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[OpenaiChat] Error 403 when making the second request to the gui API #1732

Closed iG8R closed 3 months ago

iG8R commented 4 months ago
(venv) c:\gpt4free>g4f api --debug DEBUG --ignored-providers AItianhu AItianhuSpace Acytoo AiAsk AiChatOnline AiChatting AiService Aibn Aichat Ails Aivvm AsyncGeneratorProvider AsyncProvider Aura Bard BaseProvider Berlin Bestim Bing ChatAiGpt ChatAnywhere ChatBase ChatForAi Chatgpt4Online ChatgptAi ChatgptDemo ChatgptDemoAi ChatgptDuo ChatgptFree ChatgptLogin ChatgptNext ChatgptX Chatxyz CodeLinkAva CreateImagesProvider Cromicle DeepInfra DfeHub EasyChat Equing FakeGpt FastGpt Forefront FreeChatgpt FreeGpt GPTalk GeekGpt Gemini GeminiProCCFgptCN GeminiProChat GeminiProFreeChatGPT GeminiProGBeCo GeminiProTop GetGpt Gpt6 GptChatly GptForLove GptGo GptGod GptTalkRu H2o Hashnode HuggingChat Koala Komo Liaobots Llama2 Lockchat MikuChat MyShell Myshell OnlineGpt Opchatgpts OpenAssistant PerplexityAi PerplexityLabs Phind Pi Poe Raycast RetryProvider TalkAi Theb ThebApi V50 Vercel Vitalentum Wewordle Wuguokai Ylokh You Yqcloud
INFO:     Started server process [20612]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Using OpenaiChat provider and gpt-3.5-turbo model                         <--- first request
Read cookies from chrome for chat.openai.com
Read cookies from edge for chat.openai.com
Read cookies from firefox for chat.openai.com
Open browser with config dir: C:\Users\iG8R\AppData\Local\g4f\g4f
INFO: - "POST /v1/chat/completions?provider=OpenaiChat HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
Using OpenaiChat provider and gpt-3.5-turbo model                         <--- second request
ERROR:root:Response 403: <html>
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        <p>Unable to load site</p>
      <span class="explanation">
        Please try again later. If you are using a VPN, try turning it off.
        Check the
        <a href="https://status.openai.com/" target="_new">status page</a> for
        information on outages.
      <br />
      <span class="explanation"> [IP:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx | Ray ID:xxxxxxxxxxxx] </span>
  <script>(function(){if (!document.body) return;var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'TcxMDkzMTEwNy4xNjMwMDA='};_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js',document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1;_0xh.style.position = 'absolute';_0xh.style.top = 0;_0xh.style.left = 0;_0xh.style.border = 'none';_0xh.style.visibility = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})();</script></body>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\gpt4free\venv\Lib\site-packages\g4f\api\__init__.py", line 91, in chat_completions
    response = self.client.chat.completions.create(
  File "c:\gpt4free\venv\Lib\site-packages\g4f\client.py", line 163, in create
    return response if stream else next(response)
  File "c:\gpt4free\venv\Lib\site-packages\g4f\client.py", line 84, in iter_append_model_and_provider
    for chunk in response:
  File "c:\gpt4free\venv\Lib\site-packages\g4f\client.py", line 49, in iter_response
    for idx, chunk in enumerate(response):
  File "c:\gpt4free\venv\Lib\site-packages\g4f\providers\base_provider.py", line 206, in create_completion
    yield loop.run_until_complete(await_callback(gen.__anext__))
  File "c:\gpt4free\venv\Lib\site-packages\nest_asyncio.py", line 99, in run_until_complete
    return f.result()
  File "C:\Python312\Lib\asyncio\futures.py", line 203, in result
    raise self._exception.with_traceback(self._exception_tb)
  File "C:\Python312\Lib\asyncio\tasks.py", line 304, in __step_run_and_handle_result
    result = coro.send(None)
  File "c:\gpt4free\venv\Lib\site-packages\g4f\providers\base_provider.py", line 202, in await_callback
    return await callback()
  File "c:\gpt4free\venv\Lib\site-packages\g4f\Provider\needs_auth\OpenaiChat.py", line 452, in create_async_generator
    await raise_for_status(response)
  File "c:\gpt4free\venv\Lib\site-packages\g4f\requests\raise_for_status.py", line 23, in raise_for_status_async
    raise ResponseStatusError(f"Response {response.status}: {message}")
g4f.errors.ResponseStatusError: Response 403: <html>
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        <p>Unable to load site</p>
      <span class="explanation">
        Please try again later. If you are using a VPN, try turning it off.
        Check the
        <a href="https://status.openai.com/" target="_new">status page</a> for
        information on outages.
      <br />
      <span class="explanation"> [IP:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx | Ray ID:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] </span>
  <script>(function(){if (!document.body) return;var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'MTcxMDkzMTEwNy4xNjMwMDA='};_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js',document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1;_0xh.style.position = 'absolute';_0xh.style.top = 0;_0xh.style.left = 0;_0xh.style.border = 'none';_0xh.style.visibility = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})();</script></body>

INFO: - "POST /v1/chat/completions?provider=OpenaiChat HTTP/1.1" 500 Internal Server Error
iG8R commented 4 months ago

PS. OpenaiChat from version works fine.

haroooooo12345666666 commented 4 months ago

PS. OpenaiChat from version works fine.

I have the same problem but this version does not work either.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

Bumping this issue because it has been open for 7 days with no activity. Closing automatically in 7 days unless it becomes active again.

Gradess2019 commented 3 months ago

Tried OpenaiChat provider today and encountered same error. Any solution?

iG8R commented 3 months ago

Tried OpenaiChat provider today and encountered same error. Any solution?

Update to the new version, e.g.