Closed Ypot closed 1 year ago
I have not encountered a similar error. Please try restarting the conversation to see if it works properly.
Right, now it's working :-)
Is there anything that I should hide in the AICHAT-DEBUG?
I get this everytime now :(
====== chathub opened ======
Receive handshake response: {}
Send request:
{"arguments":[{"source":"cib","optionsSets":["nlu_direct_response_filter","deepleo","disable_emoji_spoken_text","responsible_ai_policy_2235","enablemm","iycapbing","iyxapbing","refpromptv1","enuaug","dv3sugg","autosave","iyoloxap","iyoloneutral","galileo","saharagenconv5"],"allowedMessageTypes":["Chat","Disengaged"],"sliceIds":["winmuid3tf","anssupltmrd1","imgchatgptv2","bingsr3-v1","revpayaad","winstmsg2tf","602refusal","621alllocs0","621docxfmtho","330uaug","0626snptrcs0","424dagslnv1s0"],"spokenTextMode:":"None","isStartOfSession":false,"message":{"author":"user","inputMethod":"Keyboard","text":" This is a test\n","messageType":"Chat"},"conversationSignature":"gddKqUJ31X+9/A8ihOvAJ5Gv7K6HNZDLgf8gNfsXZo4=","participant":{"id":"2C897AD06F3D6744316B69836E4A6670"},"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|C4D5B62A716C8EF113E3527B42BC4604CEB5183BB115CAF3276785DB69EFDEEB"}],"invocationId":"6","target":"chat","type":4}
Recv text:
{"type":2,"invocationId":"6","item":{"firstNewMessageIndex":null,"defaultChatName":null,"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|C4D5B62A716C8EF113E3527B42BC4604CEB5183BB115CAF3276785DB69EFDEEB","requestId":"729d9265-2550-4623-bc51-0672c5f62f14","telemetry":{"startTime":"2023-07-19T15:13:29.9975633Z"},"result":{"value":"UnauthorizedRequest","message":"Cannot retrieve user status.","error":"UnauthorizedRequest","renewCert":true,"serviceVersion":"20230718.153"}}}{"type":3,"invocationId":"6"}
{"type":2,"invocationId":"6","item":{"firstNewMessageIndex":null,"defaultChatName":null,"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|C4D5B62A716C8EF113E3527B42BC4604CEB5183BB115CAF3276785DB69EFDEEB","requestId":"729d9265-2550-4623-bc51-0672c5f62f14","telemetry":{"startTime":"2023-07-19T15:13:29.9975633Z"},"result":{"value":"UnauthorizedRequest","message":"Cannot retrieve user status.","error":"UnauthorizedRequest","renewCert":true,"serviceVersion":"20230718.153"}}}{"type":3,"invocationId":"6"}
((type . 2) (invocationId . 6) (item (firstNewMessageIndex) (defaultChatName) (conversationId . 51D|BingProd|C4D5B62A716C8EF113E3527B42BC4604CEB5183BB115CAF3276785DB69EFDEEB) (requestId . 729d9265-2550-4623-bc51-0672c5f62f14) (telemetry (startTime . 2023-07-19T15:13:29.9975633Z)) (result (value . UnauthorizedRequest) (message . Cannot retrieve user status.) (error . UnauthorizedRequest) (renewCert . t) (serviceVersion . 20230718.153))))
((type . 3) (invocationId . 6))
Recv text:
I get this everytime now :(
====== chathub opened ====== Receive handshake response: {}� Send request: {"arguments":[{"source":"cib","optionsSets":["nlu_direct_response_filter","deepleo","disable_emoji_spoken_text","responsible_ai_policy_2235","enablemm","iycapbing","iyxapbing","refpromptv1","enuaug","dv3sugg","autosave","iyoloxap","iyoloneutral","galileo","saharagenconv5"],"allowedMessageTypes":["Chat","Disengaged"],"sliceIds":["winmuid3tf","anssupltmrd1","imgchatgptv2","bingsr3-v1","revpayaad","winstmsg2tf","602refusal","621alllocs0","621docxfmtho","330uaug","0626snptrcs0","424dagslnv1s0"],"spokenTextMode:":"None","isStartOfSession":false,"message":{"author":"user","inputMethod":"Keyboard","text":" This is a test\n","messageType":"Chat"},"conversationSignature":"gddKqUJ31X+9/A8ihOvAJ5Gv7K6HNZDLgf8gNfsXZo4=","participant":{"id":"2C897AD06F3D6744316B69836E4A6670"},"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|C4D5B62A716C8EF113E3527B42BC4604CEB5183BB115CAF3276785DB69EFDEEB"}],"invocationId":"6","target":"chat","type":4}� Recv text: {"type":2,"invocationId":"6","item":{"firstNewMessageIndex":null,"defaultChatName":null,"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|C4D5B62A716C8EF113E3527B42BC4604CEB5183BB115CAF3276785DB69EFDEEB","requestId":"729d9265-2550-4623-bc51-0672c5f62f14","telemetry":{"startTime":"2023-07-19T15:13:29.9975633Z"},"result":{"value":"UnauthorizedRequest","message":"Cannot retrieve user status.","error":"UnauthorizedRequest","renewCert":true,"serviceVersion":"20230718.153"}}}�{"type":3,"invocationId":"6"}� buffer: {"type":2,"invocationId":"6","item":{"firstNewMessageIndex":null,"defaultChatName":null,"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|C4D5B62A716C8EF113E3527B42BC4604CEB5183BB115CAF3276785DB69EFDEEB","requestId":"729d9265-2550-4623-bc51-0672c5f62f14","telemetry":{"startTime":"2023-07-19T15:13:29.9975633Z"},"result":{"value":"UnauthorizedRequest","message":"Cannot retrieve user status.","error":"UnauthorizedRequest","renewCert":true,"serviceVersion":"20230718.153"}}}�{"type":3,"invocationId":"6"}� object: ((type . 2) (invocationId . 6) (item (firstNewMessageIndex) (defaultChatName) (conversationId . 51D|BingProd|C4D5B62A716C8EF113E3527B42BC4604CEB5183BB115CAF3276785DB69EFDEEB) (requestId . 729d9265-2550-4623-bc51-0672c5f62f14) (telemetry (startTime . 2023-07-19T15:13:29.9975633Z)) (result (value . UnauthorizedRequest) (message . Cannot retrieve user status.) (error . UnauthorizedRequest) (renewCert . t) (serviceVersion . 20230718.153)))) object: ((type . 3) (invocationId . 6)) Recv text:
I asked the same question to bing aichat many times, and it stopped working. Maybe our APIs are banned.
I just create a new MS account, logged-in, exported the cookie and I get the same error... So I don't think itt's related to our requests.
I just create a new MS account, logged-in, exported the cookie and I get the same error... So I don't think itt's related to our requests.
Can you provide a detailed description of the steps to reproduce, and attach all the debug logs?
= Context I'm using DoomEmacs
= Configuration
(use-package! aichat
("C-S-a" . aichat-bingai-assistant)
("C-S-c" . aichat-bingai-chat)
(require 'aichat-bingai)
(setq aichat-bingai-cookies-file "~/.doom/packages/cookies.json")
= Steps to reproduce
(starts "non-client/server" doom emacs)= Results
Error: (error UnauthorizedRequest:Cannot retrieve user status.
cur command: (curl --silent --show-error --include --no-styled-output --config -), config:
url = ""
request = "GET"
user-agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 Edg/111.0.1661.41"
header = "authority:"
header = "accept: application/json"
header = "accept-language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6"
header = "content-type: application/json"
header = "referer:"
header = "sec-ch-ua: \"Microsoft Edge\"=\"111\", \"Not(A:Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"111\""
header = "sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0"
header = "sec-ch-ua-platform: \"Windows\""
header = "sec-fetch-dest: empty"
header = "sec-fetch-mode: cors"
header = "sec-fetch-site: same-origin"
header = "x-ms-client-request-id: 46ef5f91-b8ac-4b51-804e-85d51d40c97a"
header = "x-ms-useragent: azsdk-js-api-client-factory/1.0.0-beta.1 core-rest-pipeline/1.10.0 OS/Win32"
header = "x-forwarded-for:"
curl filter data: HTTP/2 200 cache-control: private content-length: 264 content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 p3p: CP="NON UNI COM NAV STA LOC CURa DEVa PSAa PSDa OUR IND" access-control-allow-credentials: true access-control-allow-headers: x-ms-client-request-id, x-ms-useragent access-control-allow-methods: GET access-control-allow-origin: x-eventid: 64bb03a94d4b4bfc950c100cba99147c accept-ch: Sec-CH-UA-Bitness, Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Mobile, Sec-CH-UA-Model, Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List, Sec-CH-UA-Platform, Sec-CH-UA, UA-Bitness, UA-Arch, UA-Full-Version, UA-Mobile, UA-Model, UA-Platform-Version, UA-Platform, UA useragentreductionoptout: A7kgTC5xdZ2WIVGZEfb1hUoNuvjzOZX3VIV/BA6C18kQOOF50Q0D3oWoAm49k3BQImkujKILc7JmPysWk3CSjwUAAACMeyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5iaW5nLmNvbTo0NDMiLCJmZWF0dXJlIjoiU2VuZEZ1bGxVc2VyQWdlbnRBZnRlclJlZHVjdGlvbiIsImV4cGlyeSI6MTY4NDg4NjM5OSwiaXNTdWJkb21haW4iOnRydWUsImlzVGhpcmRQYXJ0eSI6dHJ1ZX0= content-security-policy-report-only: script-src https: 'strict-dynamic' 'report-sample' 'nonce-ky1QDM5r+TX/Ge5zxE3GYpb5XpZ/FRarpKkHu7jBRGU='; base-uri 'self';report-to csp-endpoint report-to: {"group":"csp-endpoint","max_age":86400,"endpoints":[{"url":""}]} x-ceto-ref: 64bb03a94d4b4bfc950c100cba99147c|2023-07-21T22:16:09.645Z x-msedge-ref: Ref A: A06BBA0BC01C48FA84C8AB96512194F2 Ref B: VIEEDGE1020 Ref C: 2023-07-21T22:16:09Z date: Fri, 21 Jul 2023 22:16:09 GMT set-cookie: SUID=M;; expires=Sat, 22-Jul-2023 10:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None set-cookie: MUID=3BA9978944D460C72D9484DC45AC61BF;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; SameSite=None set-cookie: MUIDB=3BA9978944D460C72D9484DC45AC61BF; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly set-cookie: _EDGE_S=F=1&SID=27FCCCE250566A3E1B5EDFB7512E6BE1;; path=/; HttpOnly set-cookie: _EDGE_V=1;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly set-cookie: USRLOC=HS=1;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None set-cookie: SRCHD=AF=NOFORM;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; SameSite=None set-cookie: SRCHUID=V=2&GUID=6A6B16397A17421488A60B1F0EAB3568&dmnchg=1;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; SameSite=None set-cookie: SRCHUSR=DOB=20230721;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; SameSite=None set-cookie: SRCHHPGUSR=SRCHLANG=zh-Hans;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; SameSite=None set-cookie: _SS=SID=27FCCCE250566A3E1B5EDFB7512E6BE1;; path=/; secure; SameSite=None alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=93600 x-cdn-traceid: 0.34ee7b5c.1689977769.535d7f1
{"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|61D30A8AB494265A3BF22A1DA79244A0C975708DD8B0B76D8EA73DDFFC9EB414","clientId":"3BA9978944D460C72D9484DC45AC61BF","conversationSignature":"RybXPG8zk0WfcUSWgUFgkim7e/Egeim9hhs5LD\u002B7hfU=","result":{"value":"Success","message":null}} curl process sentinel: finished
status: (200) headers: (() (x-cdn-traceid . 0.34ee7b5c.1689977769.535d7f1) (alt-svc . h3=":443"; ma=93600) (set-cookie . _SS=SID=27FCCCE250566A3E1B5EDFB7512E6BE1;; path=/; secure; SameSite=None) (set-cookie . SRCHHPGUSR=SRCHLANG=zh-Hans;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; SameSite=None) (set-cookie . SRCHUSR=DOB=20230721;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; SameSite=None) (set-cookie . SRCHUID=V=2&GUID=6A6B16397A17421488A60B1F0EAB3568&dmnchg=1;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; SameSite=None) (set-cookie . SRCHD=AF=NOFORM;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; SameSite=None) (set-cookie . USRLOC=HS=1;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None) (set-cookie . _EDGE_V=1;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly) (set-cookie . _EDGE_S=F=1&SID=27FCCCE250566A3E1B5EDFB7512E6BE1;; path=/; HttpOnly) (set-cookie . MUIDB=3BA9978944D460C72D9484DC45AC61BF; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly) (set-cookie . MUID=3BA9978944D460C72D9484DC45AC61BF;; expires=Wed, 14-Aug-2024 22:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; SameSite=None) (set-cookie . SUID=M;; expires=Sat, 22-Jul-2023 10:16:09 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None) (date . Fri, 21 Jul 2023 22:16:09 GMT) (x-msedge-ref . Ref A) (x-ceto-ref . 64bb03a94d4b4bfc950c100cba99147c|2023-07-21T22:16:09.645Z) (report-to . {"group":"csp-endpoint","max_age":86400,"endpoints":[{"url":""}]}) (content-security-policy-report-only . script-src https) (useragentreductionoptout . A7kgTC5xdZ2WIVGZEfb1hUoNuvjzOZX3VIV/BA6C18kQOOF50Q0D3oWoAm49k3BQImkujKILc7JmPysWk3CSjwUAAACMeyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5iaW5nLmNvbTo0NDMiLCJmZWF0dXJlIjoiU2VuZEZ1bGxVc2VyQWdlbnRBZnRlclJlZHVjdGlvbiIsImV4cGlyeSI6MTY4NDg4NjM5OSwiaXNTdWJkb21haW4iOnRydWUsImlzVGhpcmRQYXJ0eSI6dHJ1ZX0=) (accept-ch . Sec-CH-UA-Bitness, Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Mobile, Sec-CH-UA-Model, Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List, Sec-CH-UA-Platform, Sec-CH-UA, UA-Bitness, UA-Arch, UA-Full-Version, UA-Mobile, UA-Model, UA-Platform-Version, UA-Platform, UA) (x-eventid . 64bb03a94d4b4bfc950c100cba99147c) (access-control-allow-origin . (access-control-allow-methods . GET) (access-control-allow-headers . x-ms-client-request-id, x-ms-useragent) (access-control-allow-credentials . true) (p3p . CP="NON UNI COM NAV STA LOC CURa DEVa PSAa PSDa OUR IND") (content-type . application/json; charset=utf-8) (content-length . 264) (cache-control . private)) body: {"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|61D30A8AB494265A3BF22A1DA79244A0C975708DD8B0B76D8EA73DDFFC9EB414","clientId":"3BA9978944D460C72D9484DC45AC61BF","conversationSignature":"RybXPG8zk0WfcUSWgUFgkim7e/Egeim9hhs5LD\u002B7hfU=","result":{"value":"Success","message":null}}
====== chathub opened ====== Receive handshake response: {} Send request: {"arguments":[{"source":"cib","optionsSets":["nlu_direct_response_filter","deepleo","disable_emoji_spoken_text","responsible_ai_policy_2235","enablemm","iycapbing","iyxapbing","refpromptv1","enuaug","dv3sugg","autosave","iyoloxap","iyoloneutral","galileo","saharagenconv5"],"allowedMessageTypes":["Chat","Disengaged"],"sliceIds":["winmuid3tf","anssupltmrd1","imgchatgptv2","bingsr3-v1","revpayaad","winstmsg2tf","602refusal","621alllocs0","621docxfmtho","330uaug","0626snptrcs0","424dagslnv1s0"],"spokenTextMode:":"None","isStartOfSession":true,"message":{"author":"user","inputMethod":"Keyboard","text":"This is a test\n","messageType":"Chat"},"conversationSignature":"RybXPG8zk0WfcUSWgUFgkim7e/Egeim9hhs5LD+7hfU=","participant":{"id":"3BA9978944D460C72D9484DC45AC61BF"},"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|61D30A8AB494265A3BF22A1DA79244A0C975708DD8B0B76D8EA73DDFFC9EB414"}],"invocationId":"0","target":"chat","type":4}
Recv text: {"type":2,"invocationId":"0","item":{"firstNewMessageIndex":null,"defaultChatName":null,"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|61D30A8AB494265A3BF22A1DA79244A0C975708DD8B0B76D8EA73DDFFC9EB414","requestId":"d7d55226-4380-4583-8767-37c66e9d6d55","telemetry":{"startTime":"2023-07-21T22:16:10.1100848Z"},"result":{"value":"UnauthorizedRequest","message":"Cannot retrieve user status.","error":"UnauthorizedRequest","renewCert":true,"serviceVersion":"20230721.32"}}}{"type":3,"invocationId":"0"} buffer: {"type":2,"invocationId":"0","item":{"firstNewMessageIndex":null,"defaultChatName":null,"conversationId":"51D|BingProd|61D30A8AB494265A3BF22A1DA79244A0C975708DD8B0B76D8EA73DDFFC9EB414","requestId":"d7d55226-4380-4583-8767-37c66e9d6d55","telemetry":{"startTime":"2023-07-21T22:16:10.1100848Z"},"result":{"value":"UnauthorizedRequest","message":"Cannot retrieve user status.","error":"UnauthorizedRequest","renewCert":true,"serviceVersion":"20230721.32"}}}{"type":3,"invocationId":"0"} object: ((type . 2) (invocationId . 0) (item (firstNewMessageIndex) (defaultChatName) (conversationId . 51D|BingProd|61D30A8AB494265A3BF22A1DA79244A0C975708DD8B0B76D8EA73DDFFC9EB414) (requestId . d7d55226-4380-4583-8767-37c66e9d6d55) (telemetry (startTime . 2023-07-21T22:16:10.1100848Z)) (result (value . UnauthorizedRequest) (message . Cannot retrieve user status.) (error . UnauthorizedRequest) (renewCert . t) (serviceVersion . 20230721.32)))) object: ((type . 3) (invocationId . 0)) Recv text: {"type":6} buffer: {"type":6} object: ((type . 6)) Recv text: {"type":6} buffer: {"type":6} object: ((type . 6))
[PS: I hope there is no sensitive info in this log :( ]
FYI, during my many tests, I have seen very breifly another error message saying more or less that I had to "login first" to be able to use the service.
From the logs, it appears that the cookie is not set.
You can run (aichat-bingai--get-cookies-from-file aichat-bingai-cookies-file)
in emacs to see if the cookie can be output correctly.
Sensitive information that may appear in the log is your cookie, but there's no need to worry. After the issue is resolved, you can simply refresh your cookie by logging in again.
Thanks for the quick response.
The code you gave results in following error:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function aichat-bingai--get-cookies-from-file)
(aichat-bingai--get-cookies-from-file aichat-bingai-cookies-file)
(progn (aichat-bingai--get-cookies-from-file aichat-bingai-cookies-file))
eval((progn (aichat-bingai--get-cookies-from-file aichat-bingai-cookies-file)) t)
(eros--eval-overlay (eval-last-sexp eval-last-sexp-arg-internal) (point))
funcall-interactively(eros-eval-last-sexp nil)
call-interactively(eros-eval-last-sexp nil nil)
However trying again to call BingAI resulted in another set of errors which will probably help find the problem:
/bin/bash: line 1: python: command not found
Please install browser_cookie3 by ‘pip3 install browser_cookie3‘
Normally my DoomEmacs is configured to use a specific venv at boot and browser_cookie3 is installed in this venv and for the user. So I focused on the error from first line.
Indeed, I don't have any python
command, only a bash alias
to python3
, that does not seem loaded by Emacs.
When I run pyvenv-activate
in DoomEmacs to activate my environment or when I create an OS symlink from /usr/bin/python3
to /usr/bin/python
then asking again to call BingAI restults in a Popup asking for KDEWallet's passphrase.
And since I didn't know I had KDEWallet installed (I'm using XFCE) I have no idea what the passphrase might be :( Thus I simply backup'ed ~/.local/share/kwalletd/kdewallet.kwl
I still get the error message Cannot retrieve user status.
, but I might be on the right track....
Update: Now I can query the KWallet without error, but I still don't seem to get rid of the error Cannot retrieve user status
$ kwallet-query -l kdewallet
$ echo $?
If you are using a cookie file, try executing (aichat-get-cookies-from-file aichat-bingai-cookies-file)
If you are using browser_cookies3, execute (promise-wait 10 (aichat-get-cookies-from-shell "" "edge"))
"edge" can be replaced with the name of the browser you logged into
with, you can refer to aichat-browser-name
for specific information.
Normally, the acquired cookie value will be outputted.
I'm starting to get totally lost...
Here is some feedback on what I did
= Configuration file
I was using (use-package! aichat .... *:config* (setq aichat-bingai-cookies-file "~/.doom/packages/cookies.json") )
. The variable didn't seem to be set when I started DoomEmacs or executed these lines again and again.
I switched to :init
and the variable seems set when I start DoomEmacs
= But....
Running (aichat-get-cookies-from-file aichat-bingai-cookies-file)
in the scratch buffer just returns nil
Thus, the variable does not seem to be accessed correctly ?!?
= And...
Running (aichat-get-cookies-from-file "~/.doom.d/packages/cookies.json")
returns ((nil nil nil nil nil t))
Which is strange... Why is it different ?!?
Also, I have:
$ cat .doom.d/packages/cookies.json
"Host raw": "",
"Name raw": "MUID",
"Path raw": "/",
"Content raw": "...",
"Expires": "...",
"Expires raw": "...",
"Send for": "Encrypted connections only",
"Send for raw": "true",
"HTTP only raw": "false",
"SameSite raw": "no_restriction",
"This domain only": "Valid for subdomains",
"This domain only raw": "false",
"Store raw": "firefox-container-3",
"First Party Domain": ""
Thus it should be extracting something....
I've also extracted all the bing related cookies in another file and tested again. I get a lot more lists in the output, but still all with nil
= browser_cookie3
Just in case, I executed: (promise-wait 10 (aichat-get-cookies-from-shell "" "edge"))
and got:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/guillaume.muller/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/browser_cookie3/", line 1061, in edge
return Edge(cookie_file, domain_name, key_file).load()
File "/home/guillaume.muller/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/browser_cookie3/", line 733, in __init__
super().__init__(browser='Edge', cookie_file=cookie_file, domain_name=domain_name, key_file=key_file, **args)
File "/home/guillaume.muller/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/browser_cookie3/", line 381, in __init__
File "/home/guillaume.muller/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/browser_cookie3/", line 433, in __add_key_and_cookie_file
raise BrowserCookieError('Failed to find {} cookie'.format(self.browser))
browser_cookie3.BrowserCookieError: Failed to find Edge cookie
which, after analysis, is normal since I don't use Edge, but Firefox with a UserAgent trick :)
Then I executed:
(promise-wait 10 (aichat-get-cookies-from-shell "" "firefox"))
and got better information printed:
#s(promise-class 0 1 (:fullfilled (("ANON" "A=...&E=1c99&W=1" "..." "" "/" t) ("BCP" "AD=0&AL=0&SM=0" "..." "" "/" t) ("CSRFCookie" "..." nil "" "/" nil) ("KievRPSSecAuth" "..." "..." "" "/" t) ("MUID" "..." "..." "" "/" t) ("NAP" "V=1.9&E=1c3f&C=...&W=1" "..." "" "/" t) ("PPLState" "1" "..." "" "/" t) ("SRCHD" "AF=NOFORM" "..." "" "/" t) ("SRCHHPGUSR" "SRCHLANG=en&BRW=XW&BRH=M&CW=1916&CH=889&SCW=1916&SCH=4251&DPR=1.0&UTC=120&DM...
= Also
There's a moment, I saw Your network access properties do not allow that
or a similar message when calling aichat-bingai-assistant
right before the typical Cannot retrieve user status
when calling it again...
Could not find what it was referring to.
Your cookie file format is incorrect, and you can refer to the correct format at
You can set aichat-browsr-name
to 'firefox
Hi again,
Thanks again for your quick answers.
Sorry, as I'm not using Edge I couldn't use the cookie extraction method you propose in your README. I used "Cookies Quick Manager" for Firefox. I didn't know it could generate an invalid JSON format (isn't it standardized? (*) )...
What's strange is that the cookie.json
file I generated seemed to be working until recently. Probably, the auth failed but the BingAI API defaulted to working without being authenticated?
I found that the "cookie editor extension" you recommend for Edge also existed for FF. I did all the steps again, but I still get the same errors (cf. below). Whereas this time running (aichat-get-cookies-from-file "~/.doom.d/packages/cookies.json")
returns some values.
I've tried to set both aichat-browsr-name
and aichat-browser-name
to 'firefox
, but I still get the same Cannot retrieve user status
error. However, the very first time I got the following error first:
Error: (error (error (error Create conversation failed: {"result":{"value":"UnauthorizedRequest","message":"Sorry, you need to login first to access this service."}})))
For some reason, when I get another error before Cannot retrieve user status
, I cannot reproduce it afterwards, even after killing all instances of emacs
and restarting it with \emacs
...). I there any possibilities that some process and/or connection remains open even after killing emacs
Installing Edge just to get a cookie seemed overkill, but I think I'll resort to it...
(*) during my tests, I realized there is a "netscape" way of storing the cookies, which look very similar to the output of Python::browser_cookie3. Wouldn't that format be more standard/portable?
In fact, BingAI can be used without logging in, but it is highly uncertain and depends on the region of your IP. Please refer to for more information.
In the latest commit, if the correct cookie is not obtained, I will throw an error. If you still cannot use it properly, you can try sending the cookie.json file to my email:, and I will take a look to see where the problem is.
Thanks a lot for all the work & help.
Here is what I execute and the results:
(require 'aichat)
# => aichat
(require 'aichat-bingai)
# => aichat-bingai
(aichat-get-cookies-from-file aichat-bingai-cookies-file)
# => nil
(aichat-get-cookies-from-file "/home/user/.doom.d/packages/cookies.json")
# Print a long list ... cookie seems loaded OK
(aichat-get-cookies-from-file "~/.doom.d/packages/cookies.json")
# Print a long list ... cookie seems loaded OK
(promise-wait 10 (aichat-get-cookies-from-shell "" "firefox"))
# Print a long list ... cookie seems loaded OK
(setq aichat-browser-name 'firefox)
# => firefox
Can you write a poem
# When I select this line and call "aichat-bingai-assistant" get your new error:
# Error: (error (error (error (error Can not get correct cookie for login!))))
I'll send you the cookies.json
because I'm really out of ideas here...
I tested the cookie.json
file you sent and it is working fine. You need to set the aichat-bingai-cookies-file
to the file path of cookie.json.
The cookie.json file must include the _U
Still does not work here...
In the process of creating a "minimal (non) working DoomEmacs example", I was again asked to enter the KWallet
password. I tried my best to remove any reference to this annoying piece of software:
pip uninstall keyring
apt purge *kwallet*
# cancelled that because it wanted to remove many dependencies like TeXlive and I need them... $ cat > ~/.kde/share/config/kwalletrc <<EOF [Wallet] Enabled=false Launch Manager=false EOF
\rm -fr ~/.local/share/kwalletd/
But still, this minimal example is unable to get the cookie when I call aichat-bingai-assistant
, whereas it gets it when I call (aichat-get-cookies-from-file "/home/user/.doom.d/packages/cookies.json")
I'm really lost....
In case someone is interested in trying to understand the problem the MNWE is attached. (cookie.json
should be put in `.doom.d/packages/)
I'm not sure why kwallet is used. You can use emacs -Q
to only require emacs-aichat
for testing.
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/emacs-aichat")
(require 'aichat-bingai)
(setq aichat-bingai-cookies-file "~/.doom.d/packages/cookie.json")
I had to add the dependencies. I finally executed:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.1/iter2")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.1/promise")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.1/async-await")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.1/websocket")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.1/aichat")
(require 'aichat-bingai)
(setq aichat-bingai-cookies-file "~/.doom.d/packages/cookie.json")
It gave me error: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments (1 . 2) 0)
So I tried with the command I'm more familiar with:
(aichat-bingai-assistant "write another poem")
and it worked....
I'm so soooooorrrrry ... After a couple more hours of struggling, I found the problem!!!
If you look at my comment , I had configured (setq aichat-bingai-cookies-file "~/.doom/packages/cookie.json")
, without the .d
to .doom.d
I'm sooooooooooooooo stupid.... Sorry for the waste of time!!!!
A few hours ago it was working, now it is not. I don't know how I broke it.
Content of the AICHAT-DEBUG: