xuejianxianzun / PixivFanboxDownloader

A Chrome extension for downloading files on Pixiv Fanbox in batches. Chrome 扩展,用于批量下载 Pixiv Fanbox 上的文件。
GNU General Public License v3.0
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"Crawl all Followed posts"(specified period) would be quite useful if it could be achieved. #54

Open Rsfinder opened 1 year ago

Rsfinder commented 1 year ago

Thanks for continuing to provide great tools. I use it daily.

I have a lot of followings, so many posts flow in daily. So I manually save each one that I can save.... It takes some time.

Could you consider implementing a "Crawl all Followed posts" similar to "Crawl all Sponsored posts"?

However, I think this may be a burden on the server and may increase the scope of fetching. If possible, that would be fine. This is not a very common usage.

Please consider it. I will continue to support this tool to make it better.

xuejianxianzun commented 1 year ago

ok, I will consider this feature.

Rsfinder commented 1 year ago

I've been thinking about it a lot, but I feel this spec would probably be difficult to implement.

"Automatically save the Post page when it is opened" https://www.fanbox.cc/@xxxxxxxx/posts/xxxxxxxxxx

"Save (select?) the post in the notification field" https://www.fanbox.cc/notifications

Either of these features would accomplish my goal. However, this opinion is very much just for me and I apologize and will try to support it later.

I would be happy if you would consider it. I'll continue to support you.