xiph / Icecast-Server

Icecast streaming media server (Mirror) - Please report bugs at https://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/icecast-server/issues
GNU General Public License v2.0
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https://icecast.org doesn't show anything #35

Closed q2dg closed 4 years ago

q2dg commented 4 years ago

First it gives a certificate error (screenshot attached) and then...nothin: a blank page. What's going on? Thanks! Captura de pantalla de 2020-05-08 17-45-10

rillian commented 4 years ago

Host failed. We're restoring from backups, but it may be unavailable for a few more days. Sorry for the inconvenience.

hickery commented 4 years ago

Still dead - you do realise this is starting to look WELL dodgy for such a widespread project as icecast.

MJLeeming commented 4 years ago

Is it possible that SIGHUB (config reloads) are affected by this issue? We have had issues since icecast.org breakdown, when 2 config reloads happend within a very short period in time, during log rotation of icecast access and error logs files We removed one the of config reloads, as it was not necessary, it seemed to help. Theory is that icecast tried to send stats or poll something from icecast.org during a config reload, is this a possibility? (maybe slower config reload, if it waits for timeout to icecast.org)

hairmare commented 4 years ago

Is it possible that SIGHUB (config reloads) are affected by this issue?

This could be related to the yellow pages. Maybe you need to comment/remove the <directory> tag from your configuration until dir.xiph.org is restored.

rillian commented 4 years ago

I've restored the icecast.org website from backup. I may be missing some recent updates, but the pages are back online. Thanks for the report!