in this madness of trying to hand craft an MVVM equiv for the MVC generated code i get an error when trying to do a redirect
on my createMVVM gsp i have a button like this, having filled in sample data fields
in the view model i have an action like so which does the redirect back to the listMVVM gsp
@Command ('create') // triggered by binder
// def createNewInstance(@BindingParam ("newBook") Book newBook) {
def createNewInstance () {
println "create new instance called on ${this}, with new book " + selectedBook //+ " and passed " + newBook
def bookInstance = selectedBook //binder writes attributes into selectedBook
if (! true) && bookInstance.hasErrors()) {
log.error bookInstance.errors
//self.renderErrors(bean: bookInstance) how to do this in view?
} else {
flash.message = g.message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [g.message(code: 'book.label', default: 'Book'),])
redirect(controller: "BookMVVM", action: "listMVVM")
when the code hits the redirect the browser throws an error (firefox)
"the server is temporarily out of service would you like to try again
(syntax error (syntex error))"
however the console log shows that the listMVVM action has been called, and read the new saved book - and the @Init has been called - but the browser just shows the error and doesnt move - if you hit ok - it gives you user access back but stays in the create gsp form (even though the console says its moved on) - if you then hit the 'book list' button - it launches the listMVVM as normal and your back to the listing
console log
book controller com.softwood.BookMVVMController@145fde (listMVVM) starting view
ran init on com.softwood.BookMVVMController@18c29b5 to set bookList[book (title:war of worlds , ISBN:abc-123), book (title:my book, ISBN:xyz-123), book (title:do that thing, ISBN:mnp-123), book (title:magna cartner, ISBN:def-123)]and built selectedBook book (title:, ISBN:) for book controller
why doesnt that redirect from command action work ? how should you jump to another page from an MVVM command action ?
in this madness of trying to hand craft an MVVM equiv for the MVC generated code i get an error when trying to do a redirect
on my createMVVM gsp i have a button like this, having filled in sample data fields