here - NOT THE FOLDER> --interface en0 --fw 900 --stage1 “Drag Stage1.bin here” --stage2 “Drag Stage2.bin here” --auto-retry Press enter, enter password, press Enter, Select ‘Test Connection’ on PS4. Make sure you are using Stage1 and Stage2 for 9.00

Example: sudo /Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en0 --fw 900 --stage1 "/Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2 "/Volumes/1TB/PS4/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry

I Stuck loop at [+] STAGE 1: Memory corruption [+] Pinning to CPU 0...done [] Sending malicious LCP configure request... [] Waiting for LCP configure reject... [] Sending LCP configure request... [] Waiting for LCP configure ACK... [] Waiting for LCP configure request... [] Sending LCP configure ACK... [] Sending IPCP configure request... [] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK... [] Waiting for IPCP configure request... [] Sending IPCP configure NAK... [] Waiting for IPCP configure request... [] Sending IPCP configure ACK... [-] Scanning for corrupted object...failed. [*] Retry after 5s...

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

@ThAn0uSin Give Terminal full Disk Access, make sure you have no Firewall/VPN/Little Snitch on, make sure Terminal and pppwn have network access. Reboot Mac, Reboot PS4, once rebooted both, wait for PS4 to be fully booted, go to settings, network, Then run PPPwn, press Test Internet Connection on PS4.

Akshayraiker11 commented 1 month ago

did anyone got it working on m series macbook

Akshayraiker11 commented 1 month ago

akshay@Akshays-MacBook-Air ~ % sudo /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en5 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2"/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry
Password: sudo: /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn: command not found

any solution i have given it full disk access also

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

akshay@Akshays-MacBook-Air ~ % sudo /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en5 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2"/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry Password: sudo: /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn: command not found

any solution i have given it full disk access also

Its not finding the path to pppwn, remove /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn and try dragging pppwn again. Also try without sudo at the start, I had to for me but its not always needed.

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

did anyone got it working on m series macbook

Hopefully borrowing a friends soon to test.

Akshayraiker11 commented 1 month ago

akshay@Akshays-MacBook-Air ~ % sudo /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en5 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2"/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry Password: sudo: /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn: command not found any solution i have given it full disk access also

Its not finding the path to pppwn, remove /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn and try dragging pppwn again. Also try without sudo at the start, I had to for me but its not always needed.

tried but still the same

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

akshay@Akshays-MacBook-Air ~ % sudo /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en5 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2"/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry Password: sudo: /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn: command not found any solution i have given it full disk access also

Its not finding the path to pppwn, remove /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn and try dragging pppwn again. Also try without sudo at the start, I had to for me but its not always needed.

tried but still the same

Try in terminal: cd < Drag PPPWN folder here > press enter, Sudo < Drag pppwn file here > followed by the rest of the command after pppwn location

Example: cd /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn then sudo /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en5 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2"/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry

Akshayraiker11 commented 1 month ago

akshay@Akshays-MacBook-Air ~ % sudo /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en5 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2"/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry Password: sudo: /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn: command not found any solution i have given it full disk access also

Its not finding the path to pppwn, remove /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn and try dragging pppwn again. Also try without sudo at the start, I had to for me but its not always needed.

tried but still the same

Try in terminal: cd < Drag PPPWN folder here > press enter, Sudo < Drag pppwn file here > followed by the rest of the command after pppwn location

Example: cd /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn then sudo /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en5 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2"/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry

i have tried that already , do i have to use " " for pppwn folder location also

adamup1 commented 1 month ago

can u please make a video about it on YouTube

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

akshay@Akshays-MacBook-Air ~ % sudo /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en5 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2"/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry Password: sudo: /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn: command not found any solution i have given it full disk access also

Its not finding the path to pppwn, remove /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn and try dragging pppwn again. Also try without sudo at the start, I had to for me but its not always needed.

tried but still the same

Try in terminal: cd < Drag PPPWN folder here > press enter, Sudo < Drag pppwn file here > followed by the rest of the command after pppwn location Example: cd /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn then sudo /Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/pppwn --interface en5 --fw 1100 --stage1 "/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage1.bin" --stage2"/Users/akshay/Downloads/PPPwn/stage2.bin" --auto-retry

i have tried that already , do i have to use " " for pppwn folder location also

I didn't have to, worth a try.

Federacolo commented 1 month ago

I managed to get it working on MacBook Pro m3 with tplink adapter by following the guide. I initially got stuck on "Scan damaged object". After restarting both Mac and PS4 and after several attempts I finally got it working. Ps4 was already jailbroken with a pc but after a shut down due to a crash I tried to managed the exploit with the MacBook. I hope for an update in order to reduce the tries. THANK YOU

Tart-Enpion commented 1 month ago

Hello, thanks a lot for that guide !! I have an Intel Macbook Pro and everything seem to work normaly but the goldhen.bin on my USB stick is not installed on the PS4. On my Terminal I see the stage 4 of the PPPwn is "done" and on the PS4 I see a notification "PPPwned" but I don't see the notification for the installation of Goldhen. I tried several times with my USB stick putting it on the front port or the rear port of the PS4. The USB stick is formated on ExFat and the goldhen.bin is on the root of the stick. Do you have an idea for solving that issue ? Thanks a lot for your time and your work !

Tart-Enpion commented 1 month ago


I finaly succeed by : 1- formated the USB stick in ExFat but with the scheme "Master Boot Record" in the Disk Utility application (before I formated with the scheme GUID) 2- inserted in the USB stick a file named "golden.bin" and not "goldhen.bin" (I let the two files on the stick so I don't know which one has been used)

Thank you very much for your help and sorry for my english which is not very good.

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

#10 (comment)

I finaly succeed by : 1- formated the USB stick in ExFat but with the scheme "Master Boot Record" in the Disk Utility application (before I formated with the scheme GUID) 2- inserted in the USB stick a file named "golden.bin" and not "goldhen.bin" (I let the two files on the stick so I don't know which one has been used)

Thank you very much for your help and sorry for my english which is not very good.

Added to guide, I over looked this part, GUID is default when formatting on Mac.

serista commented 1 month ago

Can I just use $ brew install --cask wireshark-chmodbpf in Terminal as instructed at https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/wireshark-chmodbpf without installing the whole Wireshark?

silvioinpixels commented 1 month ago

We need some sort of GUI for macOS on x64/ARM ... definitely

xfangfang commented 1 month ago

You can use SwiftBar to write a status bar application in a few minutes

Doyle4 commented 1 month ago

Can I just use $ brew install --cask wireshark-chmodbpf in Terminal as instructed at https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/wireshark-chmodbpf without installing the whole Wireshark?

Yeah, I installed Wireshark full so I can use its interface for searching ethernet connections.

ThAn0uSin commented 1 month ago

@ThAn0uSin Give Terminal full Disk Access, make sure you have no Firewall/VPN/Little Snitch on, make sure Terminal and pppwn have network access.

Reboot Mac, Reboot PS4, once rebooted both, wait for PS4 to be fully booted, go to settings, network, Then run PPPwn, press Test Internet Connection on PS4.

The same it stuck on the loop. I use PC with PPPwn lite and it works.