but when i run the command for correct reads($necat.pl correct config.txt),
Smartmatch is experimental at /home/dlrbeo3025/NECAT/Linux-amd64/bin/Plgd/Project.pm line 263.
File not Exist: /home/username/necat/barcode01/fastq_runid_3ec0b4bbd370e90075d26f52cfdb0b4ec34e64f9_0_0.fastq
I got those error...
but when i run
$less /home/username/necat/barcode01/fastq_runid_3ec0b4bbd370e90075d26f52cfdb0b4ec34e64f9_0_0.fastq, i can check my files...
what is the problem,.,...?
i cant figure it out....
please help me.... :(
maybe, it is about how to write path but I fixed this by just copying all fastq files into the bin and change all path names into names of the files. it worked for me.
Hello, i have some problem with using this tools...
First i made a config file by using command: necat.pl config config.txt i only change project, ONT_READ_LIST, GENOME_SIZE, THREADS like this...
PROJECT=necat_assembly ONT_READ_LIST=read_list.txt GENOME_SIZE=38000000 THREADS=72
Second, i made read_list.txt file, and write all path of my fastq files like this...
/home/username/necat/barcode01/fastq_runid_3ec0b4bbd370e90075d26f52cfdb0b4ec34e64f9_0_0.fastq /home/username/necat/barcode01/fastq_runid_3ec0b4bbd370e90075d26f52cfdb0b4ec34e64f9_0_1.fastq /home/username/necat/barcode01/fastq_runid_3ec0b4bbd370e90075d26f52cfdb0b4ec34e64f9_0_2.fastq . . .
but when i run the command for correct reads($necat.pl correct config.txt),
Smartmatch is experimental at /home/dlrbeo3025/NECAT/Linux-amd64/bin/Plgd/Project.pm line 263. File not Exist: /home/username/necat/barcode01/fastq_runid_3ec0b4bbd370e90075d26f52cfdb0b4ec34e64f9_0_0.fastq
I got those error...
but when i run $less /home/username/necat/barcode01/fastq_runid_3ec0b4bbd370e90075d26f52cfdb0b4ec34e64f9_0_0.fastq, i can check my files...
what is the problem,.,...? i cant figure it out.... please help me.... :(