xruben136x / SZZ_unisannio

Implementation of SZZ Algorithm
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Use of ChatGPT for the Issue Tracker integration #6

Closed Piergi20 closed 10 months ago

Piergi20 commented 10 months ago


import git
import re
#git diff between two commit
def get_diff(repo_path, commit_A, commit_B):
    repo = git.Repo(repo_path)
    diff = repo.git.diff(commit_A, commit_B, '-U0', '--histogram')
    return diff
#get the dictionary where the key is the file path and the value is a list of numbers of the changed lines
def generate_changes_dict(diff_output):
    file_path_pattern = re.compile(r'^\+\+\+ b/(.*)$')
    line_number_pattern = re.compile(r'^@@ -(\d+)(,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(,(\d+))? @@')

    result_dict = {}
    current_file_path = None
    numbers_list = []

    diff_lines = diff_output.split('\n')

    for line in diff_lines:
        file_path_match = file_path_pattern.match(line)
        line_number_match = line_number_pattern.match(line)

        if file_path_match:
            if current_file_path and numbers_list:
                result_dict[current_file_path] = numbers_list
                numbers_list = []

            current_file_path = file_path_match.group(1)
        elif line_number_match:
            start_line = int(line_number_match.group(1))
            num_lines = 1 if line_number_match.group(3) is None else int(line_number_match.group(3))

            numbers_list.extend(range(start_line, start_line + num_lines))

    if current_file_path and numbers_list:
        result_dict[current_file_path] = numbers_list

    return result_dict
def get_candidate_commits(blame_result, file_path, changes_dict):
    # Definisci il pattern delle espressioni regolari
    pattern = re.compile(r'([a-f0-9]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)?(?:\s+(\d+))?\nauthor\s+([^\n]+)')

    # Inizializza il set di commit
    commit_set = set()

    # Trova tutte le corrispondenze nel testo di output
    matches = pattern.findall(blame_result)

    # Estrai le informazioni desiderate
    for match in matches:
        commit_hash, first_number, second_number, third_number, author = match

        # Controlla se il secondo numero è nella lista associata al percorso del file
        if int(second_number) in changes_dict.get(file_path, []):
            # Aggiungi le informazioni richieste al set
            commit_set.add((commit_hash, author))

    # Restituisci il set di commit
    return commit_set
def get_all_candidate_commits(repo, parent_commit, changes_dict):
    all_candidate_commits = set()

    for file_path, line_numbers in changes_dict.items():
        blame_result = repo.git.blame(parent_commit, file_path, "--line-porcelain")
        candidate_commits = get_candidate_commits(blame_result, file_path, changes_dict)
        all_candidate_commits = all_candidate_commits.union(candidate_commits)

    return all_candidate_commits
#retrieve commit from the repo
repository_url = "/Users/rubengigante/tensorflow"
repo = git.Repo(repository_url)
commits = repo.iter_commits()
#retrieve bug fix commit
bug_fix_commits = []

for commit in commits:
    commit_message = commit.message.lower()
    if 'bug' in commit_message and 'fix' in commit_message:
#retrieve only one commit and his parent
bug_fix_commit = bug_fix_commits[0]
parent_commit = bug_fix_commit.parents[0]
diff = get_diff(repository_url, bug_fix_commit, parent_commit)
changes_dict = generate_changes_dict(diff)
all_candidate_commits = get_all_candidate_commits(repo, parent_commit, changes_dict)
print("Candidate commits: ")

Data questa implementazione dell'algoritmo SZZ in Python, quali sono gli strumenti e le librerie da utilizzare per permettere l'applicazione dello stesso con riferimento all'issue tracker definito dal rempository remoto, mediante l'utilizzo dell'API di GitHub?

ANSWER Per applicare l'algoritmo SZZ con riferimento all'issue tracker di GitHub, è possibile utilizzare la libreria PyGithub, una libreria Python ufficiale per l'API di GitHub. Questa libreria semplifica l'interazione con l'API di GitHub e consente di recuperare informazioni sugli issue, i commit, e altro ancora.

Puoi installare la libreria PyGithub usando pip: pip install PyGithub Dopo aver installato la libreria, puoi estendere il tuo script aggiungendo le chiamate all'API di GitHub per ottenere informazioni sugli issue associati ai commit, lo stato degli issue, i commenti, e altro ancora.

Ecco un esempio di come potresti modificare il tuo script:

from github import Github

# Inizializza l'oggetto Github con il tuo token di accesso
github_token = "YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN"
github_instance = Github(github_token)

# Recupera l'oggetto repository
repo = github_instance.get_repo("owner/repo")  # Sostituisci "owner" e "repo" con i tuoi valori

# ...

def get_commits_fixing_issues(repo, bug_fix_commit):
    fixing_commits = {}

    for issue_number in get_issue_numbers(bug_fix_commit.message):
        issue_status = get_issue_status(repo, issue_number)

        if issue_status == 'closed':
            issue = repo.get_issue(number=issue_number)

                comments = issue.get_comments()
                commit_sha_list = re.findall(r'([a-f0-9]{40})', " ".join(comment.body for comment in comments))
            except GithubException as e:
                print(f"Error getting comments for issue #{issue_number}: {e}")

            fixing_commits[issue_number] = []

            for commit_sha in commit_sha_list:
                    commit = repo.get_commit(commit_sha)
                    fixing_commits[issue_number].append((commit_sha, commit.author))
                except GithubException as e:
                    print(f"Error getting commit information for SHA {commit_sha}: {e}")

    return fixing_commits

# ...

# Esempio di utilizzo
repository_url = "/Users/rubengigante/tensorflow"
github_token = "YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN"
repo = git.Repo(repository_url)
bug_fix_commits = []

# ...

for bug_fix_commit in bug_fix_commits:
    fixing_commits = get_commits_fixing_issues(github_repo, bug_fix_commit)
    # Continua con il resto del tuo script


GitCommandError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[61], line 165 162 diff = get_diff(repository_url, commit.sha, parent_commit.sha) 163 changes_dic = generate_changes_dict(diff) --> 165 all_candidate_commits = get_all_candidate_commits(repo, parent_commit, changes_dic) 167 #print commit fix and candidate commits 168 print(bug_fix_commit)

Cell In[61], line 113, in get_all_candidate_commits(repo, parent_commit, changes_dict) 110 all_candidate_commits = set() 112 for file_path, line_numbers in changes_dict.items(): --> 113 blame_result = repo.git.blame(str(parent_commit), file_path, "--line-porcelain") 114 candidate_commits = get_candidate_commits(blame_result, file_path, changes_dict) 115 all_candidate_commits = all_candidate_commits.union(candidate_commits)

File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\git\cmd.py:736, in Git.getattr..(*args, kwargs) 734 if name[0] == "_": 735 return LazyMixin.getattr(self, name) --> 736 return lambda *args, *kwargs: self._call_process(name, args, kwargs)

File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\git\cmd.py:1316, in Git._call_process(self, method, *args, kwargs) 1313 call.append(dashify(method)) 1314 call.extend(args_list) -> 1316 return self.execute(call, exec_kwargs)

File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\git\cmd.py:1111, in Git.execute(self, command, istream, with_extended_output, with_exceptions, as_process, output_stream, stdout_as_string, kill_after_timeout, with_stdout, universal_newlines, shell, env, max_chunk_size, strip_newline_in_stdout, **subprocess_kwargs) 1108 # END handle debug printing 1110 if with_exceptions and status != 0: -> 1111 raise GitCommandError(redacted_command, status, stderr_value, stdout_value) 1113 if isinstance(stdout_value, bytes) and stdout_as_string: # could also be output_stream 1114 stdout_value = safe_decode(stdout_value)

GitCommandError: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128) cmdline: git blame Commit(sha="28d130930b6b5c1dc62447edc3b8e435719b7470") tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tosa/BUILD --line-porcelain stderr: 'fatal: bad revision 'Commit(sha="28d130930b6b5c1dc62447edc3b8e435719b7470")''

Ho questo errore: cosa significa? Come potrei risolverlo?

ANSWER: Il problema sembra essere dovuto al fatto che il commit specificato nel commento non è presente nel tuo repository locale. Questo può accadere se il commit è stato rimosso o non è stato scaricato nel tuo repository.

Per risolvere questo problema, potresti provare a eseguire il comando git fetch --all nel tuo repository locale prima di eseguire lo script. Questo comando scaricherà tutti i commit mancanti e gli ultimi aggiornamenti dal repository remoto.

Puoi farlo direttamente dalla riga di comando: git -C C:\Users\Navigator\Desktop\IS\tensorflow fetch --all Dopo di che, prova a eseguire nuovamente lo script per vedere se il problema persiste.``