xverse-engine / XV3DGS-UEPlugin

A Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) based plugin aiming to provide real-time visulization, management, editing, and scalable hybrid rendering of Guassian Splatting model.
Apache License 2.0
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"module that is not available on the platform" #23

Open dvdsmthdvd opened 4 months ago

dvdsmthdvd commented 4 months ago

I'm trying to export to Android build for VR (Quest 2), and get the prompt that the module is not available on the platform. Is there a way to build for Android (VR) to get around this error?

I'm using UE 5.3

PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Plugins\5.3\XV3dGS\Content\M_GS_unlit.uasset: Asset has been saved with empty engine version. The asset will be loaded but may be incompatible. PackagingResults: Warning: CreateVolumeComponent PackagingResults: Error: [AssetLog] D:\universal\xv\MyProject3\Content\XV3dGS\gs_cathedral\gs_cathedral_buffers.uasset: Failed to cook /Game/XV3dGS/gs_cathedral/gs_cathedral_buffers for platform Android_ASTC. It imports class /Script/GSRuntime.GSRuntimeBuffer, which is in a module that is not available on the platform. PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Plugins\5.3\XV3dGS\Content\BPGaussianActor.uasset: Asset has been saved with empty engine version. The asset will be loaded but may be incompatible. PackagingResults: Warning: CreateVolumeComponent PackagingResults: Warning: CreateVolumeComponent PackagingResults: Warning: CreateVolumeComponent PackagingResults: Warning: CreateVolumeComponent PackagingResults: Warning: CreateVolumeComponent PackagingResults: Error: [AssetLog] D:\universal\xv\MyProject3\Content\XV3dGS\gs_cathedral\gs_cathedral.uasset: Failed to cook /Game/XV3dGS/gs_cathedral/gs_cathedral for platform Android_ASTC. It imports class /Script/GSRuntime.GaussianComponent, which is in a module that is not available on the platform. PackagingResults: Warning: CreateVolumeComponent PackagingResults: Warning: AGaussianActor::InitNiagaraSystem() PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Cook Failure

shusain commented 2 months ago

Having same issue and believe is same problem guessing the plugin doesn't have android as a target but not sure what kind of effort it would take to allow it to work, but think would be great to be able to use gsplats within Unreal. Ultimately is ideal to "flatten" a gsplat down into a mesh and refine it from there most likely but all the tech is WIP, so if this could be exported to work with Android in the interim that would be great too!! As is very cool plugin thanks for making it available and easy to use!

Extra logs in case it's helpful:

LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: LogInit: Display: LogCook: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\shaun\Development\Unreal-Locomotion 5.3\Content\XV3dGS\splat\splat.uasset: Failed to cook /Game/XV3dGS/splat/splat for platform Android_ASTC. It imports class /Script/GSRuntime.GaussianComponent, which is in a module that is not available on the platform.
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: LogInit: Display: LogCook: Error: [AssetLog] C:\Users\shaun\Development\Unreal-Locomotion 5.3\Content\XV3dGS\splat\splat_buffers.uasset: Failed to cook /Game/XV3dGS/splat/splat_buffers for platform Android_ASTC. It imports class /Script/GSRuntime.GSRuntimeBuffer, which is in a module that is not available on the platform.