xhzengAIB / XHTwitterPaggingViewer

A twitter like navigation bar, page viewer.
MIT License
223 stars 54 forks source link



A twitter like navigation bar, page viewer.

有某些业务中,并不是在NavigationController的rootViewController上使用,那么该怎么去改进这个库去适应呢? 还在考虑解决方案中...........

组件要求 Requirements


CocosPods is the recommended method to install TwitterPaggingViewer, just add the following line to Podfile

pod 'XHTwitterPaggingViewer'

and run pod install, then you're all done!

How to use

Easy to drop into your project. 类似UITabBarController的用法,非常方便

XHTwitterPaggingViewer *twitterPaggingViewer = [[XHTwitterPaggingViewer alloc] init];

NSMutableArray *viewControllers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:7];

NSArray *titles = @[@"Home", @"Friend", @"曾宪华", @"News", @"Viewer", @"Framework", @"Pagging"];

[titles enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *title, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
    XHTableViewController *tableViewController = [[XHTableViewController alloc] init];
    tableViewController.title = title;
    [viewControllers addObject:tableViewController];

twitterPaggingViewer.viewControllers = viewControllers;

twitterPaggingViewer.didChangedPageCompleted = ^(NSInteger cuurentPage, NSString *title) {
    NSLog(@"cuurentPage : %ld on title : %@", (long)cuurentPage, title);

self.window.rootViewController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:twitterPaggingViewer];


中文: TwitterPaggingViewer 是在MIT协议下使用的,可以在LICENSE文件里面找到相关的使用协议信息。

English: TwitterPaggingViewer is available under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for more information.