xinshuoweng / SPF2

Official PyTorch Implementation for "Sequential Forecasting of 100,000 Points", In Submission
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Questions on data split and Chamfer Distance #2

Open benemer opened 3 years ago

benemer commented 3 years ago


Can you give an estimate on when the code will be released? I have two questions regarding your CoRL2020 paper.

  1. Which sequences of KITTI-Raw did you use for training, validation, and testing?
  2. Why is the Chamfer Distance between two point clouds in Equation (1) of your paper not averaged with respect to the number of points in the point clouds? Also, do you include a factor of 0.5 in your reported results as posted in this issue?

Thank you!

benemer commented 2 years ago

Since there is now some activity in this repository, do you mind answering these questions? Thanks!