xrmx / uwsgitop

top-like app for monitoring uWSGI instances
MIT License
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No processes in uwsgitop table #49

Open eriktelepovsky opened 7 years ago

eriktelepovsky commented 7 years ago

I don't see any processes/rows in the output of uwsgitop command:

uwsgi-1.2.3-debian - Wed May 24 19:56:30 2017 - req: 0 - RPS: 0 - lq: 0 - tx: 0
node: vm9037 - cwd: /home/archivis/public_html/archivis2/source - uid: 0 - gid: 0 - masterpid: 2878
 WID    %       PID     REQ     RPS     EXC     SIG     STATUS  AVG     RSS     VSZ     TX      ReSpwn  HC      RunT    LastSpwn


plugins     = python
master          = true
processes       = 10
socket          = /tmp/uwsgi_archivis2_archivuj_sk.sock
stats           = /tmp/uwsgi_archivis2_archivuj_sk_stats.sock
memory-report   = true
chmod-socket    = 666
chdir           = /home/archivis/public_html/archivis2/source
module          = archivis.wsgi.archivuj
home            = /home/archivis/environment
vacuum          = true
pidfile         = /tmp/uwsgi_archivis2_archivuj_sk.pid
logto           = /home/archivis/logs/uwsgi_archivis2_archivuj_sk.log
LC_ALL          = en_US.UTF-8
LANG            = en_US.UTF-8
;catch-exceptions = true

Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

xrmx commented 7 years ago

is it really an uwsgi 1.2.3 instance?

eriktelepovsky commented 7 years ago

Yes, it is. I know, it is a very old version, but it is the latest package in the Debian Wheezy actually. I confirm it works fine on uWSGI v2 of Debian Jessie.

I am going to migrate the server to the new version, I just wanted to ask if there is something I am missing for that one.

xrmx commented 7 years ago

Please reproduce with the jessie version :)

eriktelepovsky commented 7 years ago

The Jessie version works fine on my another server. I just wanted to know if it is possible to make it work for this archaic version too.