xiaohutai / jsonapi

[Bolt Extension] JSON API for Bolt CMS
MIT License
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Additional Queries thows error #69

Closed rainpoiss closed 6 years ago

rainpoiss commented 7 years ago

In readme there is some querys:

/{ct}/search?q={query} | Searches for {query} in a specific contenttype. and /search?q={query} | Searches for {query} in all contenttypes.

when using them i get an error:

Uncaught Exception: ContextErrorException .

ContextErrorException in ParameterFactory.php line 29: Notice: Undefined index: contentType

xiaohutai commented 6 years ago

I can't seem to find why this goes wrong since the code has been refactored. It seems that this must've been broken for quite some time too 🤔

xiaohutai commented 6 years ago

Just made a release. Fixed in v3.0.18