in the screen output I received the following:
Count: 441 Total: 27522294 Max: 1180615 Min: 1987 N25: 271832 L25: 18 N50: 183147 L50: 49 N75: 71872 L75: 111
It shows I should have an total assembly size of 27.5Mb, however, my bridged_contigs.fasta file is only 12Mb. Where is the other 55% of the assembly stored?
in the screen output I received the following:
Count: 441 Total: 27522294 Max: 1180615 Min: 1987 N25: 271832 L25: 18 N50: 183147 L50: 49 N75: 71872 L75: 111
It shows I should have an total assembly size of 27.5Mb, however, my bridged_contigs.fasta file is only 12Mb. Where is the other 55% of the assembly stored?