y-yosuke / ppoino-cars

formula-ppoino? lemans-ppoino?
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CFD with OpenFOAM #36

Open y-yosuke opened 2 months ago

y-yosuke commented 2 months ago
y-yosuke commented 2 months ago

in directory ~/OpenFOAM/cfduser-11/run/

$ mkdir motorBikeSteady
$ cd motorBikeSteady/
$ cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressibleFluid/motorBikeSteady/* ./
$ ls
0  Allclean  Allrun  constant  system
$ ./Allrun
y-yosuke commented 2 months ago


$ paraFoam

Screenshot from 2024-05-04 17-49-42

y-yosuke commented 2 months ago

とりあえず単純に motorbike の geometry のメッシュを formula-ppoino stl file に入れ替えてそのファイルを参照するように設定変更したら計算できた風の出力

Screenshot from 2024-05-04 18-17-30

y-yosuke commented 2 months ago


y-yosuke commented 2 months ago


Screenshot from 2024-05-06 19-59-22



Detected 37 error faces in mesh. Restoring neighbours of faces in error.

Edge intersection testing:
    Number of edges             : 39595696
    Number of edges to retest   : 1103
    Number of intersected edges : 515322
Snapped mesh : cells:12961758  faces:39595696  points:13739292
Cells per refinement level:
    0   14472
    1   13650
    2   57072
    3   209920
    4   10053153
    5   737861
    6   1875630
Writing mesh to time 2
Wrote mesh in = 162.22 s.
Mesh snapped in = 9544.91 s.
Layer thickness specified as final layer and expansion ratio.

Shrinking and layer addition phase

Using mesh parameters 
    maxNonOrtho     65;
    maxBoundarySkewness 20;
    maxInternalSkewness 4;
    maxConcave      80;
    minVol          -1e+30;
    minTetQuality   1e-15;
    minTwist        0.02;
    minDeterminant  0.001;
    minFaceWeight   0.02;
    minVolRatio     0.01;
    nSmoothScale    4;
    errorReduction  0.75;

Merging all faces of a cell
    - which are on the same patch
    - which make an angle < 180 degrees
    - as long as the resulting face doesn't become concave by more than 90 degrees
      (0=straight, 180=fully concave)

Multiple outside loops:0()

    From function static Foam::face Foam::combineFaces::getOutsideFace(const indirectPrimitivePatch&)
    in file polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/combineFaces.C at line 441.

FOAM aborting

#0  Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) at ??:?
#1  Foam::error::abort() at ??:?
#2  Foam::combineFaces::getOutsideFace(Foam::PrimitivePatch<Foam::IndirectList<Foam::face>, Foam::Field<Foam::Vector<double> > const&> const&) at ??:?
#3  Foam::combineFaces::validFace(double, Foam::PrimitivePatch<Foam::IndirectList<Foam::face>, Foam::Field<Foam::Vector<double> > const&> const&) at ??:?
#4  Foam::combineFaces::getMergeSets(double, double, Foam::HashSet<int, Foam::Hash<int> > const&, Foam::HashSet<int, Foam::Hash<int> > const&) const at ??:?
#5  Foam::combineFaces::getMergeSets(double, double, Foam::HashSet<int, Foam::Hash<int> > const&) const at ??:?
#6  Foam::meshRefinement::mergePatchFacesUndo(double, double, Foam::HashSet<int, Foam::Hash<int> > const&, Foam::dictionary const&, Foam::List<int> const&) at ??:?
#7  Foam::snappyLayerDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo(Foam::layerParameters const&, Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
#8  Foam::snappyLayerDriver::doLayers(Foam::dictionary const&, Foam::dictionary const&, Foam::layerParameters const&, bool, Foam::decompositionMethod&, Foam::fvMeshDistribute&) at ??:?
#9  ? in "/opt/openfoam11/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/bin/snappyHexMesh"
#10  __libc_start_main in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6"
#11  ? in "/opt/openfoam11/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/bin/snappyHexMesh"
Aborted (core dumped)
y-yosuke commented 2 months ago
y-yosuke commented 2 months ago

境界層メッシュ入った. Refinement Region の記述方法が悪かった?(他もいじっているので分からない)

Screenshot from 2024-05-09 01-19-34

y-yosuke commented 1 month ago
