xmar / 360Transformations

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pre_processing of dataset #21

Open tjinjin95 opened 6 years ago

tjinjin95 commented 6 years ago

hello , Thans for your dataset in advance . I want know weather you can provide the pre-procession dataset which meants using spherical linear interpolation . thanks a lot.

xmar commented 6 years ago

Hello, Are you talking about the MMSys'17 dataset available here: http://dash.ipv6.enstb.fr/headMovements/ ?

To do the spherical interpolation, I usually use the numpy-quaternion, python3 library. If you store the timestamps into an array t, the quaternions into an array q, and if you store the new timestamp for which you want an interpolated value in the array t_out, you can do a linear interpolation using the function: q_out = quaternion.slerp(q, t, t_out) or a quadratic interpolation using the function: q_out = quaternion.squad(q, t, t_out)

You can find more information here: https://github.com/moble/quaternion -- Xavier

tjinjin95 commented 6 years ago

Hello, Thanks for your method, I solved this problem by slerp in matlab.