xma / T480-Clover

Lenovo T480 hackintosh ThinkPad - using Clover
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Headphone problem #34

Closed bugraduz closed 3 years ago

bugraduz commented 3 years ago

I have headphone plug problem after wake sleep. Sound is not good. Can you check it? my solution is sudo kill -9 ps ax|grep 'coreaudio[a-z]' | awk '{print $1}' terminal code after wake sleep.

bugraduz commented 3 years ago

this problem also applies to speaker. After wake sleep sound not working correct. İf ı press sound increase button , strange sounds come in speaker.

xma commented 3 years ago

oh. Would you mind testing this repo : https://github.com/EETagent/T480-OpenCore-Hackintosh If problem is there too - when you wake after sleep or not ?

bugraduz commented 3 years ago

this is exactly the same problem and amateur solution https://github.com/EETagent/T480-OpenCore-Hackintosh/issues/10

xma commented 3 years ago

tha's a too long thread. just browsing it quickly didn't inspire me at all.

some said "add codeccommander", others said "change layout-id"

the last comment / post telling it's ok https://github.com/EETagent/T480-OpenCore-Hackintosh/issues/10#issuecomment-717621682 => it points to a kext change related to airport/wifi, which doesn't make sense.

bugraduz commented 3 years ago

It was a very interesting solution method. I'm not sure either ...

xma commented 3 years ago

lazy way would be to automate your "kill -9 " when computer is waking up

there's a software package "sleepwatcher" that exists (and i'm using it) that could call scripts : on sleep & on wake events.

easiest way to install sleepwatcher:

git clone https://github.com/tluck/Lenovo-T460-Clover/ cd Lenovo-T460-Clover/Utilities/ ./install_sleepwatcher.command

then you can edit /etc/rc.sleep => remove everything aka


exit 0

/etc/rc.wakeup => put your stuff in aka


kill -9 ps ax|grep 'coreaudio[a-z]' | awk '{print $1}'

(no need to sudo, those scripts are ran as root)

xma commented 3 years ago

While browsing github, I came across something related https://github.com/xxxzc/xps15-9550-macos

in README.md

Headphone After updating to 10.15, headphone will be distorted after a few minutes in battery mode.

You have to install ComboJack (run install.sh).

=> For you, does headphone sounds bad after few minutes in battery mode too ?

'ComboJack' https://github.com/hackintosh-stuff/ComboJack

It might be a path for solving the problem - but it's not 100% perfect, T480 have "alc257" chipset and ComboJack handle alc256/alc255

chipset are different - but at the same time very close, I'd think it may be possible to add support for alc257 in ComboJack without too much effort.

bugraduz commented 3 years ago

yes now ı tested it , sound is breaking in battery mode after 1-2 minutes

xma commented 3 years ago

oh ok. Did it came with big sur ? I recall using t480 like watching movies w/ headphone earlier this year and it was ok.

Right now I've put headphones and tried to listen spotify / youtube. it's HORRIBLE I confess :=(

xma commented 3 years ago

I've added 'VerbStub.kext' in this repo ( kexts/Other/VerbStub.kext ) by itself this kext won't do anything good or bad. It's a 'hole' that need to be driven by software.

You gotta have this kext

next step : ComboJack

I've quickly hacked it for alc257 (not yet complete)


cd ComboJack_Installer sudo ./install.sh

You gotta reboot

to verify is well here:

$ kextstat | grep -i verb 59 0 0 0xf000 0xf000 com.XPS.VerbStub (1.0.3) 41D18E8C-8EFF-34A1-BD9C-2D806283284F <14 5 3> => kext is there

$ ioreg -l | grep VerbStub => should output lots of line = it's ok. normally it's empty

$ ps aux | grep ComboJack root 2093 0.0 0.0 4515376 2304 ?? Ss 4:10PM 0:00.02 /usr/local/sbin/ComboJack => software is there

If you plug headphone there's a popup popup

Tell me if it works for you - right now for me it's fairly good

bugraduz commented 3 years ago

Problem is solved. Thanks for @xma 👍

xma commented 3 years ago

ah great 👍 I'll update README.md soon